Whitby Free Press, 12 Aug 1992, p. 6

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PAGE 6, Wif1rBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUWF 12,-1992, The ont>' Whitby INeWSPaper owned and operated. b>' Whitby residents for Whitby resictents! Published every Wednesday -by 6772,09 Ontario Imc. at 131 Brock St. N.,,Whtby, Ontarlo LI N 5S1 Phone 668-611,1 Toronto ULne 427-1834 Doug Anderson'-Pubisher Maurice Pfher - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2ndClass ý,Postal Rlegistration #05351 In Time ASwnmer Contest of Architectural Identification Each week. te htbo y Fiee ie will publish a pictul of an architecta elinWb in culudpBrooklin, AshburnmlMyrtle). A draw will be ma&e from thmcorrect oeiries.Thie winno s nameandthie orSet identifaion wilbe published inthemet week's Fiee Pres. If you'can ideniify ibis picture, submit ibis entry le the Wbitby Fee Press, 131 Brock Street N., Whitby LIN 5S51. 'Ihe winner willbe selected nexUFucsday at 1:00 a.m LOCATION Name Address Phone Nwnber. "I»<q% Sunnyce'rest Nurig Home, 'ibis house was bu*l for the LU&kfamiy ini 1884, by toemaonWilliam Peaimon. was occupied by theULiksuntilte1950s when it was converted int a nuiring home. LAST WEEv:xlK'SW#INNER Brenda Finders PRIMESDONATED BY ~444 Z~ett944 Lafo9tai9e IrADrING NSsiomdyLmiTafgPn 4\1%JJ&SIEAU e;jjeHERFrAGE HOUISEimted rjJaIiF/ÀIb~d'9AMLM Il PIVII .11. "Ibid'Ii Those lobs aren't recyclable...when they'pregone, theyýre gonel"r Asplen.didlttie ýwar e y Jo.' E. Cunmns- Departmnent 0f'PlantSclences, Unversity of Western Ontario > n early June 1992é,-the, Ontario Ministry c f -,Environment. (MOE) p ublicized a, ist of 57 potential landf ill sites identified I n' the groater Toronto area. MOE indicated, that ..the .sites had been identifled ýbased on lenvironmental' criterla - but admitted that their 'experts' had flot vlsted the sites., Thefi nal seilection process was- ta bu managed by ' a Crown corporation, the Interim Wast e .Autharity. l-lowever, the authority wasý a dufmm-y" corporationai tthe time potential, sites were announced,'as il. had' neither' a chairperson, nor- members. That status, was formalized.,in. 'lae July b y he ppontmnt "0fa>former 1DP polit ician'ta bu chairpersonof the corporation. Now the: autharity doesn't seem ta have 'people' ta chair. The' Minister Of Environment cynically announced* that- the chairpersan "put forward the citizen's,polinl c view." 'People livingnear the potential Iandf ili sites are terrfi ed because most ýof the- sites ,are, clearly, unsuit able, for*landf illing, accardlng' ta rational environmental criteria. MOE officiais had natvisited the polential dumpsites. When the minister was confronted in a,ý demonstration* ai Georgetown on: July 28, she heatedly'sware.she woul d net 'bu swayed by alarmed citizens but . would alowâne person, 'presuma ele cted b the Interim authori ty, ta present the people's concerns te her.>, The landf ili site selection procedure used by MOE is highly reactlonary. Similai procedures caused riotlng ln Caneadea, KY, and the pracedure nearly alway provokes public hysieria. (i.e. t h PBC storage site selection process in London. Ont.