Whitby Free Press, 12 Aug 1992, p. 26

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PAGE26, WIUTY FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAy, AUGUST 12, 1992 L~GAL. 1> CORPORATION 0F THE '\~/TOWN.OF WHITBY- EXPLANATORY NOTE SE1TLEMENT HEARING' REGARDING ZON1ING BY-LAW NO, 979 By-law NO. 979 as pased by Whitby Town Council on Jary 28, 1991 and'amencsZonng BSy-Iaw No. 2585 to place the residntia Harbour Isle lands at the south end of Brook Street South, Whity in a holding zone and to zon hepr adad gpnspacaasath develqpment. The Mlnistry of Municipal Affaire le a Notice cof Appeal against By-law No. 2957-91. The1 pupose of 1the Setieôment Heannp le to consider the settlement of the Notice ai Appeal filed by the trsy of Municipal Affaire alpainat B'-a o 2957-9l. The settlement wîlI include the introd~uction of modfieations to the By-law whlch *would expaqnd th1e Open Space'OS' zone In arder to Incorparate a park and. public waikway alang the full waterfront of the aubject >lande and, would reduce the overail unit potentials tram a maximnum of 830 dwelling units to 734 dwelling unita. I ThieOntarlo tkndpal Board requires your attendance at an Informai settlemrent hearlng respecting ths malter, ibis heanrng will last approximatelyDoebDhou The settiemnent hearlng Aill b. held form~1e purses of rmviewIng al af the issuesanci problems. The appealay le completely resolved,'. hoever ln 1the event that no one appasiopstion b the By-law, the Bad îlnet automatIly caisa 111te appels). AIl parties shÃ"uld attend prepaoed bo submit.evidence bo be hearWd ln favour or aanet 1the application as, required by Section 34 ofth11e Planning ActM If i I& la und that a tormal hearlng la requireci, 111 Board wAil determine the'amount of time needei, 1the issues outanigndheoic required...ttnlgan 1entc TIME AND PLACE 0F SEITLEMENT HEARING: ATý- Council Chamibers Regional Headquarters Builing Whtby, Ontaio ON: Thursday, the 10111 day af September, 1992 AT: 9.:00 o'clock (local time) in th1e forenoon WARNING: If you do not attend 111e settlement hearing, be advised that th1e Ontario Municipal Board may.poedinyu bence. You will net be entitieci te any turlier notice ai thesenprocedingsanad an order .may issue which may affect you. If yeuwish, b participate but are- unable.to attend on this date, you shoulci ensure that a representative who is:authorizec b y you bo présent your evid.ence'and submiasions attends on your behaif. If any persan requires assistance or Information regarding th1e setdement hearing or other Board hearing, pleasecontact th1e Ontario Municipal Board at 180 Dundas Street West, Toronto, OntaroM5G, 1lE5. Telephone (416)5698-2266; Fax (416) 979-8808. Dated atoronto this lOth day of July, 1992. Pour obtenir cet avis en tancais, communiquer avec le secretaire deê la Commission au (416) 598-2266. - -DIANA MACRI SECRETARY j:*M . . .E. $..A. I....A *FOR TH-E DISCRINATING .I»ANKS ETOS.UEad if J Asus pray o u, T.E d dHA, BorpaEr wilST. JEanrd Publicion muet b. omieed.fT. T HA NKS- TO ST. 'JU DE Sacred Heart Of Jesuis for recelveëd.,Ma y 1the Sacreci 1 Jesus b., adored, gloriflec and preserveci throug h' werld now andi torever,.tOh, Heart 0f Jesus pray "for Judo w-orkerof 'miraclesF us, St. Judo helpe r of the hi pray for us. Say 1111e Pra t!mes a, day.- By.th9e eigt your pfrayer wll-benan egardless.of how hopelee situatioin *ceorna .,Publii b. promised.,,AM. nd -the favourl Heart of d, .,Ioved ut the Sacred us, el. pray for lopeles fer nine iswere7 BS your nçi muet<ý CINDY'S ALTERATIONS. Leather -,ladies', and . men's altorations, prom ,dresses, cûsom tallorlng. Tues., througji Sat. 10142., Mary'St. .'W Pearson Lanes. 