Page 20, Whitby Free Pre, Wodnesday, Auguet 2,92A. dVoyager: A.,good, ride for t.hefmoney 1992, PLYMOUTH GRAND VOYAGER LE AWD By GlgnKXonorowsd How do'you'improve ona good' thinig, many of us automotive 'journnaliite wondjered when Chrsir announceda revamp of *Sure, meny of thelittle thing inside could -be changed or made more practicai. But juet how weli Chryier wouid. change the over- ali.shapewas-a real'mystery.' Wel, Chrysler, did it by. just literaiiy s3moothing out the rough edges, thus- tranforming thé mini-van into a stylish icoker for the nineties. -For the ,1992 model yearA he Ply'moth'Voyager cornes- in four price classes. The base model is ý, the Voyager, n iext le the-Voyager SE the, premium Voyfflr L anâ the top-of-the-line Voyager LX. Those cof you: who need the extra spacé can'-opt for the Grand Voya~e availabie hi the SE and LEtim levels. The *Voyager tha I dreve wae the top-of-the-line LX model. ibis van had, ail the, trimmigs. Some cf, theý features incluà d wire wheei covers, "air condition- ing, power windows and mirr ors, pwrdriver's bat and..a three- poiin lumbar suppotfor both ~vrand passenger. Ne*, for the 1992 model year are optional buiît-i car seats -for children., Folcing eut from the middle, bench seat are two chuld's car s3eats. The greatest feature of these, car seats is that they fold upocf sight when net in use. Thie>sieats are fully approved and acéommodate childreni from 8'te 18 kg; (18 te 40, l'bs.) Each seat ,s made up of a vinyl cover- SEE PAGE 21 by JiI Mlntosh' SEnjoyin0a'homne',vacation like se many Canadians, I, usualy take edivantage of my vacation Urne-by ioading up my. truck, and -heading southcf the border., (I usually do it in a Studebaker, 'ýbut that's another, y-~;husband and 1 seldom tae interetates. or visiit, cities; we prefer twe-lane backroaà - and smnaler .tewns, and we alwýays find plenty cf interesting places te, visit. This summer (or whates been pasing- as a summer tÙ9s Vear), wye-spelt. our vacation at"orne doing soin. Work on the, bouse. W. live juet -outside 'cf Brooklin and'se, elmoot every day e às .~throughWitby, uu2y witeuti giving it a second glance.> On. day, though, we found curselves et the. four corners with some Urne te sp%»n4, seI suggested that we goe for a walk. Finally ferced te look arend, te actuaily se e the places ]Pd alay driven se quickly tbrough, I. was surprised. AIl these years of packing up, and.driving, away and, yet, the things Fd*se admiired, in foreign locations were ail right in front cf me et homie. -Walikng through the eider residentiel district, I found that, many of, the bous'es,.wore .similar. te 'cnes Pd se carefuly photogrephed in Vermnt., In -Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, -Td à ctuaily gne several miles eut cf My y Y te ývisit a heavily-proinoted- *ý',Christmnas store, -but inh Pearson Lanies 1 dAiscoveredi one even more interes3ting. rd enjoyed a British-sVle pub in New ork 'ut the cnes in Whitby were juet as frienly. The fesmnatang architecture SER PAGE 29 DRIVINI SAFELY wit h RANDY RANDY MeLEAN 18 A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER WHO SPECIAUZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. Mi. Mctean has reviowed- thouuands of indiiduai motor vehcleucientreports and' his., clou wAorklng relatlonships wlth police agencles, govemmvents, safety assocalions, industry and the public, have given hlma,- true overiew of traffic safety issues, problms n solutions ln Canada. Use your head - wear a helmet In 1976, Ontario becamne, the first province in Canada to pass a seat boit law" The new leps lation was greeted, with a ieud hue and cry, about <,geverhninentover-regulation'. and 'infingement of personal freedom.' Tà day, al but the diehard scýeptiés'accnowiedge fthe beniefite of this inexpensive safety device., Every province in Canada now hae a seat boit' law. Seat boite, front and rear, and' child. restreints are an accepted part ofour driving life. 1 This ,yea, thé Ontario, .Ministry .cf 'Transporta#tion je again.talting , aedersbip role by -initroduciing -'a bicycle he6et Iaw."This legisation reedîved sorne'of the saie criticisin as the 1976 seat boit iaw, aibeit considerabiyý quieter in tone. Recreataonal.