Whitby Free Press, 2 Sep 1992, p. 25

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BROCK & DUWDAS, $575-+. BR N EWI >2, & 3 bodroom OctÃ"bor 18t. One 0e0rooM towinhouses avaitablo immediatoly. ap'aitment in centuüryhome. Hlgh $81 910 monthîy, plus utilftios. cligqoet nolghbourhod. Two Fridg a&stove lncluded. Cal BRO*OKLIN - LARGE 2-bedroom. apartmnit. Fridge, -stove, parkIng. Just ste p stoa l sores. Avallbe now. Hydro extra. $650, flrst & last. 655-8989.- WHITBYv , 2 FLOOR, TWO bedroom*spmrrnent, clos lto ýGO stefion. , Appliances, laundr foilliles and utilities IncludZ Immediate occupancy. 433-8689. RECYCLING ONVE ÃŽ * NE WSPA PERS * SA VES s -' I IlI 19 ThEE RETAIL SPACE FOR, LEASE. Creatlve rentai raneens 668-1468, ora.m. taS5 p.m. MEDICALIPROFESSIONAL, 625- sq. ft., downtown Whitby. Ground -floor,,- ioads ýof parking. Private entrance and" wasroom. 666-3833.' ARE YOU HAVING TROUB LE getting ýauto insurance becauseofa age, 'poor driving record -of suspension of licenso? Porhaps we cani help. Phono 666-2090. 36-, FT. GOLDEN »FALCON trailer, double and 'single.sîide-out, canopy . standard- . size fridge/freozer, many more features. $14995. (416) 725-0737. BROOKUN: FOUR-BEDROOM, attachod garage, hugeý fenced yard, 5 Mplances, largo roc room, A/C. -Short-torm rental. $1000. Heat paid. 839-6669. WHITBY: 3+ BEDROOM BRICK bungalow. 'includàs f ridge, stovie1 washr, dyor, 'blinds, finisheci basemont wlwet bar, 4- & 3-ploce bath9a feniced .yard. Walk to al amenities. Ploase, no pets. $1045. Mrs. Evans, 655-3047. WHITBY - 3-BEDROOM, main floor af brick bungaow. kknludes fridgo, stove, binds, carpet, carport. Walk 'toalal amenitlos. No pots. $790+ + part utilit ies. Mrs. Evans, 655-304. WHITBY: .3 BEDROOMS. Spaclous, bright and'cdean. Walk ta GO Train. Avalable immoediatly.* First' & iast month, $675 + utilitios. 666-4850. 3 BEDROOM, BUNGALOW in Whitby. lmmacuWae, lare fonced lot, finished basement. $890 plus utilities. First& last. 434-6515. BROOKUIN: 3 BEDROOM bungalow plus garage. Lots of land. Avaulable immodiately.,-655-8656. Cati anytimoé. CLEARWATER, FLORIDA - 3 bedroom, fuily furnished, ar conditioned homos. Pools, hot tubs', boaches, attractions. Chiîd- ren welcomo. Less than motel. $275 weekly. Photo.68-53 CEDAR VALLEYRESORT, oast' of Orono, 4th Concession lino, 7 km. east ,cf Hwy. 35/115. Seasonal campg round., Beautiful. $887 (1992-93). 1-416-786-2562. WANTED: WASHER & DRYEÉR.' Good workinig condition. Wiil pay cash. Cali 430-7827 or 430-6050. Ask for Sal. -L-- - ------N..... j TREES FOR SALE. uy direct fromf a growor. Maples', locusts, oaks, blrch & Colorao spruce. Divry & installatin available. From $49 to $199. Cali Willowgrove Nursery, 655-8553. SPANKY'S Propert y Maintenance -Reeldentiai and Commercial. Lawncuttlngta -generai mainten- a nce. Garae édisposai service. Odd lobs. Senors' discounts. Jlm, 668-6803. mr. trm Iawn and garden service government icensed professionals specializing in property maintenance. tree and shrub pruning, landscaping FREE ESTIMATES- 434-9428 623-9711 . . .$1.1.II. . .l.E. Noed a car - Crodi probloma? * oe ewn mymuaruos *CaM br »M C41 mno wa Glus LEASEGUIDE AUTOLEASINO 436-9837 -Ji EcEILLAN,& if FE LADASALES & SERVICE, New Cars hrm" $4r995 4X4's trom $7,395. 3yr. 72,000 km. warranty Many Used Cars ln Stock 666,3361> '83, CADILLAC ELDORADO. 83,000, miles. Fiorida car, nico shape. $4.500 certified., or trade for 4X4."'81 iviera 307-V8, $1.500 O.B.O. Larry, 683-1061. 1988 MERCURYSAL wagon. 8-passengor. Ioaded. Very,,gôod condition. .$7,600, certiid. Cal, 723-5852. ERROL'S APPLIANCE REPAIR Washers, dryers, f ridg os, stovos, microwaves, etc. Major credit cards accepted. 432-7734, Mon.-Sat. PRIVATE MORTGAGES - the place ta go whon your bank sîays *NO.w Serving Whitby. since 1973. 668-7200. ANU BIS INVESTMVENTS. MORTGAGE LOANS - lst& 2nds ta 95% of value. Ail property types, prime rates. Quick service andi approvals. Cali 'CityCan Financial 'Corporation, 571-2880 Oshawa, 686-2936 Pckering. IA&TON IBRUMLEYI 601 AHOME' TOISELL? 