Whitby Free Press, 29 Jul 1992, p. 27

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Wondfall Clotbing Servie, a oluntiee Drhnn-pivrfi ognization, established i etme 91b n nr n Joan Clayton, tocates and olcanw surplus clothing from manufacturer. and retail outlets. .Seasonat surplus, production overruns,. cancelled orders and sampleo are now distributed free of char ge to hostels, shelters and social service agencies that provide for people in need who setdom have new clothes of their own. *In a six-month period, Windfall rounded up $100,000, worth of new clothes. Already mjo mnuacturer., such as reebok Canada nc. Northern IRflections and Levi Strauss &-Co. are on Windfalls donor list. As of -April, 22 agencies have Uen recipients'and the organization now has a waiting list of ancishohvequested its services. You canhelp, ither y offering -te, be a volunteero urjingY.your favourite ciothing and shoes stores te eau Wndfall Clothing Service at 961-8567 when they have leftover stock in.good condition. Mostlandflls won't accept wet-cell batteries that'contain lead and sulphuric acid. When,,you'buy a new battery, either encour e-,the retailer or service station" attendant te take yourold a one for ýrecyclinig, or take it yourself te a household hàzdôous waste'depot A resident "of Mattawa', persu'aded ail the local service stations te accept spent auto batteries. As an incentive, people who drop off their old batteres'are given coupons that they can use te buy products at the stations. The coliected batteries are sbipped te a Pennsylvania comrpny where ail the components, including the acid, are recycled. Canadian Tire stores in-Metro Toronto and area aiso take old auto and marine. batteries. The, company's battery manufacturer, Batteronics finc., picks up batteries and recycles them, using *the ledd and plastic -castings te make new batteries. More than 45niiil4on litres ofriecyclable oit are discarded in Ontario èveryyear iei used'oit filters.. Aart froin the los. of 'a vatuable ntural tesource, there is also- the risk of contamination from iead and other boav metals in the oil. Help keep this to)dc waste out of landfitls.,Takeoil filtrs te, 'a service station oir tube shop, that recycles them, or te a hazardous waste dèé>ot. If you use washable filuors, don't flush the residue down thé drain. Fact: ýEvery year, Cndastrwotcose te, 300 million litres of motor oitand 160 million dry-eil batteries., Summer art class AMANDA HAPPE paints a lower in- a watercolour. art workshop, at the Whitby Public Library. The workshop is taught by artist Rowena Dykins Bridger. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whltby Free Pres *. . y y ',~,~~. Durhamn Regional-. Police Servce have advised that the retocation of 24 ivision, '-serving the Ajax area, te the new police building at 990 Westney Rd. S. on July 27 has been cancetted untit - .firtber notice. . WIITBYREEpRESUn EDNESDAY, JULY 29o 299, PAGE 27 Duirham College ,,receives $574,3 72- to aid in restrucnturing Durham Collego will receive $574,372 te fond four projects that will help the college in fts restructuring efforts. Thé funding will hetp, Durhamn reviso the curriculum, in meny -of its post-secondayporis n wilt include to de-velo'pine'ntnof computer-based instruction modules 'e nd independent learning courses. - The initiatives will allow the college te enhance the quality Of instruction while, at 6h saine time, reduce the coot of' the delivery of prograins.- The coltoge will ae move te, restructure -its curricula 'te a trimester format. Other projects - receiving funding inctude the devetopment of an academic externship prograin that wculd holp -facutty return te, business or industry for a specifled time. .'his woutd ensure that faculty participating in the prograin have flr.t-hand knowledge of currenit industry and business practices te, share with both students :and colleagues on their'.roturn te the coilege. Durhamn will also join with five other eastern region collegos te, déelop procedures and strategies te stert new progreins. "In a- time of ýfalling governinent' revenuesmain- taining theoqMlty *and acces-' sibility ofpost-secopdary education requires, co-operative effort and creativity from everyono involved ini our colleges," said Durham East MPP Gord Mills, who announced the fiinding. The funding for Durham Colleqe ie part of $39A4 million in tranisitional assistance funding alocated' te the post-secondary sector. In ail, $160 million was made available by the treasurer