Waeh forhome repair scams By Mark Reeaor Police are warning residente to be on the lookout for home repaiir scam artiste who often- prey on the elderly. Durham Reg 1alPolice' uer- geant Sandy 91el iiim a houa. ilain need oý repaire - a new roof or iding, for example.' But before the. workl'en be started, a substantial, deposit je demanded, with, the scm rtiet, often a pcomanying the person to the baù*k to'get it., T he w*ork le then'either neyer don., ,or the' senior ie grossly overchargedi Ryrie says an 81-year-old mani mn the Millbrook area paid more, than $12,000 for abouit $2.700 Worth of'repaire to hie home'e foundation. Iri another case, an 86-year-old mani paid $14,000 for new seig. "These 'people are. conning them (the elclerly), into .getting, terhouëss fixed... people, 'hudneyer pay upfront -for worký,' says Ryrie. He adviseeeresidente tà make .sure ý a com any <je eputable before agreemng to repaire, and. asic for and'check out referencS' andgettwo- or three estimates beoeegning a contract. *mTBePgSEDE8)Ys)K A, GùÉrr 19,: m12PAGE 56 *Be verlywilUs W.L.Cis NR assocs4tedwi!l3 or SAVE BIG UNTIL LABOUR DAY WEED Based on Canadian consumer brand preference surve ys REFRIGERATORS I STACKED PAIR NEW!, ýý',Jeétçlýanm Dý 4washêrs! eSo -wa in .,pre. y Quiýr re shing iSýÎerS! a-Dependably Q'DeýenZabi u ëf' START - AT ONLY $52 '-jl *HeaJiy Duty Shelves *Higjh Impact Liner, *Roll-A-DrawersM *Flexible Storage MAYFAG *Fuli-size washer and dryer " OnIy 27V2» wide, " Easy to operate " Computer touch controls DOM ESTICMAYTA&G HOME APPLUANCE CENTRES 22 STEVENSON RD. at KING ST. (across from Oshawa Shopping Centre> Open Mon., Tues., Wed., 10-7; Thurs.-FrI. 10-9, Sat. 9-5 y .1 'I 't I r B.v.rly His RMans "Su'cc esl ,.Just askMhairi McDonald of our Whitby Clinlo who Iost 341/2 IbS.1 e eat regular foods e medically screened SFAI o one-to-one counselling F'-re osuttin-Trial Programs Available 23B St. N.