* cyliste have commüented ,that, since they don't ride veryfet, they don't need te wear a hehnet. Only racers need te, wear helmets. Not se. In a'car'accident, W~uries are usufliy caused -by lateral forces -- people and objece% moving. sideways and colliding with eech other. he speedi cf impact is a critical variable. lu a bicycle accident, the greateet danger is injury te the, head., The severity cf the injuiy does not depend as much onthe speecldif mpact'gas theý, vertical. distance cf the fali. Striking your head on the cuà rb froin a height as lowas 1.2 nietres (fourfeot)cn caéuse senoéus, Pemnn.injury, .whether you are riding at five For anyone Who thinks wearnng'a heirnet is for sissies, think again. It wasenly; a few years ap, that the, saine7 argument a sdt discourage National Hockey. League-playerýs frein wearing -héoimets.- And, net long before" thaýt, te, ridicule ail-star gealtender Jacques Plante, the first NHL goaltender te wear a face mnaïk. 1.-Thankfuily, -when. the -male ego finally. recovers. fromn the initial shock, common sense preveils.0 Almout ail amateur andmpofessiona hockey players now wear, helmets. Cenyou imagine a etnder net wearing a- face rniask? InAtue, hepefully a short rne, the. bicycle helmet law itrduced in Ontario wifitor its way acrose Canada. ..Ail cycliste séhouid wear',heirets. You don?' have te, get bit- by a. carlt fail off your,-bike. A misaligned -catch basin -cover, a pâhole in- the> road or justa inoinentary, loue ef balancëe will do. Bicycle/odest-i.naccidentescen also cause seneus injuries. Remember, iles the verticalý disëtanèe, net .the impact speed that causes head Cycists acrose Canada sheuid follow the example cf NEL playera',pnd wear' helmets, net because it'sthe law, b t bocause'it's the sensible' tiiingte o.o. PrYovincial gKovermentes -houid 'fellow Ontario's lead, and int;reduceý bicycle helrniet> legisiation te, protect' the ego cf the sceptice. But remembor, bicycle' heirnts, liUke seat otare intne e eijries, net prevent accidents. Moterista and bicycliste stil ned te drive and ride 'defensiveiy. Drive'and i*de safely. * Sme Lease.for $325/rn'onth. Soereasons you'll love the EuroVan: Some reeMn$ you'l love the lease: German-engineered 2.5L Based on »48 months 5 cylinder engine $1 ,000 clown payment, plus flrst and last *Seats 7 aduits comfortably and ail their adalapial ae luggage N obligation te purchase *Front wheel drive Onï approved credit by Volkswagen *Equlpped wihautomnatîc transmission, air CredÎt Canada, Inc EuroVan GL condlioning,setereo cassette, power locks * Offer Valid'uniti 08/31, 1992 &mucti, much more <*-'6-year Guaranteed Mobility programme - (~~ uo a We wil makeevery (24hour roadsideassistance>:,. effort ta customize a ..........................................................................~. .... - ~ i OWASCO VOLKSWAGEN INC. -35MN 1425 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY FROM TORONTO Expenience the Owasco Feeling. Proven Io serve you BESTsince 19'72 FV An "I CARE* and O.M.L. SERVICE AWA RDWINNER HM'S fwY2 ONW A* AxPickeringfror. 6864410O OshawalWhitby 668-9383 < Étnded service hours Tues. and ilium. until 7:3Opm l~ouAWscol »~'T>FREE" Servie crinic last Thursday of every month by appt. LI Ji N.ÂfOffering Cusofi~oer Satsaç.qtSecq,.,.. "' Boey.Sho>,'Pâs«:Rentâlà (Câhada1rJlitA, 0- qWWI%ýl 17 ýe' -6b ý rd a