>. Volumes, have buen written about site selection for Iandfills, incinerators,- hospices for AIDS victims, hafway houses, etc. and' the method bulng used by MOE (I have Iabelled the method-Gestaw3 Granney) la always incliudeci u er 'how net te! A DUtch auction -la one in whlch the price begins at- an'elevated level. that the auctianleer lawers periodicaily; with one bldte auctien ends. . n siting undesirable <ailfties, a reverse Dutch auction -ls one in which crlterlq for the, site are, ÃŽ>ublished. communities corne- jorWard ' winthe . benefits they require for sitlng the nuisance. and fMialiy the offered site' la verifled by the govemment. The bunefits of the procedure are thàt communities are net just 'dumped an' but they brede' perceived benefits againsi .,the nuisance cf residinýg near a waste' facility.' In the past, communities i.e. Bear Rd., Tarante, etc.) were ruthlessly scammed with empty promises of ski his and parks, when what they gat were decades et stink; sickness and* wo.rry about the house blowing Up., Integrity Is. the key to, the. reverse, Dutch auctian-workmng n the long run, but it doesn't leave ,the brakenh heads and festering unhappinesa of the Gestapo. .Granney method. Clearly, .MOE is employing a technique that is boulnd te provoke public hysteria -,and create deep-seated and long- Iasling alienatien in. the, target' communitiesq._' 1. -Why' didn't MOE. select a method nearer ta, the 'state-of- the-art' ln site'ý seloction? The answer may bu that MOIE is trying te provoke aspe d-àte'wr ýThey may bulieve. that the residents -'f the Torento- area ,wvllI rally te the support of havlng the minister tarcetheir garbage down the tbreats of' the ý rusllc suburbanites, rather like Mrs. Thatcher starming the 'shares 10f The siting af' waste disposai sites for greater Toronto, based on tlhel procedures dumped- on. the lnterim Waste >Autharity, will, ad best, .lead ao a ýPyrrhlc victary when the site is'established. The approaches favoured by' MOE 'are reactianary and point. towards. ,proý-pýollution, .anti-. environment facti ons that may deal a, deathý. blow te the averloaded enviranment. ,Alarmi!ng ,developments include siinpolluting facilities, without publ.ic hearlngs and: preventing access ta environmentel assesa- ment and, pollûtion informination by charging average . people exorbtantfees for the information. I [de net.,bulleve that the 'pOublic is ready ta turn a. blind eye;to.th-e decade's enviranment reform.î Opibins expressed ar' those of thé uth ' To the Editor: Okay, Whitby motorista, read- this. There Ila new a"pedestrian crosswalk an 'Anderson St. --ai, Bradley/Frederick, which 'is -lwo bocks south of Manning.. Wher the lights are flashing, RI tneans there ; are. pedestrl ans' wantlng te cross the sireet aMi drivers are ebligated, te stop and, let them.e If you den't -watch for. those ights andstop.- you rnay, juat hit -a hu&n6 being. You wif l bucharged. and you may, posslbly .have ýa death. ,on your conscience ofor> the Test. et your Ite. Think«' aboiut -it' each lime ya usaAnderson St. September, will b. yung childien. and two et them wîill b mine. The crosswalk had been in, operation for only two days when a h ~ ~ V~t'~'tW~.~ *P~I Wtt t t tP','t~At W t u.slng the» crasswalk pperly. A WhitbyTransit'bus h.- ' 'stopped tô let a girl' and ,ber, frieàW cross when a van passed the- bus and strukIhe girl. She was very luéIký 0 tOrbY'Wiminer injuries. hre heurs later, r,'y hiéban 'trled -te rsstere.' gsin, a Whitby Transit bus -étoped but melermats continued on, waLving te hlm as h pnted aI tlhâfWlaing 1lights. The bus driver evèn tried uslng bis horn1 te " -aleui'- the, motorisls, te ne avail. We have 'waied, a very longà lime. for this crasswalç and now we are. wendering if we werien' saler SÃ", came an, WhitbWrmatoristsl Let's mhake this cërosswalk a safe one. My neighbours and 1 waxt aur chlldren te buable le cross here safely, and we -have ,ta trust you te keep your eyes open, slow down, watlh for the flashing lights and let, the pedestrians go.. pléase. iCarol Ro"ln Whltbyý Slow dwpes

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