7 - i Pagé 6, Whltby Fiee Pros, Wedesday, Septombor 2.,1992 The only Whitby Newsppe wned and operated by Whitby residents9for Whitby residents!, Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontarioa mc. at l131 Brock St.NWhty Ontario LI N 5S1 Phone66 -611Toronto Une 427-1834, Doug ýAnderson,- Publisher, Maurioe Pither - Editor Ale*andre,.Martin -. Production' Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration -#051351 In Time A Swwner Contest Of Architectural Identification Each week, <lie Whitby FePesWillpublisha pktux of an avucua detai in Wbitby Çuiluding Brooklin, iashibucinyrtle). A drw wiffbe ma&cfiDm 1 dm cScrct eawres. flý icIes nainewad die coroecWenadfkanon wiff bcpublished ini die -nextweek'sFree1'rs.- If you cmn identify this pictuoe, subinit <bis entry ta <ho Whitby-,FrS Press, 131 Bxock StoectN., Whitby LIN 5S1. ihe winnewill bic seocteci ncxt ¶bcsday at 10.00 a.m. LOCATON___________ Naine Address-.ý- Phone Nuinber. LAST WEEK'IMS WINNER DonnaGudge9p PRMZESDONATE. LAf Polahl) NMtweWs~pfidz emwedby] DRY SHERFrAGEHoU)sEiited Bn~ A - - -____ Canada anc By Brad Wallacs ln the mid-sixtéenth century, Niccalofflachlavelli wrate that thé mast perlous, undertaking a stete cen ever .pursue le that, af contitutional* reform. On thé surface, Machievelli's wamning, ta pasteritywould appear, et least in the case of ths state, 'ta be a praphotic truismn. But is R< truly? -While, there -cean bs, no dspying, thet the quintessential devil aio Canedian politice, « for <ho' lest century, has- beon constitutional renewal, anss st campslled ta ask if ailaf thls hadtobe. ea Laying -al illusory utoplan da aside, 1 ce *n, 1 believe, argus, with strang, conviction ln the negatîve. In particular,- thero cen be no naturel or inherent danger in such abstract ventures as redraf<ing the basic law of a country, for <hors is nothing* neturai' in or about civil saclety, ln general. The vsry nature af palitics, in ts substance 'for ,I1 make no pretensions ta understending ts essence) >le entlrely synt hetic-. Constltutionaliâm, séquality -and demacracy *ate thé mast unneturel of the. multifaiaus ideals whlch each af us dally takes for grentéd as naturel. They have, however, served ans very useful purpase, whéther civil saclety chooses ta, acknawledge it or not. They. have To the Editor:. 1 grew t;p inï Whitb but have lived in .Toronto and ebroad, but when 1 wantod ta start a family, we moved back ta Whitby ta maise aur, childron with g ood smnall-town' values. 1 realize, that thlngs can't stay the same, but Rt saddens me when another downtown store closes as 'Whitbyites' race by an their way to a mail, forgetting that ans ai the reasonsthey- chose Whitby ta live in was the downtawn area. Or, 1 ses another aid stane farmnhouse ar apple orchard abliterated by a subdivision. These, are places where my childhood memories were made, places 1 would have likod ta share with my children. And now ta see the insmen Pool closed. Whitby councillor Don Mitchell commented ln a newspap er recently that, 'The reo complex has been q uite successful and it's hard ta imagine nyne preferuring the Kinsmen Pooltathat, new facility.0 Excuse me,, but 1, and: nmqy I he'QixoteSyndr o me, in combinatlon bulit . upans af the nothihg !botter- with which ia sturdiest and mast, durable ad~ytssle. ern hsi psychoigcaUpolfilcal wlndmnllls oaind. t would seem that we haïe the age, ans 0, f whlch.Cerva'n-tes set inmtion hors a -systM of wauld probably have beh en olus. setprptýig frustratioh- Yesé Imy f1.110wCanadiens,. I reldase; thé erfectcatharls fra submnit that'<hors lies dèespin à the defensive peplesageér ta assert heait af ail of-aiâusthe ghost ai Dn ther' geatnes btlaklgtheO Qulxote. Imagine thé saarlng,,pride rsucs lhwth ad s.n with whlch the béfuddlod, di'oeny, can slywar, nferà thc idealist wauld charge-Into battIs âréi û coletvelnel against such -a formidable fo - <argotyb Mg thegrot Rd ragn a th ~ tlp- In <ho e 4nce afi uccessive Canadien Unity Crisis. 