Whitby Free Press, 12 Aug 1992, p. 21

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In ber fret major cornpetition since breakinç h'ler foot, figure skater Tiffam FPoster, 14 of Whitby won a silver medal aÏ the Minto Suxmeér'Skatsé.Aug. 1-3*. Foster, 14 was second in junior ladiesj. Shelbroke ber foot when per- forming a double jump durin& a test in the novice competitive- prograin in. -April in Uxbri*dge, wyhere she is a- member -of t h club. - She resumed skating in July. The sectiona1 cornetition -in fgure s katiing. will eheld in Novenbrï niWhitby and -the divisional competition *Will follow in Oshawa.', Mo1toýr city, (mens) W L T F A'PIS Oshaa uru 8 2 3 3020 19 Adra C.C.&C. 7 3 4 46 22 18 Aaarei 8 22 28 1218 Duhmec 6 26541 1517' Oshawa Relia 4 2 6 28 19 14 Plkrn5tles5 7 2 46 28-12. Oshawalt 1 I102 8 38 4 Durham C@wity 1 120 16.85 2 SECOND DIVISION Dr igWand«Mers8,1 1 20 Il 17 PazbionUnited 8 3 4 25 16 16 Oshawa Portugusse 6 3 2 27 16 14 OshawaTlntana 5 2 4 20 16 14 Oshawa unlted 4 5 2 14 13 10 Peterborough City 2 9 -l 13 27 6 Uxbridge United 2 '100 9 28 4 GOALSCORfINOLADERS PleUtDivwsia Glenn Greenlaw. Celt 19 Scott M-JU dcPcelg 13 DsmWyZlngenA"rla12. Todd Snr.Plern 8 Steve Dobby. Paibron 8 DavidI Hartford, Wand. 7 RldhaWrdAirw, Paibron 6G DarreMGee, Padwmon a Whitby. I1roquois, soccer July 31 Dein lidait2 Teani Canada 2 Ctaîgattersn Deana Smth England O CRCoaGea. Cont. Mye Douglas Stcy Sohope Brandon Davis Meàdco Whtby Optimuat Fenil Amurawalyo 2, Aahlq Buchanan Auguat7 Langley Plumbing Joshua Clinten 6 Kinsmen Club LianiRoddm 0' Whtby Optimiut Cdn.Legmion 0162 Blake Cross6' Jomtan'Park CRCS Oea. Cuit. Damo Wagnéll 2 Kyle Dougls 2 Brandon 2 Rlogers Cshie TV 3 o 3 Langley Plumb.- KInsmen Club, Lai Reddax 5' Cdr. Loglon#162 Blaks Cross 5 AUla Julien 3 Jonathan Park Rogers Cable ktay Paper Facteiy Rodlerlck Dutzko 8 Canadai Brandon Lowi O England 6 Paper Factoiy Rodrfk oako< Azdrow Lsamlr2 *Blky BIS V pharm. Amy Palia » Forroe athew nowdon 2 ATOX August 7 Semyn2 Wmoehm M wmçakeBi AuguatS Dundosuutol I frnFurquhsam~ - Juvositise 7' opthiusIClub, Daenk Langey4. mathow Dommer l Dedd & sutw Sente Nas nbui om IDANNY SETO IS ABOUT to make a retum during a tennis match at' Iroquois Park. Seto and a friend took advantageI of, a. sunny dlay to'- get in a quick dame before heading home to Toronto. Photo by mark Reesor, WhItbY Free Pross Chris Wood 5 Chris Justice 2 North York Rockete Aren Merlin NMnchesterUnited. eue"inPmax4 ý Peter Hétheringisa Aex Powell Napoli Jonathan McGIDlen A.C. milan Bradley ElIger Motherwell 'Montreal 1 WlnnpegFuryO 7 Lverpool t2 Sentos Shan raham 3 Rosane canlle Oldham Athletie Edmonton Brickeien Jelfrey Lewis A Toirrino 2 Scott sentmr Lewis John Birant 1IA.C. Roma2 <symva porles Gregory Sions Davld'Stewart 2. Gordon Brnt 6ieurte 0 Torotolirrards 4 Michael miler Asn McLlslo 5 E'verton 0 9 Tottenhai Hotspurl DavldJames 1 Hamilton Steler. 3 stephan Boruilci3> July 29 Balbey Blv V. Druga 9 MasterBedrooni Mer Bobyk Paul One(rlo KyloBrensc Bob Chapian 2 TheanssFarqurson 2 John7 Froonan2 Myo e iwey 2 Grog Wllllms Whilhy optimlst 1 UioeCity Grog Moterd Chas Wynno 3 5 Mattiiow Uurnew Christpher Todd PMete bPlumbor 1 Royal CUati. eglon 3 Patrick hnno Michael Norman Adam Stein 2 Whltby F»s Frosa 3 McTenm sEloctrie 2 De*rekn William Thipson 2 Pbdru Plm D.yiIr tiY 2. Becoh Si Sc0 phm 0Wliltby Optlmiat 10 WliIlh Pro.Pres n lBull GriaosterdS RoyalCam li. Ls 0 OBci[fonsSerie3 suottMorrSde SoClty 5BloBg VDrug a WhYs"u J sFrsmsn Mattiswui rns C MopwTd Nork Pu" is4 MCTssUUEhetde IrlMd -" KyVasro 0 PMleIhoPumber I Fatrlck Unnam Jesua" hBsrb Mosquito. team beaten in qualifier Whity Ro's âterprise minor MosqutoLeam ost'.both their games in the, Ontarlo'Ã" ýBasebali Assoca tionqualif