Whitby Free Press, 29 Jul 1992, p. 19

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WrBVFRE PRESS, WEDNESDAYo JULY29, 1992, PAGE 19 eme Émb;r, the mug oak.was once a nuit hat sodl ru .N Brerton rumey, make national. juniorta Andy Brereton and Jason Brumleyr of Wbitby are"on the Canada s junior team that is competing this week in .a .anada/U.-SÀ dual track and field meei in Winnipeg. Brumley won the 110m hur- dies at the Canadian junior track- and fieid championships asat weèk in Winnipeg. Brumley, born. in 1975, is, actualiy in the juveuile age divi- sion but is ranked flrst in Canadla among juniors, an older muedivision. eH e won witii a time of 14.62 seconds at tiie Canadian coin- petitifonj,nd automatically quali- fdfor ti.dual imeet. Brereton was third in tiie lOOm sprint at the. Canadian junior meet. -He 'is third-rank.d amnong juniors in, Canada.in tiie event and'is ranked second in Canada in tiié long J mP - behind Pickeriug's Sain Davis. Brumley and another Whitby track star Adrian Woodley, bath qualified t!r tiie national midget and juvenile champiousiiips Aug. 13-23 in Calgary. Woodley, in the. juveuile age cateory wasfoutii n tiple juxnp at the Canadian competi- tion aud sixth in 110mn hurdies., SWoodleyliéaped '14.40 inetres in rilejui e. irankedfour performnance. ei akdfut mn Canada inth event and first in Ontario amongjuvenilebOYý. <The. thre. Whitby athietea are members of the -Durham X-L's Track sud Field Club. Four o.,ther club members Davis, Roxanne Woodiey, Veronica Dyer and Rosco. Flemn- ing - were selectedto represent centrai regiopn at 'the.ntario Summer- Games Aue. 20-22. in' Scarborough. ................................UR" . iVE*..:*.:'*x**.:4 .Lori Stroug of Whitby.. was' 4Stii in women's. gymnastics ail- round competition at tiie Suin- mer'Olympics in Barcelona on, Sunday. Strong was part of tiie six- member Canadian teani that fln- tiie comipuisories of thie teain SoilioJNgozi Umeh .wis, Canada's top finisher all-round, paing3lst. Sh. was followed byr Sétroug, Janet Morin in5Oh Mylene Fieury 79tii, and Janine# Rankcin 3d The 'Uuifieëd teai won tiie artistic teain compul'sories, witii the. U.S. team second and Romaniathird. Tii. optiona ls e, re to b., held Tuesday to determine the teain medals. Bautams win 3 garnes in lacrosse qualifier. * -.4 EVEN-4- and 5-year-olds can play soccer, especially if the coach runs atongsie to let them know in, which direction to mun or shoot the bail. The Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club has a number of teams'in this age group, including these players, members of the Montreal Supra and Winnipeg Fury. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whitby Froe Press Wreggit leads Redmen Four goais by Tom Wreggitt rled Brooklin Reden to an11-8 victory over Peterborough in an Ontarlo lacrosse major league Owe Son W L T «W GAkE 15 0 0 214 12930 7 6 1 142 12216 6 9 0 118 13012 4 10 i 118 1839 4 Il 0 124 10 8 GP GoAsr FPm John Tavyee. ,Brumpt« 14 TOM Cr ,n y.Bramptom 14 Jim Vdnn Brampto. 12 Bl caDan, lislI 1 Mut Ha mFSgua 1 Cralg SIArnan, Peterboeo 13 Tom Wreuitt. BrooUln< 12 J». Hilts. PMtoorog 11i Goi Ne* y r, (Owen Soand 13 D.rsXlIgour. Brumptca 8 8001W5 J* 25 Owoe Sm 4037 27 49 24'52 24 21 18 24 14 21 14 20 20 13 21 il 1022. 9 Brampton 13 P.Iorboaugh g,4 I Ontario major1a)osse gaine on Wediiesday last week. It was seventh wiu af tiie season for Redmen wiio have six lasses sud a- tie aud iioid dowu second place. Brampton Excelsiors had pre- viously liuched first p la ce. They are stili uudefeated after 15 gaines. Tii. requlair sciiedule wraps up tuis w.ek... Redmen were ta play Bramup- ton tenight (Wednesda) in Brolie, sud tiien finish tii. regalar sciiedule witiia am_ .hi Peterboroughon-Fridayile . Against Peterboroughi last week, Brian Nikula had two gals sud two assists while Dave Mc~r sud Wayne Moin- bourquette eacii iad a goal sud two assiste. Paul St. John Ge Lapine sund Bull Pasfifd ,ach had'a goal wile RmciiDymeut-iiad thr.e assista. For Pterborough, Jo. Hiltz scored thre. goals and Gerry Hiltz scored twice. Oral g Steven- sou, Juin