PAGE 16, WIIITY1 ME PIRS, WEDNE DAY, AUGUr 5,1992- 12-PIECE PLACE sEtiiNG cf Ryalý Albe)rt,, Trlllium. pattern,,. ch[naware. AIl Comploter,- Parts Includod. Value $3,000.11WIiI take best effer. 655-3525., "UKE NEW" -wn 1987 Citation Ski Doos, oloctrlc stait, cil lnoctodHardly ovor used. $.0 or p air.'1980 ,Arctic Cat Lyx $500. 68-1468.ý (days), (416) 985-9461 (ovenings).«' FURNITURE' FOR SALE-Eat tons couch, '2 chairs,, footstpol,ý rocklng-* chair apartment-ýslzod dlshwashor,, 'talelo wth -2 chairs. 668-5589, ovonlngs. MATTRESSES and box springs at hall price. McKeen Furniture,', 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. Phono, 725-5181. IBM PS-2 MODEL 50Z. 1 MB RAM, 60.hM%'disk, VGA, mouse,' Ca-pro, la .with programs. .$1600 or best off or. Must.soIT. 416) 666-9281- FIREWOOD - SUPREME quality. Maple, bosch. Woll-seasonod. Vory dry.. Al split. Honest moasurement. Froe dellvory. Try tho best quality. 416-753-2246B. DRUMS -FOR SALE - Ludwlg, 9-pisce, chrome finish, $800. CalI 666-9626 after,6 p.m. 1979 YAMAHA XS 400.- Runs weIbut' ."needs some work te certify. Make an offer. Cail Rab, 668-7360,,alerS ýp.m. MOTORCYCLEi INSU RANCE I 4#P11NE RIOG i ...........INSURA, E 1991 CHEVY CAVALIER for sale. Maroon colour, 2 door, air canditioning, AMIFM cassette, Pis, PIB, 11 manths aid, 20,000 km. $10.000,or best offor. Calil sa, 576-4986. 1985 CA'DILLAC FLEETWOOD D'Elegance.. Like now, loaded. $6.950.430-0;2.9. 1974 NOVA S9 350; Excellent c, 1ondjiin.. No-,'.WInters, origîriai -California car.. Best 'offor. CalI.JIm ator 6 p.m, onday te Friday, 430-1999 NW Qacr*Oedf probom? V& hu.m mgukeornu LEASEGLIDE AUTO LEASIN MUST SELL: Woodon kitchon/ ,dînette.tablewh 2 pull-eut beaves & '4 céhairs, $75. - Fireplace faclng, solid brick, $85.,Studont's dosik,' solld, walnut, 8 drawers,ý $80. 430-2075. 4- POSTER ]BED, roclinor, Electrolux shampocer, colour TV. 666-3079,1 alter 5pm BED CHESTERFIELD, desk& chair. Bed chesterfield. - good condition, rwn fabrlc, $125. Studont.dark pins dosk & chair,' $50. 434-7071. CHESTERFIELD SUITES, love- seats,. soctionals, less than hall r cei Large seloction..McKoen Furnturo, ý524 Simco St. -S., Oshawa. Phono -725-5181. Sewing Machine Repairs AMakes Complote Tune-up $3995 Reconditionod Sewing Machines frein $5900 TOPUNE SEW1NG CENTRE 571-1385 400 Klng St. W. Osha CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east of Orono, 4th Concession lino, 7 km. eastof Hwy. 35/115., Seasonal campg round.' Beautiful. $887 (1992--93). 1-416-786-2562. "LEAVE YOLIR CARESýat home with us.* Proifessionai.- pet/homo sittors are, fully bondod and lnsured. 1-'-Custom, Homewatch International. 666-5353. CLEARWATrER, FLORIDA -3 bedroom, fully "furnished, air canditionsd homos. Pools, hât, '7beaches, attractions. Child- rom ' wecome. Less than motel. $275 ýweekly. Photo. 683-5503.: 1988 MERCURY SABLE-wagon. 8-passengor, loadéd. Very- good condition. $7.600, certif isd. Cai "84. LASER TURBO. auto, trans, $1.500, oibo. 668-4289. 1983 NISSAN SENTRA, diesel, automatic. Excellent, ne,. rust. $1,60, ertiied 190,VW -Rabbit, die2 .sel ndrsnroof', sterea. $60 o.b.o 66392 IF YOU ARE THE PERSON who found Ilpurse lest, In'Oshawa and trled to v return itý, -please cali 666-5638 for proer address. ReWard. LOST: ONE SMALL FWI auto- matlc camera ln grey case. Lest vicnfty, Pringîs Drive/Gardon St. Reward. 668-6098. LOST: DARK, LONG-HAIRED tabby fomale cat, declawed. Near Dundas West on Juty 16. Answors te 'fluffy! 