1onstlitUà tI c risslase. Thé leadership and -media of' bîeetht e are et ase, this country, have dons a gréati e h-ony ur0 fr, su-n deel af jousting against a Red natioin consumsd' by «. 'Quixote Dragon whilch Ibeliev, histarsn drome.' 1 belleve In Canaa and shail ans day prove -ta havé béén Itïftueo hsgétln," but a more windmill - an, aid and future ichtheispgriat»andDoa decrepit -anset'.that. But, unlike Quixats e1'.dn, reet in 'Oëà w e nver temarè level-hoaded peersaof again ta b. resurroctédý by tho Don Qulxote's time, we have falled champions of unreality.ý to know thé difference between S>j< ua Canadans, speek up illusion, and reality. Same af us for oveUghig thet, counts. This even stoad by and cheered as théeuQaton standsas thé snvy. ai the misguided knight lay an açalnst his warfd frcim 'ýthe wsalth ai aur unseon, adversary, vicanously naturý,resources ta the hlgh sharing, in tho thrill af thé' assauit. standarël'0f living - whichth -9 thîs al sounds ea 'littîs too generality of Canadiens onj oy. far-fetchsd or maybe even IJntIue -W. have,-. much- ta .flnd ta you, ponder this: except for, seli-fulfllîment in, wthaut .rsrtlng wars and natural"disasters, what ta petty. idoological in-fightlng. challenges has this country faced Reason buiftthis country and, Gad since. Confederation "that wers wiilling, reeson se, rbuftIt campletsly uniroleted ta <ho, issues 'W. needta prove nothinn'ta surrounding national unity?. , ' anyoà ne ol". We are Canadans From ýthis ,>perspectlive it might and, for. now, thet is mare <han almost, seem as.-H Canadians had enough.- prefer <o' spend the aiternoan stuffy PO .ol.- This includes, meny af outsicle,,in fresh air, watching <ho <ho lifqguards who wer' linin!u children play, flot 'inside in a hot,ý S U M 9 incorrect information1 in article To <ho odltor: Iam wr1-lg in reference <o <ho article, 'ewr ,exteni on .along Anderson .- hat aver hook-up cast%,' which appered 'In thé August 12 ,editian of <he Whitby Fiée Pross. In <ho article II: was written that <ho "north Anderson St. residonts use w'ells for watera, and'"Preste says residents will get fre. waeér hook-up becauso <heu wells Vwilbe affec<ed by construction.", This information was misquoted In <tho article and is incorrect Tho north Anderson st. residonts,-are, naw ,ýserved ,by municipal water, systom. In 1989, municipal watermains were extendedon Anderson St. betwoen Drydon Bivd. eând Taunton, Rd. as., part of <ho- avorali *servicing- requirents-, forthe 'Ks(lioiy mfAdron St. The elstng' rMednts ae Pr év~ied iwl<h sevice from thi'S'wvatermain. Hydrotechnlcal reports for this aiea, indlcatod'thet,- the exls<lng résidents' privatsé wells mhay b. nogtiel lmacedbysubdiviion dévelopmén. herefore, under <ho Rea!onal' Well lntsdoîsence Policy whlch 'has boon in ,place .since '1988,, < ho Region ýwaivoed any frontaigo charges releté<o, wator Purthermoîe, <ho develapor, Group 2,, pa'ld for connoction charges» <o xtend water servicés <o-the éxisting residonts,'property lino. '1n, a'dditiônh, <ho dovelaper contributead UPta $1,Co oOper p0roperty toward <ho.worke which was undertakon ,by <ho ,residents an private prapérity. I. trust <ho -aboyé informatdion pravidos clarif icatilon- for yaour use in an y future art1clos regarding <ho above rmetter, Keep the Kinsmen ,.pool pen a 1 View'point :1 1 -