Mlligan sud Frank Kylie eacii had a goal. eu a relatively quiet cuntest, Redmen received only tiree minor penialties, compared te 10 for Pet.rborough. <lAIORS tii. junior A lacrosse regular seasan. ,- Warriors, wiio failed to make tii, layoffs, fell 15-2 ta Toronto on July 16 and ' "-9 to Missis- sauga ou JuIy 17. Jason Crosbie and Derek Joues scored for Whitby against Toronto. Matt Shearer scored thre. ar aissd Jon~es iiad two in tiie oss te Mississauga. Mississauga lout in four strailh ine s teSt. Catiiariues in payoffs whule Tarante was also swept in four straight by Six Nations. St. Catharines sud Kitchener- Waterloo will ineet in tiie on. semil-fluai series whule Six Nations wiii play Brampton iu tiie other series. The Whitby Lacrosse International hatain 'AX Warriors won ail three, of their qualifier gaines in Orazigeville, %ul17 to 19. efirst game. against St. Catharine's Spartans, was* a 16-5 win, fallowed b a ti hter, score Of 9-3 against Orangevi le. Sunday ended the' weekend with a 13-3 win over Six Nations. Points were accumplated over the three games by Steve Voituk, Under-13s Win another tournament Whitby Dynamo under-13 team thoroughly dominated their opposition ta win a soccertouý6r- nament in Kin< ston Township over the wee It was the second tournanient chaxnpionship for thë. Whitby squad, having earlier won tii. Peterbrough Callenge Cup. Iu the. Kingston tournament, Whitby scored,31 goals and gave uýp only two - both goals against in the. championship final, a 6-2 win over Gloucester. Whiitby opened tiie tournanient witii a 3-0-win over Nepean City -and followed with victories of 9-d over Gloucester Hornets B teain and 12-0 over Mexico Tiger Cubs from, New York. Whitby's toughest game. was a semi-finai .match-up against Point Claire City. 011 Coppolino scored the. ouly -goal -for a,1-0, WhitbY win. Whitby cr. iveoals in tiie first haî on tiieir way te victory in the championship final- against Gloucestàr's Ateani. ME SPAGE2.0 14; 'Msrty O'Brien, 12;, Jason Ward, 10; Pat Jones, six; Steven Death, Gavin-Prout,. Zack Aitken, Paul Sailie and Brent Lazary, *five eacli; Saul 'Edgar,, three; Mike Rowland (goalie), Arthur Whaley, Paul Webb and. Niall Mayààrcd, two each;, and single points by G.. Nash, Derek Suddons,,Luke McKay and Gee Nash (goalie). The, sevený teains: invoIved in the b Ctm A' prov incial qualifiers\ parti.cipate in rounid-robin, with the top four teanis earing berthe in the pirovinciai championship finals to- b. held Aug.,21 to 23 in Whitby. The, next qualifier weekend il be in Burlington, July 31, where the Warriors, willi meet Peterbor-ough,Milton, Burlington and ToronitoBeaches" In the seond rounid, of, the CERSL,,CupWhtby's under-li soccer' teamn, sponred by the 1Èank ýof Montreal, defeated Oshawa Turul 3-0. The. fullback core ofCraig Scott Brian RinyStefani Nicota and Scott Adssonpiayed a strong defensive. gaine in support of goaltender Chris Paul, to earn theteanishutout.' After a scoreiess' first halt Whithy? put on the pressure in the .eodhaif to. record thre oals. Scoring for Whitby were =k Engelage, Jsn Evelyn ,sud Terry Lawreusou. James West-Bentley played, . a stroug midfieid« gme m:i support .of thé forward "Une. Whitby advances to tiie mini-finals on Aug. 10. Unerl6 share~UI1i~1~IUO firt placeIG Whitby United under-16 bqysi' rep soccer team isl tied for first place in a 12-teain league made, unpof teams from Métro Toronto, NortiiY«14, York ' .Region, Scarorou isd Durhamn. Tii. teanibas won three ofthie five tournameuts eutered te date, -with victories lu Peterborough, ameq1w York. Somnla, Ian Speuce, .Darin'Bates, They were also finalit in the Omnar ýý E-Beéhù, Stephen Rtobbie tournameut:. in Butc1iard; Alix Keirnaba, lye Scarborough, going unideeted in Gardiner, Mdre* TuMy, Jaw -n tii.1'round-robin, but were Luscmibe, Troy Tingling defeatod by a. much more Alastair Wright and Seani MeCl seasoned teain, North York Azzun, by a score of 5- Coaches are Toém Kelly aud Tem àk& b»,Mngris. Don Lui.JAAu~yAv~Luu.4*.*wmMp ... -- ý - . 'W

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