Whitby Free Press, 26 Aug 1992, p. 8

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Pape8, Whltby Fre Pros, Weckiesday. August 26. 1992 A 3~~cIr collIso &DRIVER involved inan accident on Tuesday>,afternioon, Iast week,,at the four.corners clutches a soe shoulder. There was a. total of» about $8,000 damage to the. thee vehicles involved',iiithe accident a 33-yearý-old 'Whitby -womnan was charged with careless driirg. Photosby Ma"r sPlier, WhIU>yFr.. PM Davies acandid-ate-because 'noughi nuh By Marlio Boucher Whitby resident and business owner Andrew Davies is ready tW help make changes at tiie féderal level as a member of the Reform "Thislanthe. frst timüe rve fiually had, W osay euough la enougl,'lie says., .Davies, -along witii Bill Foden ofPickering sud Donald Sullivan, afAjax, la seekingtii. nomina-: tion for 'OntarîÃ"o rin "'Wyb decided Sept. 9 at' tiieAjax com- miunity centrle. "Ihope Wbecome i.firet elet.~frmPartymemiber tW tii. federal goverrnment,» Baye Davies. «I .got lnvolved w tii-th Refoni'"Party,.last 'y.ar a'fter attending varlous Progessive, Couservative sudLbramet ings and. not liking -wiiat tiiey' had to offer., And then, I saw (party leader).Preston Manning talk mn'Toronto sudeuded up iielping Wo printý out tii lca newletter ou the ReformParty,' lie gays. 1Davies, 31, annouuc.d hie lu- tentionto run for Ontario riding last .January afterdscsig witl ie afamlly sud fiuat moslblty of gettlng iuvolved lu esi political scene for tiie frt Urne. Many people sure that lie run.for a 'on'na* and h. .v.ntuafy decidoddo som.- thlrsg aboiut smre of ti hanges ho wanta W sesmliappen et ti federal lhelisaye. Certain o mreton f .curreut aud ederle.n.ta havre ýèunaSep to WCana- dinh. mays orexampe, the pension plana for ail MNm siould b. "deoser Wt what thi erageanadian citi- zen geta,' ud iiany «abscons perksé that they getiiéould b. miinlmlzced or e li ANDREW DAVIES sage. '!epl hould go Wo Ottawa ta si;erve iecitizesofthls cuty not frtmselves, e says. Ariotiier area of concern. is the Yoôung Offeuders act which la lun need of céhanges h. sayos. Davieàsaays tuer. was a receut, example of groéssinjustice when aboy amcse% ofdesroying flowers lup a pn lcpark was given 10' days lu jail while another boy w*ho mled some children only received- three yeffa' probation. "This gies*sd sende the> rogmsage tW our chlfdren sud'âg t^1e in luthis couru-ý try» héiê aya. Davies aya thie kiud of exam- pI., seema W indicate that a flowerbed la smore imiportant tuan the.,lives ofeblidren. >If tesnageracari drive a car at age 16, they siiould alo e hb.ield moreaccountan sd reepon- afible for their acta, lie Baya. Daviot. ms -hie ex9perience as inttheOntario Regiment AM for the past I12 years lise aiiown him that ,rnany Young people need W t gain se -con-,i fldens sud become more respon-, Reform candidate Bih Fôd en FROMPAGE 2 epcilywieu compared tW ts U i ted States. utunder Pierre Tru- «We'vo got W réduce tii. cost of 'Wuamdetecarrent ive doing busines un Canad,' h. Couservative governmen unde -say., terS'l Brisu Mulroney have left Cana- Pdnmy u eetypo dianas wlth aL higli federal deficit. pesed North Az!erican =retra= «W're sacriflclng the. luterest agreement ahouldbe.,dded. by of 'our chlldren for .plitical ordinazy Canadiass sd «not by umin.'hsays-an elits group. g= Beuuayait la'infflcult for ,LOUt >th.eople deeon su Canadiens W o mpte iter 11k. tuhat, ke on. tuat -wll nationaîtY lu art bcune affct uns-for many y«»-r<m W ëîe- jMà- OP7 o ye sible. Msudatory time lu tii army, asI ladon. minmany other couni- tries, may b. one way to help today's youth ta learn esponsibi- lity and respect, h. says. Through ie, sone-year stint with the, Canadian army sud his expérience, with' tii. ,Ontarlo Regim=ent, *Davies says he met other ,peoplefram aIal areas of tii. country 1aud, this helped i understand and respect Canada much more. .Davies pramsestii. s p frt aud efforts of Canadiàhu Olympians Sylvie Frechetto and SilkenLu -marn as ýetamùples ôf people Who «epitomize wiiahf t;ito Wb. a Canadian i 'thattiieyare just 80 noble lu acceipting their fates. > A:native o f Ebbw'Vale, Wales, Davles emigrated wltii hie fml to'Canada un 1964 and'has.be a. resident in Dunèham tRegion for tii. pat 26years. PF owu n~ -a, one-year experieiuce witii-the., army lu 1979,,Davies attended, Dunhami College, tiie program. of electrical engineering 'techuologm*t .w#tl computer option. -'I Davýies wiorked for the D1)it-W computer firm for five ýyears begnnnglu1984 and ýhen was Answers to Whitby Tri-via froM,î page 4 1. "Theohousowiththe bottlo of whiskey in it 18 'Mayfiold.' the John Thomson house, bliit of Kingston limostone ,on Garden Street, south of î_,the Durham Région Court,. Houso. 