Whitby Free Press, 19 Aug 1992, p. 18

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P~G 3~ WITY fUEPUB% S, MNSDÂY, AUGUSP 19,19D92 WHITBY Canadians second ýbaseman Jody Turner struggles to corne'up -1wth thé, bail before'a- sliding Scarborough Devil arr'ives at second duning last week's fifth gamne of the best-of-seven series eventually won by -WhitbY. Photo by Mark Roo. MWbyFree Press Redmen dynasty ends Qak ers advance to,,final For the. frit time i eigit years, Brookiin Redmen, wiil net represent Ontarioei intiie Mann Cup te deterine Canada's boit boisoaRosseteani. Peterborou iQakerswiio lest to Redmen i the (nta finale ireceut yeans, turned ihe tables this season by defeatig Redmeni six gainas in the sami-final series. Quakerswl o ace tiie powerfùlBrampton Excelsies i a best-of-seven series te deter- Ontaro lacrosse major league Owuz ~~ Ban rumPte AU& 10 p@.,aoeug .AU& il 5Broolli i Polnborm'ah 8 mine the, Ontario representative i this years Mann Cup final. Redmien lost 8-7 on Saturday i tiie sixtii gane in Peter- borough. As usual, Gerry Hiltz playeda large roi. in ti Quak- ers' victory, with two goals and two assista. quakers trailed -2-1 itheê sanies'before -dafeating Redman 12-5 on Aug. 1i hei fourtii game and 9-7 i' the fifth game on Aug. 13. Redmen'played the. lait tiire games witiiôut suiper Brian Nlk- ula, Who, joined -Re&dmen'lat. in the season teè,provide somne much needed-offence. Redmen al] iu tii. sixtb aise a key Redmenil wbile Tony Mombourqt Whitl)y cefene ust Whitby rep under-12 boys soccer team , sponored by Oshiawa Mitown MIll, won the chaxponshi p at tiie receut Oshwa invitational soccer teuruament. ..uInthe divisional round-robin competition, Whitb Wolvernes, had aperfe treodwitii wins of &-0 over Oshiawa Turul, 6-0 over ]Richmond FI, and'1-O, a default victory, ovar Thornhill*- Goal tender' *Adami Parr recoeded tii. teain shutouts witii support froin . agreatdefensive fullback cor. of Michael Hs T!he .haUback line of Matthew WêâùÂt-P'XàWaIfdýJMaô Schleiffer gaines te sn witii Novai sud Whelan The.'for Dasiva, E Abernetiy, guest playe worked effk score fobr Wl DaSilva: five marker two goaa 1lInthe, îWhbtbty 'de Tunul 3-0 i Parr rio After a convincing win on Sun- day, Whitby- Canadians wili represent the Eastern Ontario' Basiebali Association in the Onitario senior B basebali, cham- pionships over the. Labour Day wveekend, Wht±de!éated Scarboro-ug Devils 9-- Sunday in the eventh and'decidin ggame of the'EOBA Scarborough- had tied the sere with, a 7-4 victory oný Saturdayin Scarborougii. . But WhiMtby's Grog -MacIssac, Who, wasn't even scheduied t start the game, was in centrol througiiout Sunday's contest as Whitbiy prevaied.thankae to the depth of pitcing talent. Maclssa liowed savon huts as he gotthe cail to replace Andreas Fruhnar, out with. an ankie in- juryi. : < Meanwhie'the Whitby offenoe took advantage- of n iunerous Scaborough enrr to score six rune in the seventh inning to put the game away. Jeif Hardy, who struggid as one. of four pitchers for *htby on Saturday,,wîIe«. a strong bat on Sunday as ho stroked tWo doubles and a singIe; -Clare Osborne had two siglesà on $un- day'. lacro .sse B ci WMhy'speewee ,B. mior lacrosse teazn, sponscred by the Oshawa Blue .Knights fild lacrosse club, :won the -1992 provincial titi. recently ini Arthiur, Ont. lu a cnmndnpromne by the entire tan by, swept the series in five salight games, every member Of the< team contributing to the scoring. Whitby defeated Mlton iu the' opening, game, scoring