Whitby Free Press, 12 Aug 1992, p. 1

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Chfaldren,'s ý.Aid Socity Y- By Mark Reesor -The Durham Children's Aid Society board of dirçctors has called a specialmeeting tonight (WednesjdaY) to trýy anidend a strike that begen Tuesday lest 'week.' <About, 85 unionized CAS employees walked out after a failed mediation attempt. Work- ing conditions, workload and w aare exnong the issues. Weboard will consider a recommendation ,W «hopefully end the* strike,» says Durham CAS executive. director Mort Merder. ýH. srs, uniopiized staff -were ýasked- W returip àW rk 'lestý week efter the wreting was plen- ned, but refused. Anegotiating* sion with pro- vincildiatorLinda Ringwood ls scheduled for F'riday morning. Twenty-three 'management and excluded staff are- doing the 'work, normially. done. by-.110 p-eole,end-"Merder' - jaysthat wilcontinue. aat leas until Monday- "ives hectic -(but) we're maânag- ingý --. everybodyss pitching in e=vrbody's -being ,fieible...t thinwere. responding tW every- thing.-that has W .b. responded, W"t,» says Merder,. who' notes, essentiel services are being given on a priority- basi... The'strikinig workers say they May, set up, a hotline for foster parents and clients ini desperate need. Canadian Union' of Public Employees (CUPE) Local' 3223 Presîdent Rob' Culi 'says if the service, is set up, it wiil be only for urgent cases. «W. don't want people Wo cal about smiall things --if there's an emergency or crisis situation and theyneed tW talk tW someone... and they can't get eny satisfac- tion fromn the management staff, (they cen cal us).» Workers don't want CAS »cliets or children Wo suifer says -Cull, but «w. feel. we were #oroed -inté this. position - wo had no option but tW strike.»' The union is askinq for a two per cent wege hike tis year and. three pér cent in 1993, although CuIl says they'd likely settle for the 0.per cent hike won by other CAS workers in the Grea- ter Toronto Area. The board ie offering a 15- monthý contract, retroactive Wo Jan. 1, with no increase. Merder saLys .the society has had Wo deal with a provincial gvernment order Wo reduce costs by700,000, and transfer pay- mente. increased just half a per cent this year. He's concerned there may b. further cuts, "which could require more staff layoffs.» Culi accuses the board of bar- gaiig in bad faithý. uThey had two' options: -on. was WPgt a settlemnt with no monetr ncrease; or two, go backand tIl the board îWe on strike.7 Ho says the union is considor- ing charging the board with bad fith baramg Meono s r not tho main issue, accordinig tWCuil. Hoea ys wor- kers aron'tres8]ted hve little sin l job classifcations, and are being esked Wo do -m'ore wvork for tho samo pay;'W mako up for layoffs. Sevon .union miembers have been laid off in tho pat threo months, according W CUFEser- tvcnrep John Cher*ry.* A TRKIGCh'iid!ren's-Aid Worker stretches, to give this à'nionstMer 1v an' Ia1v er a ea flet. About 85 e mployees 'of the, Durham 0 h11-, <,By Mario Boucher Anderson St. residente - are engry over -the expeted high cost they will have W p ay for-senitery sewers when construction of thé service to Brooklin begfins on their street, between Dryden Blvd. and Taunton Rd. "Thie residents of Anderson St. feel they have been treated like gerba b the- municipal and regional plticians as well es the. developers," says resident Jfim Priest. It will cost anywhore between $9,000 and $15,000 for Anderson residents Wo hook up Wo the new senitery sewer, ho sayE John Preste,, essiste engineer with Durhai says each residentialq have to paýy $2,375 fa nection -ch , '.and charges of $7.6perfk proplerty. Buthat adds up tc money, sa s Priest --'n tig stiff on the coot., North Anderson St use wells for water an tank system for their w Presta says resident frewater hookpbec dren's Aid Society are picketing A ofcs: at-the Midtown Mal iOhawa.,heyve been on strike sinice Aug. 4 Photo by Mark ,Reor, MWyFr.. PWs s. - struction. *nturo* 1c < As 'long as their septicsytm inin work. properly,, resiot oe ownr wlihave W 'coninect W the sanitery >r te co- swer,.syvtemn, h. adds.- 1fronta o But Priest say' the whole oot oftheir thng s blackmeil becauso once the sewor ae m lu pSoe-no per- > too much mite» will be allowed W replace or «Were ýget-ý repar the septic taniks. 'lewantus toay -full t oventually bring tis W Brook- residiente lin »he says. nd a septic il'rl-eg;t says:.ho made yresen- ivastes. - tatigns W WVîit anDur~hem it .wi get ein councils but tW no. avail. cause mer. -d by.odn- SEE PAGE 5- Info centres will, be merged . Information Whitby end the Whitby Tourist Information Centre will soon b. merged. The. new Whitby Information Centre will offer each orgeni- zation's services from on. central location. The. WhitlÙ Information Centre will b. locate-d at 900 Brock St S., site of, the current Wourist' information centre. The. building will b. closed for renovations from *Sept. 8 Wô 21. The Whitby Information Centre will be orted byth Whitby Public ibrary board, onýd the. merger.will havemeny positive benefits, according W o'Ken Roberts, chieflibrarian. "There bas always been âome overlappngof sricsand-files, as wela public confusion about the roie, of each sepîarate i. espnsile or ProvW4ng' up-to-date information on 'varions Whitby, clubs, activities and services. TIi. Whitby Tourist Information Centre is responuible for providing provi*ncial Wourism information,- wýith a specîa~ emphasis on Durham Regioni. 1The new centre plans .W meke heavy use of new technmolowy. Accurate, community and tourist 'Information will *soon o availeble at al lbrezy locations and even. from people's homes, states Roberts.' "O15ur new pu bic 'acces computer systemwllo linked to the centreé's files."; BER PAGE5 TL.en.dies. in car accident A 17-year-old Whitbygilwes kiledSatrdy morning ln a.,ca accident seven kilometres north of Fenelonflls. Police, Bay it waâ aniwhen Julie-Gay ost, contrl f erCar on, -a-,curve whlle'heding outh one Hwy. 121L 8h. struck another car sud a pickup ero nding up lu th.éit - 8h. was taken ta hospitalin nearby Lindsay, and pronounced, dead on arrivaI. The other two drivers weren't hurt. -A funeral was hold yesterday at the Ebenezer United Church., Juli was theodaughter of' and Rck and ieborah.G4y et Yoàhawa, the sistor of Mai Jawsjon, Derick aud Rickey su the step-sister of Hila!y»; Rysu, ý- -jý. Sewerextension,-âloýýgAýid rson-ýý- Hot over hookmumeu costs,

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