last January te, help. the broader public sector restructure in the face of' decining governinent revenues. THE POUR PROJECIN Pout-mondary restructuring ($894,080) These funda will assist Durham te revise the curriculum in many of its post-secondary LK'5eei;visions, which 'will include development et' computer- bùïed instruction modules and independent learning courses, wilt enable the cottoge te enhance the quelity of instruction while, et the saine timel, reduce the cost Of delivery. In addition, the fonds. will assist the college te restructure its curricuta ,te a trimester format. Currently, prograins are only offered'in the fall and winter terras. With the new curriculum in place, the college will h able te improve the utilization of its facilitiez. and -offer. students the oppertunity te acquire a two-year diploma in 18 months. A consortium- of the. five colleges in the eastern region of the provnce (Algonquin, Durhamn, Loyait, St. Lawrence and Sir Sandford Flemingr) has been established te develop operationat policies, procedures and strategies for the implemen- tation eof prograni rationalizatiOuon opportunities and-new program developinent. It is anticipated that through gpeater seilzation tha snow the case, colloges in eastern Ontario will ho able te continue te promide a vade ran üge drprograms,. but et -a tower cost. These funds will enable, Durham te fee up staff, time te partcipate intpaip4 development work that will ho undertaken in this'area i the coming year. Academic externsbipe ($115,269) Those funids wiil assist Durham -te ýdevelop '-and, implement pilot projects that woutd enable faculty te return to business or industry, for a, specifled time..: - I It is epoted that oppor-, tunitios of tCg«ilsort.wil--ensure - htrculty participating in the, progren, have., flrst-hand lcnowtedge of current'practices and,, upon return te the collogo, are able te sham this knowledge with both their colleagues and students. Onet/Iternet Network The Onet/Intenet Network" i. an electronic, communicationý' network that wilt facilitate* the implementation of- a central application process for the, college. systeni and enable. each college te share information -and services.. *These funds will enabte Durhiam te be connected te the network and access alt of the Onet services in the coming year. PROM PAGE 1 concernod by directing Hydre te keepi its, rate increaises within the boundaries, of iilfation. At îthe ývery toastý,> Ontario Hydro shoutd quicklefn ways te reducêeate prmanentty. ifs time rr tto Hydrô te acrutinize ai aoperations, make them mr efcient ad.in more.innovative ways t conserve ratepayerd dollars, ot-Mt onorgy. As a public.Crown'corporation, ~tshould ho responîible for g st',aigthe' economy, by mait<nig competitive -and predictable rates :.- net iust ,for industry but for al consmers. Crimet Ste ppers and Durhamn Regional, Police areà asking for the pub li elp in solving a sexuel, assautt that occurred- in Btackstock on Saturday, June 6i Shortty before 5 p.n, the female victim was watkinir on hier property on Fowter's Lne when she heard a strange ,noîseê'.The victimi started te move tewards the area when a male came out of the, bush andknocked her down. The suspect jumped on top of the victim, grabbing at hier and trying te idas her. The' victim kept strggling and was able te escape' a fter kIcking him in the groin. The suspect i. described as mate, white; aged -28 te 30, 5-ft. 9-mns. te 5-ft. 10-mns, 150 lb. thin build, unshaven with four or five days growth of bearil, sandy-brown, medium-tenth dirty, oity hair, strongbody odour, fout breath, with yellàw- brownish, stained te anÏ wearing old jeans with hotes in the legs and a rip in the right thigh. Crime Stopper. -will pay -up te *$1,000 for information teading te the arrest of the suspect. Do you know someone who matches the description of the suspect? If you have any information regarding this offence or any other serious crime, calt us. As, a calter you wilt be given a code number. and net required te go te Court. - The Crime Stopper. number i. 436-8477 (that's 436-TJPS). Constable Grant Arnold -i. -the, co-ordinater withý the Durham Regional, Crime Stopper. and write. this article te- ROYJABY CLUB MX 8NG The Rotary Club of Whitbyr meets evrery ,ýTuesday, 7:15 a.m.,, at the- Golden Griddle Restaurant ' Kendalwood, Plaza, WIitby. For ,fwther information, contc Peers Davidson at 6686759 or Krish Krishnan at 666-3642.

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