Whitby Free Press, 12 Aug 1992, p. 19

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B.éCe again fous Ontario'sildfor» gold, Mnne Windover of Whitby and Margot Jacoba of Brooklin helped Ontario win a silver medalat -the Canadian -women's lacrosse champonships held recently in piindvre the Ontario tam with 13, goals .in five gamea. Ontario Ibatto, perennialchamù- pion British Columbia'64i torament play anid 8-5 in the fimal., Whitby. Wolverines roared back from an early 1-O deficit'to defeat Oshawa Turul 6-1 in under-12 premier rep.soccer Aug. 6. The win -improved Whitby s first-place record in' the Scar- borough-Durhani league to eight wins anda loss'. Matthew Whelan- scored two goals with» singles by Paul" Novak, Jason Schleiffer, Ryan Smith and Paul Abernethy. -One of Whelan'sgoal came on a penalty shot. .Devin DaSilva was strong at forward, spearheading the fine offence. AdmFarr, was stead yi net for theé Whitby team,, sponsored by Oshawa's MidownMail. Novices reach aiml-Otarjeo. Whitr Hughes Hawks fin- ished tid at-a qa *g tour- nament over the weekend and will play in the all-Ontario novice . girls'- softball, champion- ships inSeaforth Aug. 21-23. At hequa~~g turnament held in Belleville,Whitby defea- ted Belleville 9-7, Cobourg:6-4, Kingston 15-5, StoufFville 13-2' before.ýlosing .8-5-,to Pickering-in the semi-final. Ag4inst Belleville, Stacie Beetham bit a triple, double and single. Hilary Richardes struck out five while Courtney Mitchell made three fine catches icen- trefleld.,., Amy McAdam struck out eight batters and hit three singles for Whitby i the win over Cobourg. Whitby shortstop Sommer, West bit a home run and tbree sles while Shannon Harrad ha d a triple and a double i tho7 rom p over1 Kingston. ]Richards gotthe wn. Many Wright hit two triples and à,double against Stouffville. Tracey Mior and Suzie-Waldron each hit a triple and a single while McAdam got the win. In the semi-final loss, West bit a home run and two singles and was a standout at shortstop. Miller bit a triple. MINOR HOCKEY A s s 0c 1 A yT#I0 1P2 - roquois Park Pad 2, LVA - Luther Vipond Arena - Brooklin For further details cati Larry Dancey 728-0550, Major Peewee AAA - Bruce Crouch 666-1634 Terry Wtruk 666-3944, or the team coach- Major Peewee A' - Rick Welnier 666-9414 Minor Peewee AAA - Robert Harris 666-5328 COACHES Mmnor Peewee A -Bert Ackford 668-3585 Midget A - Jack Mvddleton 668-7396 Major Atom AA - Jim Boyd 666-4175. MidgetA- Ray Baker:- unliste<i, càli Major Atom A - Troy May 576-1099 Lanry Dancey 728-0550 Minor Atom A - Dave Branoh 430-6975. Maor Bantam AAA - Steve Cardwell 579-3952 Minor Atom A -,Doug. Rourke 668-9623 Major Bantam A - Stu WhWdock 430-6704 Major Novice MAA - Ian Wailes 668-0951 Mio atam MAA - Bria Holmes 668-7472 Major Novice MA - Joe Hiccoc 666-4095' Minr8mA6lePfBif76-5~ r>Milor NO"I < e 1 ~ O - - Foxr'. - _ Ontario defeated Aberta 18-1, niferJchnso n of Brookli three. Manitoba 9-3 and, i thesei Windover and, Jaobs are part final1, Manitoba 14-3. of the national' teain that ,Will Windover, an attack playeiý. tour Great Britaii