Whitby Free Press, 19 Aug 1992, p. 12

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PAGE 12. WH[TBY FREE PR~ESS, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19,1992 CNIB FUNDRAISER Nickelsdlmes, -quarters, loonies .- the, Durham Region CNLB will gladly,,accept them al during their 'Change Makes a Difference' fundraisfing campaign tobe held, Frida, Aug.« 21 and, Saturday, Aug. f2 at theOshawa, Centtré titiall"entrances beside the Bank of Montreal and the two Banks of Comnmerce). Proceede will b. used te support ongoing rehabilitation a services, and equipmeènt for the 800 CI141B clients in Durham. MOPAR SHOW AND SHINE The first annual Mopar Show and Shine, hosted by Oshawa Sunday, Cruisers, wiIl ha eheld at Durham Dodge ChrysIer, 799 Bloor St. W., Oshawa on Aug. 22., Gates will ope t .. and car awards will ha handed out'at 3. p.m. There i8-an entry fee of $6 Per, car (pre-l98l vehicles only). Admission is frèe.te spectators. Frm dash plaques will ha given te the ýfiret 125 'participants. For show infrmation oeial Reg at 72r>3057, Bud at 436-5076, or Durham Dodge at .404-0525. RUN ORGANIZER NEEDD Tih. Teriy Fm rmn organization seeka an individual, family: or grup in Whitby toorganize a emm Fox Run on Sunday, Sept. 20. Call 1-800-387-120 or infomation àboutý how to get involved in the 1992 Terry Fox Run. CHARIf Y GOLF TOURNAMENT Toyota ý Canada, Canadian Airlines and,,Rolex Canada will orthe frst <Ace-ix-the-H-ole' Classiefolfteurnament at Cherry Downs Golf & Country Club, Pickering, on Sept. 1. There will ha- conteats, and primes will include cars and trucks,' trp packages ..nd watches. TO register or sponsor a hole, eaU Cherry Dýwns at (416) 649-599. The .enty.feeis $160 nd imludes 'golf, cart, buffet, prizes and GST.- For more information on the tournament, contact Scott Staley or, Dawn Pentesco at the golf club. Praceeds will go te the Ghldren's 'Wish Foundation of SUMER ESCAR SHOW A Summer Fest car show will ha held on Saturday, Aug. 29, 10 amr. to 4., at Fairview yM~ 632DunasSt. W, Whitb. vehicles must ha pre-l980, and there will ha awards,- primes and giveaways.> Trophy presentations *III ha held at 3 pam. Registration is $8 prior téthe event or $10the day of the show. Sponsrdb Van HemnMen Tires & Sales, 317 Hopkins St., Wh!ty eeds will go towards the' pz.,enmer? day prograin and o ther Fairview programe.,For More- information, cail Stacy, Van Hemmen at 668-0433. WALK.A-THON The Fre from Fear Founda- tion is holding a fundraising walk-a-thon on Saturday, Sept.. 26,-10a.m. Money raiseld from cAànmREAND CORN. ROAr The. Whitby Seniors' Activity Centre- will hold a 'farewell ta summer' canipfire and. corn roast at Hehar Down Conservation ýAiea on Friday, Aug. 21. The cost is $4. Meet at the centre,'801 Brock, St. S., at 6,,pm., and car-pooling will ha arrange as necesSary., For more* information, eall the centre at 668-1424. MOUSE TOUR 1992 Oshawa & District Leai Estate Board will saponor ' House Tour 1992:, the third .annual 'celebration of home ownership'. in Durham Region, with atour of seven uniquehomes. The tour, a fundraiing event for Big Sisters NOW, willhb. ed on Saturday, Sept. 26, 10 amn. to 4 p.M., and is a Ick-off for Ontario Homê Week, Sept. 27 te, Oct. 3. ickets are $10 each and are available at Big Sisters NOW, 179 King St. E. (436-0951), Oshawa &' District Real Estate Board, 50 Richmnond St. E. (723-8184), Tue Gift