Whitby Free Press, 12 Aug 1992, p. 16

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PAGE 16#, WHfl'Y 'F PRESS. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1992 COMPATIBLE COMPAMONS-' CONNECTON Iocatd in Whitby. We areholding mýeetings f«fo smgle. and'have' various social events, iLe, dancing, bowling, swimmig- golfing, cards,theatre, nightciiube,bingo, potluk and dining out,- etc. Meetings are-held ,every fidayl, 7 te 10p.m. MemberMdp applic- ,able. New llmembolrs welcome. Phono 1-806461-7391.> FUitMISINGDAMCÈ Zero Garb aie sud1,(PEST) Pre- serve the Env'fronment in Scugog Township wiil hold, a fundraisîng dance on- Saturday, Aug. 15,8 plm1, t Su aea. Funda raisedgo 4owar acampige t prevent the l.,ocati'o f along- term dumÉp site lin Scugog. Admission is $7. Tickets. are available et- the: door', from Smithson's WhisitleStop mnMme- tle sud from the Brooklin .IGA. Performing> will be a live lu-piece band (withorn section) id- night -AI and ,thkj âagîng Butanes.'Theé dance is a Eins- men project. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL The .daily Vacation. Bible School, will held classes fromi Aug. 17 te 21 at Hebron Chris- tian- Reform Church, 407, Craw- forth St., Whitby. Classefo children aged4to 12 -will be held fromn 9 te, 11:30 a.m. For more information caîl 579-0984. GLA» DAYS FOR-EPILEPS >Eplepsy Durham Règion will hold 'Glad day.' Aug. 20 te 23, with oeig ceremonies per- formed brhonour ary c rsn, Newcs e. MayorHare on Aug., 20 atth revenue buiding in Oshawa. Bouquets of gladioi will be sold at various hospitals, mails, liquor sud'beer outlets. throughout Durham. The 'cost i. $6 for 'six, gladioi or $5 for à -bougiuet. Proceeds wil go toward providing serviesfor those with' epilepsy sund their family suad friends. -If y ou ýwish te voluntee r, calI 436-3152. A support group for Alzheimer faMiies meets ever other Wednesday afternoon. %e next zneeting wilbe heldon Aug. 19, 1 p.m., at 'the Alzheimer Society office's new location, .178 Simcoe SSt. 'N. (side' entrance)., Ail caregivers 'are welcome. Refreshments will be served. FPor more information, ... il U the Alzheimer Society at 576-2567. Fairview Lodge wiil hast the third annual Sommer Fesival on Saturday, Aulr.. 29P 10 a.m. -to 4 LmThe proceeds cf the day wMi usdtoeonhance. mi-houa. reidet pro,,ms ud the Alzheimer dày program. Any--one interested in rentinig a booth te sel!craft- items or.-hoe:, baked goil should contact' Carol' Brades or HeatherTim for more information (668-5851). -GARAGE SALE, lOth Whitby scouts are, collect-ý ing. items for fundraisig garage sale 'tentâtively -scheduled fo Aug. 22. Funda raised go wartd the cost cf attendingte Cana- disu scout'jamboree next yeéar. Anyone 'with, items can call Fskat 668-3773., MOPAR SHOW A»SfN The firs't'annuel .Mopar -Show" sund Shine hostédby Oshawa Sunday Cruisers,. will b heId at Durham, Dodge Chrysler,' 799 -Bloor St. Wl, Oshawa on Aug. 22.ý Gâtes will open at 9'a.m. and car awards wil -be*.hgnded out at 3 p.. here -is an entry fe cf $6 pýer car (pre-l991,vehicles only).,' Admisio is reeto spectators.' Fres dash'plaques wiIl be given te, thie firat 125participants. For show information ,Cali Eeg a t 725-057,l Bud at 436-5076- or DurhmDoge at 404-0525. CLOCA PUPPET PLAYERS Whitby Public'Libra~wi pentthe CLOCA pe Payers on, Tuesday,. Aug. 18 10:30 te, 11:30- a.m. The 'Environmental Educators,' both educational and enterteining isja puppet show for.chfildren f ail ages. Admission i. free.' ANTIQUE SHOW The first annual 'Antiques at Trafagar <Castle,', antique show sud sale, will e ld Aug 28 te 30 (inhvitation-only gala premiere, on Aug. 27). Admission is $4 for the sho-w te be held at the school, 4-1 4eynolds St., Whitby.