Whitby Free Press, 12 Aug 1992, p. 22

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PAGE 22 WMUrY FRM-PUESS, WEDNMSAY, AUGUSf 12, 1092 Phone- 668,-11 Famlyfun freworks*Saturday The- Optimiet Club of 'Brooklin and its* Challenge '92 SEED prgrn aeclebrating Canada's 125ith birthday on Saturday, Aug. 15, 10a.m. t. 9 p.m., at Luther Vipond Memoial aea Bike rally treasure hunt regstatonstarts at 10 a.m. Participat, gd 8 fo. 12, bring their own biket. find cluos and primes. TeWHISTLE Children are asked to brin g a partner and their bicyclos to the arenia betweon 10 and il a.m. A. challenge and dlue will be provided at each of the 11 check- ponts, ail located within Brook- 1The raily has ben planned by two local high achool students to provide funi and develop: safe riding Ailla. There is no regist- ration cost. At 1 pamn, a « Red and. Whlite STO P at Myrtie station 655-3541 ~~ w~ are e trn es heplded sweet or for your hard earned dollar!, Baby'contest w L'àho held. 1Parents should, dreababiesi red and White attire.There',is a $3 registration fee. Kidclies bring nrunig, soos t jump on the trampoline and run, hop1 and sip the ,assmrWd thr 1ee-leggdand potatosack races. At 6, p.m., there is'an ail-ages stoiy-telling contestý, with' Whitby Mayor Tomn Edwards s one of the story-tellers Children of al ages are welcome and ecuae t. join -in and tell theirfaore Medallions, ribbons and prizes' will ho awarded for events., - .There will aiso ho gamnes, kdis' crafts, flacepain«'ting, clowns% balcong, Disney- movies,: cotton candy and much mnore.ý Firewurks, donated by the .Kinsmnen .Club, bzghten, the night at 9 p.n. A1l are welcome to enijoy the auydy For informtion, directions or t. register' for the bike rally treasurle hunt,, baby or story-telling contest, cal Angéla Yang,, program director, at 655-4434. ERN EGIS njoys aàride.,in tesing, :PushG1y Brooke Morgan.f The girls were- playing, in the playground behind Brooklin ibrary, where the. Central Lake, Ontario Cosevtion Au thorty (CLOCA) players had justii*nihed, putting on a puppet.show.* Photo by Mark Reosor, Whltv. Fr eO Press Otmit organiz e il' at pega The Optim'ist Club cf Brooklin bas hired three professionai artists, t. teach a chuld's art prograzn from Aug. 31 t. Sept. 3. The prograin, open t. children, aged 8 t. 14, includes three>days of in-ciass instruction and a field trip -t.theRoyal,.Ontario Discover 3 Broln Museunm. Over the, past, several yearâ' demand for, the prograni h"s growvn t. suÜch a point,; -thtnow theý club 'bas parents', caIling montils in .advance c f the programs t., ensure their cbildrera get 1acement in the,"rogr.am' Each cf three atstwil provide ',instruction, in different typs of art work. Ilee -local -high school students have also-been hired by the club t. asittii. hiistructors, The Progam an handle«up to,60 students. The program ' includes 'al materials, lunch each day,and the bus trip -té Toront. Regstatoncoat is49$50, -per studntandhaif price for an addtinalstdent frm theéam farnily. Registration forma are available fi-om the Video'Image store, 70 Baldwin St. in BrokWn or byr calling Brian orKetgWc at 655.4434. Spend a day at: Wonderlad As partcf. their iddasumo progma theBokhpý1timi Canada's Wond«Ierland Bluses .willlbae he Luther Vioned MmnaAeaparkcing, lo t9:15 a.m. on Saturday, Aug 29 and returu i'at 8:30 p.m The Optimist Clb has arTanged for *discounted admission'tickets for the day. The trip, incidg amison and thé burids$2 per person--$ avigoe the regular admission The program is ope n t. anyone who wouid like t. attend, young or dId. An optional lunch ticket, available if prhased i advanoe, includes a h ibrm,, ot, dog, potato chips and a soft drink, i for $7.- Tickets for the daY's activities munst ho ordered- and paid for by Thusdy ug 0 and may: ho purchaBedat the- y-îdeù i4 - 76 aiwiù S in' k1in obycaMlng rLeslie or Keith att rBROOKLIN-I.D.A. PHARMACY Open Mon. - Fri. 9-7, Sat. 9 - 5. Whî,ýýtby's Countryside >at your Idoorstep! Custom Victorian Accents 655-3059< ln Uls three years.o? operallon. Wlnclieeer Cottage li Brooli ba bullt a repultlon for bl one-to-one service Io met customersW decoratlng need*.' Wnchester Cottage Craft Studio otfers Victorlnacnts, Imported batidmade lbons and lacecoDais. as wol as Viorl.an reproduction. boc-s and picturo frames, and a good selocton of localy made chorubs. Custorners cati bave drlod or drled-ook accents wustorn deslgnod and, colour-coordlnated for tielr decoratlng needs. MAudh of the business Involv;osctomdesigns. So owners Diane and Tonry Rooney ýare always looking for, and findlng, new aid unususa prodlucis to croat hat tunqué &=0Ku" ley also seek out materlals that are' longer-lastlng aid teatwlU hold iliel original colour longer.7 Cusomrs areonoouragedtlouggest their ownldeaâ and brhlg iliei own ,unusuai cdontainées such: as old, wasbboards, croclcs or, boxes.. Anaigements, ranglng from very simple to elaborate, catiilio be deslgned and made. The Rooneys display at several craft aidi*coraing shows, aid hold open bouses afilc a month. lbey aiso organiz aid rmanage OieBrookdin Summer Cuanad GUif Show, a weli-attnded event recently beiri for Oie second yar. They describe théir business, .wtilch bas progressed 10» fuil-timne for bath, as "one-to-one," màlng it: very personable foc clients., Customers, are on ýamalllng'Dt aid are notifieci- once a month about upoomlng s"an ad othereévents. pponments cati alse ho madie. Diane làa',,nmernber 'cf, Group 74, a womlens or ganfzation ln BrooldJi, while Tonfy ls, a mnember cf Oie Brooldui Klnmn Club. Wnchester CottagewO hoiri ils nextOpen Hiouse'S'at Aug.- 22 aidSun. Auo~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~IM f2Io < r 5n I7 AlcetrR rodn(cos fieh VThe---- Video Image jR-

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