Houa., 18 Ksing St. E. (571-3511), Four SeasosFlowers & Gift Shoppe, 650 King St. E. (579-8858) and Van Belle Floral & Plant Shoppe, 1979, Hwy 020 Courtice (623-4441) ANTIQUE SHOW The fretannual 'Antiques at Trafagar Castle,' antique show and sale, willhae held Aug. 28 te 30 (invitation-oýnly gala premiere on Aug. 27). Admission us ,$4 for the show te b. held at the sehool, 4-1 Re!ynolds St., Whitby. TAKE A HK Thue Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will hold a nature hike at Purple Woods Conservation ,-Aiea ' on Wednesday,ý Aug. 26, 7 p.m., fromn the area parking lot. Wear appropriate, clothing and shoes, and bring mosquito repellent.. For more information, call 579-0411. Directions: Prom Oshawa, talc. Simca. St. N. and turn right on Concession #10. Turn right to Purple Woods parking lot. ONE PARENT FAMILY The North Oshawa chapter of the. One Parent Family Associa- tion will hold the 'Summer Send Off' social function an Saturday, Au 22,','8 p.m., at Woodvie HaIl, Cadillac Ave., Oshawa. For .mare 'information eall 668-7579 or 434-3687.1 FALL NEWSLETIER The. Whitby, Seriiors? Activity Centres fail newsletter will b. . available on Monday, Aug. 24 at 3 p.m. Tue newsletter contains information about fai classes and courses, trips and excursions for September and Octeber. Members are encoSuged ta colleet their newsletters. For. registration information, cali the. centre at 668-1424. 'Summer Festival KIERLA BELLIVEAU enjoys the music of the Singing Policeman, Meredith Cuting, Who wilI be, one- of the entertainers at Fairview Lodge's third annual summer festival, taking place Saturday, Aug. 29 from 10 a.m. ta <4 p.M. Photo by Mark Rossai. Whithy Fiee Press YMCA ARTS CAMP Children attending the- YMCA arts day camp wiM visit the Whtby Seniors' Activity~ Centre during the weekly barbecue on Thursday, Aug. 20. Children will' pierformsansdances and skits for membrs.Pan. teattend children en.joy an audience. SINGLES PICNIC 'Singles Picni,' for men and women, will ha held on Saturday, Aug. 29, starting at il a.m. at Paulynn Park in Ajax. There is a $4 caver charge for food. Bring your own beverage, a water gun and your ownpienie accessanies. The pienic iE being held by New, Friends (civorced separated or single mnothers). FPor more infor- mation eall Diane at 683-4070. BEEF AMD CORN ROAST Mion United Church (just east of Oshawa at Mitchell's Corners), will hold an all-you-can-eat barbecue beef and corn roast on Saturday, Sept. 12, hainning at 4 p.m. Tickets are $9 for adits, $4 for chldren 'aged 10 and umder, and may be purchased prior te, Sept. 1 by calling (416) 725-4985. mo COPE NEEDS VOLUNTEERSl The ,COPE Mental','Hëalth Program of the Durham. Region Community Car. Association is recruiting ,'ývolunteers for programs. that- offer a support system te, adulta Nith emotianal and psychiatrie problems.. The freeý eight-week traii*ng'caurge, 'Helping and Communication Slls' will begin in September. For mare details, caIl Sharon- Cochrane, adniinistrater, Oshawa/Whitby COPE, at 434-16931 COMPATIBLE GOMPANIONS CONNECTION located in Whitby. W. are holding meetings for singles and have various social ýevents, i... dancing, bwig swimunm, golfing, carda, tlueatre, nightéluha, bingo, ,potiuck and dining out,1 etc. ,eetings. are held eve ry >Priday, 7 te lqp.m. Membhelpapplic- able. :New memberïewelcomeë.- Plion. 