Page-.28, 1MhÎty rsé as, Widrieciaà , Auquat 26",1 éà , DOWNTOWN ,WHITBY - one-, CONMENENT, CENTRAL, 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW ln bedraom apartment., Avallable Whitby.. Two. bedroom ïûnit in, Whtby. Immiaculate,, large fencod TO Sept. 1 and Oct.t,.$590 per month, «duplIex,, totally, rodcecorated. lot, finilshed bas'ment., 890 plus* mc uesulliies Alo agarage for Parking,' hydro and water lncluded ut!iltes. First& Iast.434-6515. I R UL1 storme space available., o5-pr In rent.' $725. Cali -David, _____________ mon . at 72-979.66-065.WHITBY CENTRE, ono bedroom 01MirreAI. E TTo. REALTORN WHITBY, (ROSSLD& Gardon). Nlew, Iuxury one-bedroom plus solarium condo apartment. 4 appliancos, underground parking, locker. storage, tejs to GO traln. Close to ati mnte.October lst. $750/month, inclusive. 754-8826.' -PARTIALLY FURNISHED bachelor basement apt, locatod at Gardon St.- & Hwy. 2. Includes, laundry, utilitios and parking.- Suitbe for one. Asklng $550/ month. Cali 430-8267. BROOKLIN'- LARGE 2-bedroam apartment. Fridge, stove aking Juststops toaia stores. Avtlle now. Hydro extra. $650, f irst & last. 655-8989. TRY IT FOR. A MQNTH with no. bease obligation.. Clean 2-bedroom mobile home. Frldge, stove & ýair canditianing. Aville Sept., 1. 430-2075. PORT WHITBY - Nice, dlean one-bedroom apartments avallable Sept. 1 and Oct. 1. $575 monthly, ail inclusive. Apply at 110,Victoria St. W., Apt. 5.666-0271. NORTH WIITBY - BRAND NEW, bright,, 2-bodroam basement. Separato entrance, 4-pce. bath, backyard. Close ta transit. *No smoking. Utilities, Iaundry & cable included. Available Se pt. 1. 47251 month. Jeff or Robin, 430-1972. McMILLAN &WIFI LADA SALES & SERVICE New Cars from54,995 4x4's from$-7,395, 3yr. 72,000 km. warranty IMany UsdCrln 'Stock 666*36 1980 GRAND PRIX, T-rooi, V8,, autamatic. Good -canditian. $700, or bost offor. Phono 666-1203. 1990 OLDS CUTLASS Ciora S. White, 4-dioar, A/C, P/S, P/B, Cruise, AMIFM stereo,pus wipers, ,undlercoat and -specfia hardsheil finish. Must see, priced tai soîl-transfer. Cati 721-1500. 1988 MERCURY SABLE wagon. 8-passonger,, loadod. Very goad condition. $7,600, certified. Cali 723-5852. Nood -acar- Crodft probems? *.have a tksefr rpuifi * auown anymkoemam *Cash forrds 'eCal now frknaq»»w LEASEGIqDE AUTO LEASING 43&9837 -Jol KM Ais~CE1 L. IlêLLI ARE YOU HAVING- TROUBLE getting auto insuranco bocause af ago, por driving record. or suspensionif icqnse? Perhaps .wo cmn holp. Phono 666-2090. 1979 16 FT. BOWRIDER, 85 HP Evinrude outboard motor, E-Z Loader traiter. $4700 or best aller. Phono 430-1323. mobilehome. -$500 er month pnlus Also,- 1 & 2p bedroom aParents, $500 _ $700 e month. Immodiate. F. Alaise F!E. Ltd. 416-292-4444. BRAND NEWI 2 &3'bedraom tawnhouses avaliable lmmodiaely. $810 & $910 mhonthly, plus utilities. Frldge &- stove included. CatI Whk-b (416) 668-5660. WHITBY - 3-BEDROOMs main f loor of brick bungalow. Includes frldge, stove, blinds,* carpot, carpart. WaIk toalal amenitios. No pots. $790 + part utilities., Mrs. E vans, 655-3047. WHITBY: 3+ BEDROOM BRICK bung alw. lncludes frldge,- stavo, washer, dryor, blindsa, finishod basemont w/wetý bar, 4- & 3-ploce baths foncod yard. WaIk toa al amonities. Please, no pets. $1,045. Mrs. Evans, 655-3047. WHITBY - Detached, 3-bedroao bungalaw. "Basemorit apt., double garape, main f loar family'rom.n k h ghts, centrai air, 6 appliances. $179,900. -Bornie , Durkin, 666-5525, Robert- Case Reaty Ltd., Reatar. NORTHWEST WHITBY -3 bedroams + 1. large family raam, apprax. 2,400 sq. ft. Landscaped, fonced yard. Close,,ta schools, shopping, etc. Asking $225,000. Phono 430-6890. PRIVATE SALE- WHITBY. Very woil maintainod, end unit townhome. New,, modemn kitchen. No'utral-decor. Close, ta amenities. Anxious ta seli. $124,900. 430-3129. - - - - - - - - - - FROST- FREE FRIDGE, & stave, askng $350. FuIl-slzold washor & dryer, stackçable, almond colour, ln excellent condition, askling $600. 