430-650. TrHANKS AGAiN TO,.ST..JUDE and the Sacred, Heart of Jesus'for faveurs granted. ISA. Ç-rýMatch Mates IntroédcorjISerice, A sexisible way tb 434 8399 Joan McCoy CORPORATION 0F THÉ, -T WN *'O ýWHITBY' THIE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY IN THE MAlTER 0F THE ONTARIO ýHERITAGE ACT,- R.S.O. 1990, c. 0.18 AND IN THE MAT1ER 0F-LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE, PROVINCE,0F ONTARIO NOTICE. 0F INTENT7TO DESIGNATE TAKE'NOTICE that th1e Cauncil of lie, Corporation of lie Town: ai Whitby Intencis te designate thepepry includlng lancds and bulins t1the tollowing municipal adidress as property of historie and arcit9ctural value or intemast.under Part IV efth11e Ontaie Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1990,c. 0.18. JAMES 1WEEDIE HOUSE PART 0F LOT 29, CONCESSION 3 WHITBY, ONTARIO The James Tweedie House was built ln 1845 and isl, therefare, one et the oldest brick houses ln Whitby. ARCHIECURAL This- five-by. one-and-a.-half storey' brick house'e xemplifis- an extremnelyfine iarmnhouse af the 1840s. The bouse waa superbly built ef local méd brick wlth stone lintels by local brickmnaker George Stanley. mhe house has distinguishing fascia -anid comhice trim, rectangular tramnsoni and sidelight gang patterns, charactenistia aI Rural Regency, Style and àa doubFe front dlessgn wi a slightiy lesa fermai northem elevatian. An y person may, betore August'28, 1992. senci byregisterocimail orÏ- deliver to the Clerk of lie Town af Whitby, notice ëf hlaor her objection to th1 roaeélesnation.tegether wtha stateentofraontr lie abjctonandi aàîrelevantifacta.,If auch'notice af abjetonl recelvei, 1the Council af lie Corp înora th tle Town of Whby shail reter di1e malter te 11" Conservation Revlew Board for a heanng. DATED att 1w1 Town of Whitby this 29li day 0f.July, 1992. DONALD G. MeKAY TOWN CLERK THE CORPORATI OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY- 575 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST WHITBY ONTARIO LiN 2MS PHOt<E: (416) 668M803 I PER........ PERSONAL LOANS froffi $1,000 and 'up for any 'purpose., Quick approvals. 436-8104.- THANKS.-BE TO ST. JUDE and the Sacred Heart of Jesus for favours recelved., EMW.. fSHOPýINTHE- (Ca!. 150 Bul Reg 69 Plae foPi leseo frerp Ontario I E-PAID WOF ih, VISA, cheqýuE -before deadlr n e($5.6 1+390 eac addition, ILLED WORD $8.OO ,for,20,wc PLUjS:.Gs1r each additibnc PLUS GSi AUCTIONE INOUNCEME 90- per ,agate (1-4 agate lines peri mini.mum cha, $6.00 prepa '$7.50 biIIed )ISPLAY AD% CLASSIFIE[ (Ade with bordei pictures or' graphi ular display..rates )40 per, agate1 'MinimumAsiz 1lumn inch$ AS" LOW, AS '$14C ER COLUMVNIlb aS«tis -extra on.al lets 'otheorwise ind DEADLN Mond'ay. noot rior to Wednes 38-05q check.,your adve rrom on'1the flrs ation.,The ýWhitby Fi otl be hIiable for1 ian ad, 'or, for tyi in publication be f the space occupiE ipto a, maximum cc >n. The -WhitbyFi sÉ the Ïight to dc ifl advertisements. NolncEO*F SETlrL.EMEMT HEARI Ontario MuJnicipal Board. Commison des affaires municipales de l'Ontario IN ýTHE MAlTER 0F Section 34(18) of the Planning Açt 1983 AND IN THE- MATIER 0F'appeals by', the Minstry , f Municipal Affaira, and oliers against Zoning -By-Iaw 2957-91 of the Corporation ai 1the Town ýof Whitby ID ,ADS D.received ST) ai Word; ST) )ADS ,rds; iai word; r ýENTS siUne inch) rge: Id, DS, re, apply -. 3.16- BMI 0.99 NCH.,. Mlads dicated sday, 94 ertisement ýt dày, of e .Press failuvre te )yond, the led by the Dost aithe. ee Pres laasify or

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