Septomber. and,,Jacoba, on, defence, wero Tiie Canadian team is prepar- named to the aIl-star tourna- igfor- world* cup competition in ment team. Also namied'to\ýthe Elbrh Scotland in August, ,aIl-s.tar-teain was Ontario centre -_1993. Ves'sy Mochikcaà of Oshawa, who JUNIOR TEAM had fv goals in the tournament. Ontariols junior teami won, the Stephame 'Boyd of KÇilwçrthy Canadian 'junior. chanipionsahip had il1 goals orthe 'Ontario for the second year i a row. ;earà; Kerri, Hardilli of 'Peter- Jodine Coates of Oshawa.led moough had 10; Carolyn Camnp-. Ontaria with.15 goals, Jennifor bell of Oshawa. had four; Robm Dol Monte of Aiax had, 10. and Loworthy of Milton four and Jen-' Grace Oddio Oshawa min.. HltbackS'domina&nt i i WVhitby -Bank' of -Montreal clefeated Oshawa Turul 5-1 i ,,nderhli premier riep soccer plaY in te, Scrbâirdugh-Durhamn lege on Aug. 5.' Tii.ha hlfback cpre. of Terry Làawrenson, Radek Szadorski, Jason Evelyn and James West- Bentley conitrolled the gaine and set up. many great scoring Whitby girýs, soft bail mu ciAugut ' SOPHOMORE DIVISION w L T PmS Kciwanis club FisherMan'.Frlmd Boker. Mflk Lowa Dnp Malgold Lincon 3 0 4 0 4 0 5 0 8 0 120O DLàW.FLi 12 MarigoldUncoin Klwanla Club 21 Fiabeman'.Friend 13 Lovefl Druap 17 Becken eMIk, , 9 BANTAN DIVISION W.. L T PIS Midas uffer 12 2 1 '25 BreokUleon i1 4 O 22 jeysDrug. 7 7 1 15 Bo(ary Club S 110, a Speedy Muffle 3 120' 6 nom .àclub 14 Jarry% Dru a Br"-Uln la 14 Speedy Miulfer il Jeray' Drup 12 Midas Mufler il NOVICE DIVISION Action Plia. KlhaoC lbua Oldsiler ThImbl Action Plus C. 21-R.Brown Euracraft 0.11. E.U. LionesaClub, SQUInI! IVISION W L T PIM Broolin Optimista Klngmen Club Midway Miitor Mldaa MuMier Berai.- HL evis Paint torePNu. Ruddy Electdce NationalTrut Whltby Optina 12 0 I 8561 7 61 9 0 S100 chances by the forwards. Danny Mattin, Michael Scheif,- fer, Mark Engelage,- Graham Macean and Léawrenson scored for Whitby Raiders.. Chris -PaCul 'and Schleiffer played well as they each played goal for a half.'1 SWhitby led 3-0 after the firat half.- Natal Tust Midway Motora Whltby Optimiste Ruddy Electrie Midas MulDer Brooklln Optimlsts Broohin Optimiats Pterna- IL Devis Kinsmen Cub Paint StorePlus SHNOR MMDiVISION W'Lý T PIS MaelDan Bathurat 10 2 0 20 flejnsx-C. clwnclle 58 4 0O-16 Mhy Legei . 7 4 1 15 Mercur7AutoBady 6 4._2 14 Ka"bt 6 5 1 13 -DoéI&Souter. 6 6 0 12 PazrIaelws 5 7 0 10* MacMlDan OrchanlA 4 8 O 8 Brolin Optimiste 4 2 O 8 BigV 2 100 4 MacMillan Bathn.t20 Mercury Auto Body 14 BRai-C. Chandler 22 -parner labels 19 DaiM & sauter 23' Broohin Cpt Imiate 5 MacMUan Orcharda9' Kaubet 7 BIgV 12 Whtby Leglon 15 ME DIVISION Final Standing W L ýT PM - Loveli Druga ,' DDS Marketing BP Oil Faoly artwsy Whltby Trophy House Bell Canada 7 4 27 1.0 32 7 0 8 0 100O s- BellCana1a i PO011 -Io DDS Marketing 16 FamlyKNartway 13 Loveil Druga 21 Whltby Trophy Hue. Il T-HALL DIVISION. W L T PIE Dominonit /?0 3 O18 DDS Marketlng S 3 1 17. Lloneu Club 8 4 016 Whitby Optinuut 7 3 -2 16 Reax -D. Haylock 5'7 O 10 HenryDob-ICentre 5 7 O 10 SunrkeBta 2 9 1 6 LlanaClub 2 100 4 S-S BRnai - D. Haylock 32 HenyDo-BtCentre 20 Lions Club - 129 Whltby Optirniat 28' Dominion Knlt SunrlueRotAax7 Lion... Club DDS Marketing NOTE: Proof of 1992/93 registration must be shown When player registers for these tiyoutsl Coat Per Tayout- $7.00 which must- be paid befored' e-j'iiA-M AIfI S IFnUftDJ WHTB PUEN~S%, WEDNESDAY, AUtWUm12. 