just eight seconds into the. game and going on te win by a scoe'of 14-3o' The. opposition got toeghr with Pelham as the nextcmptition Again with excellent .efensv pl 'U,MWhitby went on te conquer Peihan 6-4. La o sored"twl ire Haiîiton, waiting for anothor 1 gaine. liom Wreggitt, chance te challenge Whitby since playen on, offeuce for the Whitby sund. Misss season soed agolteurnaments, piayed as hr as rGray gil Pas':llthy could and played an ectn ~Iicael nd Wyne igaine. However, Whitby uioa iet.lo had singles. Hamilton 7-6- for ther third straigiit victory. Moving dloser te tthe finals Scarborough was Whit1W% n.xt preyWbi'Vtby'dominatod Er- the oeigfaceof and crushed their 'rhnvl opposition by ascor, cf piayed aggressive 11-3. pur the. teain offeuce , In Wliitby's -ii hý,gaine of the. tcollecting two goals tournament they'met'Up with, à i wicnng once. veméy much improved'teani frin ward liUn. c f Kevin Orifia, who had just aéliminaâted Ross Hamill, mark' Scarborough from further play b y Steveni Rypotra1 and banding them tli.ir secondioe r KmalMcLughhi Hewever, ,Orfllia was ne miatch 3cieyas a unit te, for Whitby's powuhoume, 's hitb Withy n Ste wi'12-3 and r% beréth coleced The team. truly repraients ad Hadden one, goaL Durham,,Reion with une Ajax. chniioshp amplayer, anotier. frim Auoburn,. 3if.Wtbe -Oshawa tbree.from Oshawa and the r"i :atMg ,soc.rgme. froxh Brookib and WNhy. srded bis furtii teain Head coaci Mart~y ~al ~1h~t~'wmnb~ bissecond ti1 DaSiva andi ypstra provmàl âÏÃ"itid'" wry Osborne as designated bitter bit a dul and-two sin ges an drove i two rima forWityon Satiirday., Hardy wasn't;helIped on ýSatur- >dgas, îtby made five errors. But Scarberoug made six errors An the'svethinàn alone on Sundaiy to'ruin age performnance b y Scarboreugh s3tarter Dan Meluhone.:-1. Tii. serbes Was mnarked by high emotion. Mclhone was', suspen- ded 'i-the flfth 1 game, hile 'Wbitby's Rob Ligiitle and Gary Shearer were ejected from Satur- meklhone- returned 'for the seventh gane.- Lightle and Shearer appealed -their suspen- sions -and. were successful , ena- tii .. witb a 6-3Svi*try over &arborough, on Tuesda last week iWhitby. Tom «Brabin*4,who pËitched two inninp i Saturday'sîgazne.pit- ched mnto the seventh inm tiie Tuesday, contest, gmgu'p n. hits and' two runs. Steve Donner who closed the, gaine on Sýatuda, flnisiiad.the. Tuesdaygamie., Whitby scered'all their runa -in thei.I ==ghnin thre. ofthem ion, a triple b~y Tevor Beggs. 11.mpionshp that. they. improved as the competition' go 1t toughier. H.aise wüs Ipised with their conditinng as 'tii. playr pctised ainicet everyaay i g uest'forth. it. ee season, the. teamn won'two ether tournaments i Missisaugaand Starnand were -enalis tsh tiWhitbyand Gloucester teurnamnts. Ont of 27 ganées, the. teain had oniy five defeats anàd an umpressve 22 victorias. Other teani highughts were accomplisied. by assistant captain A.J. Shannon with 52 g"li n24 games. and, captain. Randy Dvidien with 41 assiosei 23 gaines. Gâaltenders Cad aAtidusen and Scott Wylie pre provincial lacrosse .finals This' wekend thieWhitb hoat what could b. the. largeat- ever gathering. of lacrosse PiTr-Whýbyassociation will hoat the' Ontanbo finals for ban,. tain A, peewee A and novice A B, C and D divisions. >There will b. an estimated 2,000Oplayers ithe novice divi- Tii. tourna ' ent begins on pd- day, Ang 21, witii opening cere. moie t 5:45 'p.m. -at ioquois Pavr arena.ý -n Whitby insenior OBAfinal uWý îiw-

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