3.75% Real EstaF. cati 668-0515 Auton ÀIrumIoàý ROUI àEst uta1 Member of Oshawa& District R"a Estate Board, & Canadiar, Real Estate Associadon sinoe 1972. WAYNE. GRETrZKY SiGNED' pnnit, titled 'A Boy & Hise ram' Limfted odition. Asking $3.000. Cali Hope at 404-2124. CHESTERFIELD'SUITES, lovie. smats, sectionals, Ioss than hall Frice. Largo seloction. McKenr Furnituro, 524 Simcoo St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181 PORICELAiN ý,DOLL CLASSES beginning. Sept. 8. Tuesday& Thursday nights, 7:30 ta 9:30 p.m. $50/10 classes, plus sup li:es. groenware availablo, Marhia, Tippy, Shay, Nicholas. Phono Denise aiter 6 pm. 432-7900. THE FAMILY .0,F THE LATE 'Thomas "*MAC" Adair -wlsh to thank family and f.riondsý for- their support- ana sympathy. W. would like to thank 'De.Szendrey. and the nursing 'staff, afWhRWby,<>Goeral rnaeecknationi to Whitby General Hospital and theCanadianCancer Socety.' The Presbyterlan Church -Gideon Memnorlal Bile 'Plan; Whitby Professional Fîre Flghters Association,- Local 2036; C.U.PE., Local 53; U.A.P. Whftby' Pickering and Montreal; Northvlew 'Meadow Board. a,: Dirëetrs and-,CJ{.F.T. staff employees andstaff of Paint' PaAax AthoL Green Co-op memors M:0r Councîl and staff. Joan Adrad Family. GREEN. FRIDGE & STOVE, $400fpair. Washer., $80. Lawnmower, $20. Alil good condition. 579-8298. IBM COMPATIBLE 386133. Loaded, S.V.G.A. - colour - math co-processor, DOS, Windows, Autocad il (new). Serlous Inquirles pl2as2.7 $,50 f irm., Gord, MATTRESSES and box'springs at hait prico. MoKeen, Furnituro, 524 Simca. St. S., Oshawa. Phono 725-5181. DISHWASHER 1989 Kelvinator. Harvest, gold. excellent condition. Cuttingl-board top. $150 ornearoat. 666-8366. 1972 BALDWIN ELECTRIC organ for sale. Model- R125, excellent condition.' Rotating tromoio. Asking $460. Phono (416) 668-4933. FIREWOOD - SUPREME quaiity. Maple, beoch. Wel-soasonod. Very dry. Al split. Honest moasuremont. Fr.. delivery. Try the bost quality. 416-753-2246. SeWng Machine Repairs 1Ait Makes Complote Tune-up $39.95 Reconditioned Sewing Machines R ndtfmm $59.00 TOPUNE'SEWING CENTRE 571-1385 400lng St W. Oshawa SEASONED' FIREWOOD for sale. Hardwood. Haff-face, face bush cord, kindling. Pick-up or dolivored. (416) 649-313 BALLOON -VALANQE. 'Rose colour with whito ining. 131r wide x 180 long, $149. Also, oggshell colour shoars with 3-1 pleatod hoading, 94" wido x 81" iong, $79. 428-0937. ADMIRAL REF'RIGERATOR. Good condition, runs woll. $125. 668-7266. TrHANKS TO STr. JUDE -and the Sacred I-eart of Jesus for favours received. CA.R MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus b. adorod, giorified., ioved and preserved throughout the world nqw and forever. Sacred Hleart o0f Jsus pray for us. St. Judo worker of Miracles pray for us. St., Jude helper of tho hapeless pray for us. Say 9 timos for 9 days and promise to pubîish. NG. h at ch Maes P Permrnal i IrrducIory Service ' IA sensible %way, b jmeet for friendship 434ý-8399 .Joan i',cCoy PERSONAL LOANS* from. $1000 and up for any purpose., Quick approvals. 436-8104. BEST WISHES ,for a Happy Birthday or Anniversary. The das,Èsifieds'are a speclal way to, sendgroetngsî Caîl668-1i BAHAIS BEUEVE: The essence ,,,of religion is ta tostify unto that Which the Lord hath'revoaied and foilow that which Ho hath ordalned in His mighty Book. For infor- *matian and discussion, calI 'SINGLES WORLD'".-Dance everySunday,7:30 Êp..idtThe Corral,- 433 Smrcoo t South in Oshawa. Durham Region's only Sunday 'dance -exclusively for singles.1 Dross. code: no jeans. Information: .623-7007. PSYCHIC & SPIRITUAL ADVISOR Joacn Monday f0 Fddoy 9 a.m.to 9p.m. 430-13281 2 . ~ -- .,~ FLEA .MARKET, BARRY99 Books & Coilectables. 10% off at Port Perry Coùntry Maikot. Books, sports cards, CD's, tapes, reords, toys. HWY 7A, Port Perry. 9 M-. Whltby Fiee Pmiss,, Wednesday, Sopteniber 2, 199é2 Page 25»

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