666-1235.m1 YORKSHIRE TERRIER pupples, 0KG rogisterod, excellent pedi- gree. Heafth guaranteed. Vao- clnated & dewormod. $600. Phonoe 435-5223. BOARD AVAILABLE. Now barn .and arena. Full facilities. Excellent cars. Beautiful aiea. Lossons, training and trailoring available. 20 minutes north of Whitby. $2001 month. 416) 985-3397. STAINED GLASS COURSES beglnning September.* Sundanco Glass Studio. CalI for dotils. 430-1727. CRAFTS & POTTERY for sais; fiowsr arrangements; decorative accents for_ yaur homo. Saturday, August 8, 10 a.m. te 4 p.m., 200 Henry St., Whitby. 666-5452. SPONGE 1PAINTING SEMINAR Tusday, August 1ý3 7:00.p.m. .0,(GST mi. To registèrcal' 686-9846, ARE YOU 4'AVlNG TROUBLE gotting auto insurance because of age, poor- drivirig record or suspension cf lkcsnse? Perhaps we can heîp. Phono 666-2090. ERROLPS -APPUANCE REPAIR ,Washers, ýdryers fridg os, staves, micrewavýes, etc- Maijor. credit cards accepted. 432-7734, Mon.-Sat. CLEARANCE SALE. New- and used appliances, featurinïg Crosby (10 yoar limited, warranty), Simplicity, and Da S.Ae excellent prices in 'babecue burners, air conditianors, dehumidiirs, timners, appliance pats Hank's Appliances, 191 Bloor St.EUnit. 6. Oshawa <bohid Multtec-h).*728-4043. MAARDVAARK t's your blrthday Augè. 8. Have a happy oe. Tin Llzzie anfd thée utelines. : YARD SALEý' - SAT., AUG., 8, 11 elDrivo, Whitby <West Lynde)i,9:30, am. te 2 p.m. Raln date: Sa., Aug. 22. CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY.. PLANNING DEPARTMENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1992 @ 7:30 'PùM. MEETING, HALL,' WHITBY MUNICIPAL BUILDING WHITBY, ONTARIO A Public Meeting wiIl be hold by dho Planning and Development Committee cf Council cf the Corporation cf die Tow fWhitb y ie further consideration ta proposod amondmnents te tho WhitbyOffciai Plan and Zoning By-law No. 2585, as submittod by 800657 Ontario Limitod being file numbers OPA 92-Wi and Z-652-92. 'The subject property la located on the oast sie cf Brook Streetewe hsntad al tet -Wko Noasr13hB Street North, as shown on the sketch bbw The urpse c hoapplcaton a naend die WhitbrOÇfflcial Plan desgnaio cf'Comecia Noo'and '02S - Spocial Purpose Commrcil' onete prmi hi us cfa vileo retail store. The purpose cf thla mneeting la te provide adequate 'Informad tio te public and te permit interested poisons the opportnity to. make roprosontationlinresp o.c Ii OfficialI Plan and onng amencient ap iatini. ý Couynci will m"ake io on the applications onSptember <15 -199Z- If'you aie unaâble te attend ths eetn.yu repreotation can b à f'là e i writing by mailor posonal delîvevy te mach Iths Planigeprmn o ae hnrgW oWgh«ùsn September 15j1.KueLnLm ru gu.wrnghrso reon ma inpect adcitfonai information.relating thbi abov 'ppiction lain ts Planning *Department Levol 7, 575 ;Rossland' RoadEà à t~ Whitby, Ontario LLiN 2M, dunIng roqularwofing' hours, Monday ta Rida, .orrmy contact thes Paning Departmnt by taophoning 416) 668-5803. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING ~1 .~~'%ii~&N~ ~.j .~. ~g. ,. g g..p ~ , SORRY OýONNOR, ire, NOT A BABY BIRDI Winock, Jim and Paula <nee "F )are 1 thnillod te announco the, =irth oudaughter KioraMaiieCassin, who arnivod at 1:65 p.m. on June 18, 1992 'at WollosloyHosital, welghing ln at 8 Ibe. A bay sstr"fr nnrtwft grandchil for Helen and Emie Fen and tonth, grandchild' fôr Ros Winock. SpecsathianksgMings to St. Philomena, The Chaeet cf Mary and Our Lady - Dec Gratas. .. ... ... .. ............. 1