2.. James E. Wilis installod Whitb's first sanitar sewers in 1914. Ho lst the. next municipal olection bocause tho taxpayors thoughtho had sp ent too, much money on them. 3. The Whitby Arts Station Gallerywas located on the north sido of tho CNR tracks, noar tho oast end of thepresont Go station, platform. 4. 'The Whitooaks of Jaina' was fitmed at.Invorlynn, 1300 Gifford, Streot, in 1971. pq~TUii~ employed býy Computer Room Services iu Ajax for two years. TI 1991, Davies decided Wo srthie owu cornpany, Com- puter Integrated Network, sud now-does 80 'Per, cent of hae businessin Durh'am Reqion. If.h. la unsucesaful in hie bîd for tii. nomûination,« Davies'says. h. will open an office, probably lu inWhitbyi, and hire some staff. $3»0,OO damage i house fire An early mornlng fire Monda3' caused about $30,000 danage ta a vacant houa. at 1541 Dundas A passing,.ý motorist uoticed flames commng, from. .thie. house and called' the Whitby fire departmeut,.who, arrived on the sceuè arounid,5:50 a.m. Thy had the blaze under con- trol. mt 20 minutes later. It' not kuowzi wiiat caused'tii. fire, but police are investigating., Libeérai meeting FROM PAGE 1 Young, go ahead and. do it (crimes). 'jMoTeague aiud teenagers, are awarè oftheir actions and should. b. held -more responsible for their acte. -Anybody -who rapes, m~ffS kIdla anotherluidividual shourdb. As W -tii. environïintal, ti three w ~iae, xpreasid- con- cern over ti ltye, c f 1 m the area., MdI'agu.saidthe curùrent federalgovrnent lias lait ut visionlth d .regÉard to* en'vir*o- mental concerne m*' partbcus ofalach-offundin.m 'Meinnsaid -1h.' has 'real concerna about thé. quality of wiater riesdents, drink in the. seo~r. aid the phfioopliy df "actionu a eaks-,louder.-,than words'als w in at lfly needed. 1 n.resident asked the andi. dates if the. Liberal party la going t ait t baAk--and_ wait 'for thé. a tion W las.e n t ,enext fxIjl electIonj1 instead of creat- inga new win a!ty. Kaevar 'sad ,?oycan take tii. next election for granted juat because Brian Muilroneiy,,isun- popular. The. situation 'wasbasi- cally the. same ini 1988, yet tiie Progresive Conservative party won tii. electi 'on, h. sraid. Mceagûo safdf ',the. Lberal party muet ren thii.confiîdence ofthe peoplesud shouldcorne out flrmily neey idea, such as ti.GTfre. trade and other issues. £LOTH DTAPERS MOST ECONOIMCAL in these tough eoonomic ties, itîmakes sens. for parents to choose the reusable cloth ,diapers. Prom a monetry sBtandpoint, ai package of one dozen. baby napIius can "be ,bo h t'for $20 in- department stores and in some parmacies an surares -The, initial'cost to accommnodate, 4 newvbornincludes three dozen diapers, < safiety p ina (once l]ýeralded as. the areatest inventionoistm)a diaperpail arùdse ral pais ofquality plastic pants. With tih.e xception* of plastic pantsan lautidry soap. this is a one-tm urchiase ofune 10 With te convemience of a wvashing machine, doing a diaper laundry every threeday., what càudb. eaier? The. use of a clothesline on sunny or'Windy dayé i., the environimentally- friendly way of drying. 8Sulghtwilý also whiten and sterilize diaprs. When parents chaos. to use disposble, the >et o diaper. the average baby fi-cm birth to, tolet trainingis aprxmafély $1t300. If leachate, and landifil problema are a concera, to parents, take note thet a bab y wif ueaproxmately 63,500 dispsa diapr during this tinie, and eWi.s prove that 35 percent of disardd dspoables ..nifela matter. Tih.'studies conclude that Tew' f aif thée.dapers are rlnsed, or emptied into ti.ol; et. Fo Pr parents who cannoùt convenienitly Wash diapers fe.a variety of reasons a L.diaperervice will offr the natural cloth cornfor-tsu'ad pro'te ' regular, personalized home plckup and delivery servicatraobepies ise White, co-owner, cf-Nana!. Diaper Service lu Durham, laia t ?tNan.soffers personalized servce, bypl "tatNrlpnga côfoured thr-ead-,through tii. baWs diapers. fuhs allow "thi. diapers 'W wash thâoogWya yet kep each cùstomer'a diapers separate. Nanàas wash ng machine can také up W t five dIlfernt loads at on., Urne. The newborn, infant, toddler and lagewth - extra absorbency are the.-four different styles of cHpe that are available at 'thisparticular service. Nanas will aleo launder a customer's bwudu Aapers SLise commented..that ishe will also accommodate visiting families who wish tW use the service for a eiiort period of time. "Another succeafu idea has been W ov*de a diaper service for -au event where mothèrs could euvjoy the. Urne without the. thought of ble diapers fillllng a recreational trash» barrLýel aeir needs a diaper change, w. do what we ýcar,"h ad"e. Check the yelloyw pages for, a diaper service and b. sure Wo inquire about the deterffnt that la ufSed.

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