1-800-461-7391. :AA CONFERENCE The. 201h annual AA Lakeshore District ýonference -will .ha held at the .Polish Veterans' Hal, 1551 Stevenson Rd N., Oshawa on' Aug.'21, 22 and 23. There will be guest spakB an variaus panels, with AI-Anon, Alateen and-aduit childreiï participation. FallU- -gthe conférence, there. wflll bè. a banquetý,dance and CORPORATIONO0F THE TOWN 0F WHITBY WHITBY TRANSIT NOTICE ADDITIONAL EVENING SHUTTLE SERVICE DURING C.N.EU From August 19, 192t etme 1, W,t,= Transit milI Frvd w Evenung Shuttie bseIo meet ail] i arvi into Whitby tra 8:04 p.m.to 104 a.m., Monday to Fniday. lnform the ýWhtby Transit driver of your destination and you wAil be taken b Ithe nearost transit stop. Ons request tUre driver wll drop vou off dloser bo your home if you have a safety concem ,about your walk.. Show the driver your GO Train Pasa or Ticket and you can board FREE when travellng bo or returning from th C.N.E. For more informaton, contact Whitby Transit ai 668-5803, Monday to Frday. 8&30am.tb 4:30 pm GLAD DAYS FOR EPULEPSY Epilepsy Durham %egtonwiU,, hold« 'G1ad Days' Âug. 20 -and 23, Math opening >ceremnonieýs: per- fo r*edbyhonourary chairperson, ýNewcs1e Mayor Hamre, on 'Aug. :20, at the Revenue building' in. Oshýawa. Bouquets of gladioli Will be 'sold aüt varlous hospitals, mails, liquor-and bee»r outiets throughout Durham. The cost is $5 fo à bouquet.. Proceedé wilg toward provlding se8rvices or those with, epilepsy -,and'. theiîr fail= ad friends. if you wish to voutecail 436-3152. FREGIffIRATION Uegi«stration for sparks (muatý b. ýaged 6. on or before Sept., 8), brownies, girl guides and ýpath;- ,finders for Brooklin and sim-oun- ding area, wiil*bW held. on Tuiesday,, Sept. 8, 6:30 to 8 >p.m., at. Brooklin United Church. Registrationis on a first-comeé, firt-eredbasis. Sony,. no pre-registrationi. -The. firet meeting, a corn roast, wiilb. held on- Sept. 15. For further information, caUl M. Jackson at 655-4469. ci« PARENT FAMILlES Oshawa' Chapter, One Parent Familiés Assocation will meet on Tuesdy, Ag. 2~ 8 .8- at SimosHal ettiement >HEouse, 387 Siincoe St. S,« Oshawa for coffe., cards and conversation. New members and guests' are welcome. For more information, caUl 436-5089 or 433-0832. North- Oshawa Cliapter, , On. Parent' Familles As9sociation4, will meet on Wednesday, Au>- 26,,8 pm., at Christ ChirchMayan HillcrÃ"f -streets, Oshawa ý"for coffee, "c"arde 'and conv-ersaton. New members- and guests are welcome. For inforaton aU 668-7579 or 434-3687. AZ EMER SUPPORT GROUP- A support group' for Alzheimer familles. mee tes, the foÏrth Wednesday of each month. The nwe meeting wilL be held on Aug«. 26,ý 7:30 p.m., in the Comnnuity Cars *Offce, 487-Wesatney.,Rd. ,S., units 19. and' 20, A4*ax.(Westney Rd. S and 'Clemnts).".',.The pgrm wMiiclude a video PrLesentton, nd discusionh. Refreshments ýwill be served, and aUl are .,welcomeè. .For more information, i' ý the Alheme Society at 576-2567. REFORM PARTY The, Reform Party of Canada Ontario. Riding Association will hold: a public meeting. on ,Tues- day, Aug. 25, 7:30 p. ' t the Ajax comamunity centre (Com- modore rom), Monarch' Ave Guest speakers 'are* candidates for the PartVosnomination in the federal ridig. AIL welcome. For more inforation aIl 686-0278. GoLF TouRNAMENT T 'he annual Camp Oochigas Ë f tournarnent wiIl be held at underbird Golf Club in Ash- bun n ug 2.Prcedagot

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