12. cu. ft. freezer, asking $150. 430-7450. EROLS APPUANCE REPAIF Wsesdryors, f rldg os, stoves, mlcawaesetc. Major credil cards accepted. 432-7734, Mon.-S. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place tao go when your bank says *NO." Sorving Whitby since 1973. 668-7200. ANUBIS INVESTMVENTS. MORTGAGE LOANS - lst& 2nds ta 95% aI o value. Al proporty types', prime' rates. Quick service nid .approvais. Cati' CityCan Financiat -Corpration 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pickering. 601 A NOIE TO SE L?. 3.75 X. Ral EIstaF. cali 668-0515 Menber of Oshawa & District Re Estate. Board, & Canadian Re Estate Associadon smoG 1972. A FREEZER, VIKINGO, 16 du. ft. Like new, $195.432-2181' ATARI PC1 COMP UTER. IBM compatible. Math coprcesor 2FL.360K 5.25, and 1 FL.720K UZ. RAM 640. $450. 432-ý2181 HARDLY USED. .65 LB.L YORK welght set,- barbeil and dumbbels, als York bench. $85, ýor best offer. Blue boy's skateboard scooter. Excellent condition. $35, or..bpst offer. Cati 668-5327.- C HESTERFIELD SUITES, lave- seats, sectionals,, lO"s than hall prc.Large olocion. McKoen Furniture,> 524 Simcoe St. "S., Oshawa. Phone 725-5181. L F R S LESewnqgMachieFtpairs Oà mpbete Tune-up $39.95 DRUM FORSALE- Luwlg, Reconditmoned Sewing Machines ,DRUS FR SLE -tudigfRom $59.00 9-piece,-chrome finish, $800. CatI TOPUNE SEWING CENTRE' 666-9626 after 6 p.m.'51-18 400, klng St . ,Oshawa, o "IUKE NEW" - Twln 1987 Citation Ski Doos, oîoctric start, oil injected. Hardly over usod. $3,500 for p air. 1980 Arctic Cat Lynx, $500. 668-1468 '(days), (416) 985-9461 (ovenings). MATTRESSES and,,box. springs at hait prico.. McKoen Furnituro,' 524 Simco St. S., Oshawa., Phono 725-5181. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA -.3 bodroom, fully furnishod,, air, conditionod homos.- Pools, hot tu bs, beaches, attractions. Chiîd- ren welcome. Loss 'than- motel., $275 woekly. Photo. 683-5503. CEDAR VALLEY RESORT, east of Orono, 4th Concession iUne, 7 km. east ai Hwy.,351115. Seasonat campground. Beautiful. $887 (1992--3). 1-416-786-2562. TREES FOR SALE. Buy direct from a grower. Maples, I ocuste, 0as blrch & Colorado spruce. Doliery & installation avallable. From $49 .ta $199. Cati Willowgrove Nursery, 655-8553. SPANKY'8 Property Maintenance -- Reoential and Commercial. 1Lawncuttlngta general'maInten-' ance. Garlae dIsposai' service. Odd Joab. Senlors' discounts. Jlm, 668-6803.- ARMOIRE: CIRCA 1800, 01i lnatodin Denmark. Best aller. Cat 434-5170. FIREWOOD - SUPREME quality. Maple,. bosch.: .Weli-seasaned., Vory dry. , Al lit.Hone st measurement. Fros dellvery. Try thebest quality. 416-753-2246. MOFFAT FROST-FREE. 2-door f ridge, asking' $300. Wood table, oblong, & 4 chai rs, $75. Old filn cabinet, nooswrk K $50 o.o. MOVING: ONEý OFFICE DESK, 2 desk chaisonesmaiI desk,, one. queon waterbod, , two 2-seator couches. 655-3502. Help kep Red,.Cross GARAGE SALE -Aug .29 &30, 8 am. to 3p.m., l 605SCharles St., (townhause3s),, Victoria StiBrockç St.,S. area.,Laok-for slqn..Lest one af the year. Everything must go. Lots for everyane.. Name yaur price. Rain ar shîno. MULTI-FAMILY GARAGE sale. 71 Gardon ' St. South, Whitby. Saturday, August 29, gam.to4pj. CONTrENTS SALE. 101 Kat(hlee'n St., Apt., 118,, Whitby. Friday. Saturday, August 28 & 29. 9 &m. - 8 "P-.. Fumiture, pOrcebain doîls, etc. - - --------- ------ ------ .................................-~-' M S.T.R.G. j I .T.I.O. - Find your garage or basement full? - New home flot ready on time? TRY OUR MINI STORE-lT UNITS 1760'HAR ST., WFMTDY HfWY 401 66&cMI VICTORIA WATSON Live-in Security <STORAGE AIl Sizes ont1 cc TS eFully Paved - "e iq,_ _ _ _ _ _ (emr. trirn Iawn and garden service govemment lilensed prolessionals sealzng ln property mantenance teardshrub prunlng, iandscaplng, FREE ESTIMATES 434M9428 623-9711' -à L- et FEI