- FAMILY CARNIVAL The new Pickering Chinese Baptist Church wilhold a family carnival at- the - church, 2145 Brock Rd., Pickering (north cf Hwy 2) on Ang. 22, 1:30 te 5 p.m. There will be gamnespuppet shows, story-telling, food suad other activities. Admission lis $1. Ail are welcome. For .more information, cali1(416) 686i-6311, or (416) 297-8011. AA CONFERNCE The 2,Oth annual AA Lakeshore- District conf4erene will be held at the Polish' Veterani' Hall, 1551 Stevenson Rd. N.-, Oshawa on Aug. 21,,22 sud 23. There will bo guest- speakers and varicus panel, wi*th AI-'Anon, Alateen sud adult _childrèn participation. Foilowing the conference, there, will 'le a banquet, :dance and- fellowship. For more information, write te: -Lakeshiore, Conference, Box 2003, Station*A Oshawa, Ont. L1H 7V. DANCE Anyone i. welcome te attend a dance being held as part cf 'the Lou ýGehrig Memorial Slo;-pitch' Tournament Aug.. 14-16 ini Whitb. The dance' will be on' Satur:ay night, Aug. _15 at Iro-' quoi., Park arena. Thlere wiîll be an il1-piece rhythm and'blues band, Atlantis, and a, DJ, Paul Wilson. Admissien is $2. BIGEROTERS As a fundraising venture, Big Brothers cf Osihawa-Whitby are selling nevada tickets at'Shorty's Cigfar Stère, 121 Brock St. N., Whitby sd atWashboard Cern Laundp 1330 Ritson Rd. N. The Biit Brotiers; association provides guýidancesud support te, father- less boys in the area. ONE PARENT FAMMLES Oshawa Chapter One Parent FamillesAssociation will meet on Tuiesday,- Aug. 18, ý 8 p.m., at, Simcoe Hall Settlement House, 387' Simcope St. S., Oshawa for coffee, carda and conversation." New members'and guests, are welcome., For more 'information, caIl 436-5089 or 433-0832i. TERRY FOX RUWN The fourth sunual GM Autoplex Terry Fox Run will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 9 at 4 p.m. Register. in advance at suay, GM/EDS Health or 'Fitness Centre, or caîl 644-6149 for more information. There, will be refreshments, prizes sud medals. SINGLES PICNIC 'Singles Picnic,' for men and women, will bo held on Saturday, Aug. 29, starting.at 11, a.m. at Paulynný Park in Ajax. There is a $4 cover' charge -for ýfbod. Bning your own boverage, a wate r gun and your own picnic accessonies. Thepinici.beng heldby New Fnien(ivre, spaasdo single mothers). Por mrore infor-_ mation caîl Diane a68-4070 GOLF TOURNAMENT Durham Centre Progressive Conservative Association will hoet a golf teurnament and fundraising dinner at Thunderbird Golf sud Country Club, on Thursday, Aug. 13. Provncai ý,leader Mike "*Harris- Ni1teoff with each foursome, beginning at il a.m. Folloing the tournament, Harris will be. guest -speaker at a dinner beginninùg at 6 p.m. Tickets 'for golf sud dinner are $150 or $100 for the social and dinner. 'Tex réoei pts, will' be issued. For more' information,,.contact riding president, Lyndp. Buffet at 430-1216. Non-prfit communhty groupa uwhlch arebasediln lIWhltby or have a substantiel Whltby mermberuhlp may place their pagie at nocoat.' elw.aw ',afSnIlr1 leahpal CLOCA UT The Whitby Publieiàbrary will present the CLOCA Players on Truesdayr, Ag. 18, 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.* The ."-Environmental, Educators' is a puppet 'show for' children of -al .ages,, with a message for our earth suad her ONE PARENT FAMY The'North Oshawa chapter of the -One Parent Family Associa- tion .Willhold the 'Summer Send Off' social function on Saturday,ý Aug 22, 8 p.m;, at -Woodvew Hall, Cadillac AZe, OshaWa. Fer more inforniatibn cal-668-7579« or 434-3687. SELE-CTING QUALITY CHil" CARE- The . Early .Chil4hood Education (ECE) Connection will hoda seninar 'on selecting qualitychild'care on Wednesday, Aug.