1992,PAGE 19 IR MI q i D ~I LAKE-ONTARIO STEEL'.COUMPANY HOPKINS ST. S., .WHITBY ,,oo Brooktin Whitby Minor -Hockey Association S1992/1993 Representative Tam Fail Tryout Schedule TEM ~ Tryout #1 Dt Tryout #2 Tryout #3 TTre ac Date Tur Tne LOC. Date Mime Loc. MlgtAA Au.3070 -900 pm LVA Sept. 1 -30inltOpm LVA Sept. 2 9:Wpm -11.00pmLV midget A St. 12 7W0pm - 9:OOpr LVA Sept. 13 7:15pm- 9:15pm IP2 Sept. 15 < 9.Mpm -11 -.00pm LVA Major Bantam AAA Aug. 30 500 pm- 700 pr LVA Aug. 31 9.130pm - 1 1.Wpr LVA Sept. 3 9.30Opm -11 -.00pm LVA M rBna Sept. 12 50 prn- 700 pr LVA Sept. 13 5:5 prn- 7:15 pm P2 Sept. 17 900 pm -11.">pm LVA Minr9BantamriAAA Aug. 30 300put- 5S0pm LVA Sept. 2 8MO pm - 9:Mopm LVA Sept.6' 5 3lpm - 5:15 pm 1P2 Minr BantarnA, Set.12 3W0pm - 500 pr LVA Sept. 13 345 pm - 5:15 pm IP2 sept. 15. 8:00OPm: 9*.OOPm LVA orPee A Aug. 30 lOOpm- 300 pin LVA Sept. 1 8:0pm -9:30 pm LVA Sept. 4'8*00pm 9= 3prn LVA MorPeeA Sa. 12 lOOpm- 300pm LVA Sept 13 2:l5pin- 395pm IP2 Se. 15 &W0pm - 8-00prn LVA Minr PwmAAA Aug. 30.:0 Opm - 1:00pfn VA Aug. 31 8MOpn - 9:30,pr LVA Sept. 3'.800 pm- 930 pr LVA Mllnor Peewmee A' Sept. 12 .1 SOprn- ÙOOpm LVA Sept. 13 12ÀSpm - 2:15 pm P2 Sept. 168 50pm- 7M0pm LVA Major Alom AMA Aug. 31 630 pin- 800 pin LVA Sept. 2 &W0 pin- 8:00 pin LVA Sept. S 630pin- 800 pminVA Major tornA Sept. 12 9M5am - 1 05 am IP2 Se. 13 11:15 am -12A5 pr iP2 Sep4t. 17 6:3Opm- 8MOPmn LVA Mirior Aloin MA Aug. 31 5M00pnin-6&W pin LVA Sept. 2 5:00 pin - 6:30 pin LVA Sept. 3 5.W0 pin. 6:30pin LVA Minr Alon A Sept.12 8:15 am - Qt4am P2 -Set. 13 9D45am -11,15 am IP2 Sept. 17 500pin 6:30 pm LVA Major Novice AAM Au9. 3 93am - 11:00am LVA :Sept. 1 50m- 630pm LVA Sept. 4 5,00 pm- 630 PmLV Major Novie M Spt 12 930 am - 11:00am LVA ,Se. 13 8:6 am - 995am P2 -Sept 15 5MOOpm - 630 pr LVA Miner Novice MAA Aug. 30 8:00 am - 9:30 amn LVA Sept. 1 6:30 pm - 8-00 pin LVA Sept> 4 6:30 pin- 9.00pin LVA COMEINFOR A PLEASANTLY SURPRISING DEAL!, 1992 Plymlouth Sundance e FINANCINGO0R o $1,500 REBATE. IN 4REGISTRATION 0 PLACE IROQUOIS PARK MINOR HOCKEY MONDAY AUGUST 17 '7 pm.to 9 Pm FEE: -$190.00 (LATE; FEE$50) FamiIy Discount-Available, Photocopy ot Birth Certif icate is required« and wiII be retained by the association. Health card numbers will also'be*required. Rýegistrar:ý Gloria Johnston 668-m5700 President: Stu Currie 668-2320 Registrants must be 6 years aid as of bec. 31/92 and no olde'r than 17 years as of Dec. 31/92. *PLEASE NOTE*** Reglstratlons WlII be accepted on a f Irst corne, f irst served.basis. BROOKLIN/WHITBY RINGETTE Regjlstration Date :Aug. l5th Aug. '29th Sept. i 2th Place: Iroquois Recreation Complex, TIme: 9:00Oan!-12:00pm Rates: Bunnhies - $1 00 (aged 5-7) 1iGiri- $170 (8 &oldr Family Rates Are A vailable. 1

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