ngrýound. Whitby bost bot gmes te the,' Bowmnanviile majo-r teaM on Aug.' The Whitby teani had a wi n and a loss t6 finish third in the Eastern, OntarioBaseball Asso- ciation, (EOBAI, playdowns ove r the Au g.1-2 weecend. Whitby fInished the reguar. season in..EOBA play wthsi ýwins anid 12 lasses. Teanimembers are Adain Son- bey, Shawn Hubbard, Mike Arblaster, Will Bright, Mike Thornton, John Walsh, Mark Cipparone, AMainBalan, Chris Lazery, David Beckford, Justin Zammit andJudd Stevenson.. Coaches are Rick Hubbard, dGereWlh George Sonley àc g ht " ,%g-t. WHITY FREE PRESS, WEDNESD.Y, AUGUS 12.419M ~P40E 21 Whtby Midge(ts earn spot in league playoffs The Whxtby Dunedin - midget runs. basebail team won two out of four Oshawa ucored in the bottoi gagnes recently to ensure a plaée of the ninth to take a 443 victory. in the EOBA playoffs. Puddister led the Wbitby attack Paiyin the midget division is with two hits, while Imesn, fat in 1992 as ail but one of the Andrew, Kennedy and 'Difore 10, teains have 'a, chance of each had one. making thé playoffe played in* The final. gaine 0f the regular Newcastle-this year.. season brought 'Cobourgto town. If Whitby had won iùl of their, Mils,'took the bu for'. the gaiesthey bad a chance ut first .,Dunedin teamin adalowed only place, but now must wait to ses-if trebt over seven innings ini their season record of 10, wins capturing an 11-0 mercyvictory. and eight lasses will land thei in Stephenson got thinga going in thirdi or1 fourtb position in 'the the fiSt nig iha' toé r standings. home=ntolf ielId andàddeda Whitby. defeated Ajax 9-5 as singie-later'as Whitby pounded the offence pounded out il, bits. out'a total 0f il bits. Tiin Ineson took the victory ýon Kennedy, Inieson and Andrew. the inound, striking out 12, and also> had two bits, apieçe wbile a]lowing cul yf ive bits.' Puddister, Difiore , bMaceand Chris mace bad three bits Wood added singles. while Inieson, Steveý Woods and Two double plays, ,and, two Jamie Difiore' had two apiece. great catches by,ý Kennedy, and Keith Mils-and Dan Stephenson- Wood in the outfield helped aIse chiippd in wth singles. solidifyr the shutout and send Wbitby travelled te Port Ho Whitby to the playoff.. next and were defeated by Ze Wbitby bas been classed as hoinown teain 7-3. Tlin triple'A, andwill pva2y-Oshawa in Puddister pitched. .well,. allowing the, all-Ontaio paydowns aller only five bits 'over ýfive innîngs. the agule , cbainpionship However, Whlitby couldn't corne playdowns. back fiin a four-run second. inning. Port Hope's pitcher shut- down the Whitby bats as he scattered A D n wi five bits. Stephenson, hface Wood, Andrew and Balan ec Sport & 'Nonsportcards+ Comics bad a bit for Whitby. BUY &WIN DRAWS. The next gaine in. Oshawa saw lImeson take the znound againast E.AG16141 the league-leading Legionaires. MEBOEA *SRAECN E Ixueson pitcbed six innings and e e I. .O'0, IKRN allowed, only four bits wbile ig(cgr .f $10 striking eut il. MIS caine on in the seventh te, take the loss in a gaine that was decided- by three unRSned tbe4 72 4 aaal *THE GOLFI. RANGE 0F.-THE 90PS' OPEINGSPECIAL. i' Y iBUCETGET i FREIE] I FBU WITH COUPON j Expires AugJl6/92.,.'., 875. Taunton Rd. W,,ï Ohawai I Jùs west of Thornton'Rd. I ~ - -433-1506 -- - FORG ET TF lfyou're Iooking f% summer corne to Tires! WHERE THI SALE UNIROYAL TIGERPAW 200 ALL SEASON WHITE 155x0R13 .....$49.00 175x80Rl3 ......$54.00 185x80Rl3 ......$57.10 185x75R14 ......$58.00 195x75Rl4 ......$63.0 205x75R14 ......$66.0 205x75Rl5 ......$68.0« 2l5x75R5 .....$72.0 225x75R15 ......$78.00 235x75R5 .........$83.00 l nstallation & Wheel 1 Balancîgl USDTIRES FROm $2O0oI lE WEATHER!. r someëthingHO thi Van Hemmen EJPRICES B.F. 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