ý 19, 7 te 9 p.m., at. Durhami College in Ajax. (400 Monarch Ave.) Consultants from the ECE Connection will provide informa- tien, resources and guidance to assist, in selecting the moet' appropriate child' care.»There i. a $15 fee that includes a resource package. For mo0reéinforation, cal ..,*(416) ,683-241 -or 1-800-263-3170. Space isIlimite.d. ONE PARENT FAMILlS North *Oshawa - Chapter, One Parent Famnilies Asscation, will, ineet on ý.ýWedn'esday, Aug.~ 19, 8 p.m, at Christ' Church, Mary and Hillcroft streets, Oshawa for potluck dessert and' coffee. Bning a eaial dessert te share. New members and guesta are wýelcome. For information, cali 668-7579 or 434-3687. IObituaieýs I "TROY DAVID HUBTIBESE,' A resident of Whitby all hi. life,. Troy David Hurtibese died- suddeiily on'Aug. 1,1992. Hewa 19. He lived at 25 Ennmisclaire Place, Whitb.PSl A 1Son o ansd Joneen Hurtibese, he was. born at Oshawa on Nov. 7,1972.> He was'a student suüd -a member dcf St. ýLeol' Roman Catholic Church,, Brookin. Besides' hi. parents, ei. survived by'one brother, Jason Charles Huirtibese; 'grandparents,ý Dennis Clive of Barrie* sud Elsie (Hurtibese) and Jack McBnide cof Bracebridge; sud ,uncles and' aunts,, Patricia Delabio-Murray, sud William Murray cof South' Mountain, Viola ansd Marty Jorden cf Toronto, Janeen and Fiyd Bowser, Mary-Jane- Boorer s u David and Leslie Hurtibese, all cf Berrie. H.gandfther, TJ. -Charles, Hurtibes. sduncle, Jim White,' died before him. Troy. was àt. the W. C. Town Funra;l ChÎapel, Whitby. Mass of Christian Bunjal was held at Holy, Faniily Roman Catholic, Churci,, Wbitby, on Aug. 5, 1992, followed by interment in Resurection Cemeëtery, Whitby. BARRY -UPTON> A resident cf' Whitby, Barryý. Robert Upton died at Whitby General Hospital on Aug. 3, 1992., A, son cf Majonie. Rees (nee tehensn) sun d the late -Ernest Utonhe wasbrn at 1Hastings,> Utnpgland Whitby Free'Press would,.like -to wis h HappyB.irthday to ail, its,' carri ers with AGUTbirthdays Bradley Gorus .Claire Kerr Michaiel Simonetta Melièsa-Stéwart Laura Morrison Graham Tsui <Katie Mosey Katrina Vain-Rhee, Alex Payne Leo Van Wylk Melissa Ramassar Joey Walsh Matthew Rutledge Rebecca Woodcic~ Mr. Upton is survivedbyhbis ie 'Violet; one dagtr ana;one son, Ilan; his mohr Maijorie Rees and two' sister. Margaret »Nelilland 'Mrylyn 'A memorial service was held at St. John the Evrangelist Roman Catholic Church, Whitby, on Aug.ý Fue~larrangements were-by Ifdsrd, contributions to the: charity of your choie Woùld, be appreated. EFFIEWILSN A resident, of Whitby for about 60 ýyears,',(EfBle) Chice Isabelle' Wilson (R.N.), died.atthe Oshawa "General« Hosp >ital ôn ÀgY,19920 A daughter of the late Kenneth Gorsline .and Cedile Brown, she was born aàUedford bMis, Ont. Mrs Wisonwas a graduate -nUrse 0 the..Bockvile General- Hospital,,and a.member >of-Ail Saints' Anglcan Church, Whitby. She ia survived by two, daughtor; Mrs., Edwvard Ross (Margo) ,sud',Mrs. Michael .Gray' (Wanda) and'two griandchildren, Mchelle'andJodiGray., She isalIso survived by-ý one brother,'Clifford Gorsline and his wife. Perle cf Kingaton and one siater, Carnie Pnice of Wbitby. Besides her, parents, one, ýbrother,' Rosa Goraline, and he'r husband, Herbert ..John Kean Wilson (Jack); died before her. 1Mrs. Wilson was at' the W.- C. Town' Funeral chapel' Whitby, where-,a private famiiy service w s<ýheld- on , Aug." 3,- 1992, tllowed by cremation. - If, desired, contributions to the Diabetes Association cf Ail Saints' Anglicaný Church, Whitby would be appreciated. 6 Gen 1 rations 6f Service, Quality & Truslt *Fanilly"Moniuments- *Granite or Bronze -Markers *Cemetery Lettening9 *Sandblastýng 'Stafforýd Monuýments 38Dundas St. E. Whitby 668-3552,1 After Heurs 668-4460 or 666-1513 > Homeé appointmnts gladly arranged la

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