Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1992, p. 1

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United Way. campaig ARTIST, Sue Parke works with students at Iast week at St. ThoiTas Church. By MarkReesor Whitbjy's minor hockey system is turninp away players because of a-lack'of arena space. Gloria, Johiiuton of the Brook- lin/Whitbhy Minor Hockey Asso- caoton s sah. currently, has abu 0kde on the waitmg bait. 1I will get more of these 90 on temýbt rm'ling teget alot more calla. -It's the bI=ng of Septerber and In, etting about Johnston says she has spots for 66 players, but it dependa on the group. > i h peewee and mîedget area, but we cant put young- kida ini that «New houses are beig buýilt and new families are moving ini, and it's just growing and grow- mVe- had 1,246 players- last year and it will b. the same this year; if we had more, ice we wouldn't have a problem.. Stuart 'Currieý, ,Brooklin/ Whvbyminor.hockey prednt says thie association may request a meeting, with -Towni council members. "Were noit.aoking 'fgor a big, fanc yarena," sayo.Curre. Johnsten.says'many ki^da were unable te play lastaeason,,Uand iv agaa'àn*this, year, acainShe says the sltuiation'seven more desperýate because 'Oshawa has stopped takting Whitby kids this Year._ «And this mornmln I got a - aU froïm th .preident of tfii church leguà iOshawa... he's bàtlinir. weithe i Oshawa ice ,Whitby kids but they won't give hlm approval.' A power-skatung program for ages 6 te il, and a munor novice rep te am is beinç eliminated t. free up more ice time, says John- Currie ays 5-year-olds may only b. able, to get inte a Can- Skate proogram. "(asyer)we tokaway fo a bantamteam t o hs. and now rve got a waiig lis im bantam... that's thee parents want them off the steesand want te keep-them busy.. "IAil the Id that want to play, we want te get them on, but you caWtn'tpak a team wiÏth More than 17; that's pretty heavy as it Johnsten says that last.year moët of the rep players had te practise on ice thiit's bought out- side, the tewn, as much as an houe's travel time away. dMeston says-she.saw the. ice space crunch coming quite some time ago. -"ýSix or seven years ago I was mnvolvedwith a pe±ition te have the ice put in Rossland Rd. (the new rec contre) "and we were turned down, of course because they said .there Wasn'Lenough demiand from the taxpayers.. «W. knew that tere was going te, b.... when thyre brungung ii new houe* gailI the time and the pplation im hcreasing, some- where along the lin. ther. has te be planning for these facilities.»' North ward councillor. Don Mitchell, chair of the parks and SER PAGE 23 By MarkReesor The., 1992 OshawafWhitby Newcastle United Way campa»n will "off lcially» begin neit We-d- nesdýay'with a breakfast i Oh- awa. People attending the break- fast, which begins at 7:15 a.m. git Genîeral*Sikrýsid Polish Veterans Hall, are asked to Wear- some- thing red to show support for, the campaign lawich. Canipaign -director M-Ane Xiii- sella says the thème for, theý breakfast which will b. tied fi' to, Canada ' 126 ceélebrËations, ,la 'Investing in, Canadians.' More than 2,000 vlunteeré, up rmabout ,5001 last yea aetryinlg to raise i excea s oif $îJ million i this year'à campaign - the exact figure will ,b., announ- ced at- the. breakfast. >"W. really want to make this a community activiy 4i_. e'wvei made sure our canvas- sers are 'weill prepared... al our materials are ready and out and we hope to make sure everybody has an opportunity to give this year.» TI%. campaign hasn't met its goal since 1989, but Kinsella is confident this year ýwill b. dif- ferent. Community interest is up- «lait, year we had about. 10<s q& cial* events organized to 'rise funda 'and awarenesý; this year we iave a bout 21».-,,and people have been calling offerngogai zational helpý and gooda andf ser-: vices. "There's-very imuché aàpositive attitude, toward' th , campaign thia year> and -there's a good atmoe'her nth' connnumÙty Ksila says. «I think thinga. are reallyý beginin toturn around atti- There' two United'Way events plainned'for Whitby this month -' a 'Celebrity Karaoke' night next Wednesday (Sept. 16) at the Pr-o- spect of WNhitby ad ayard sae at Frank Real ete Sept. 26. As well a Monte Carlo nigqht les planned ýor Oct. 3 at teHy donshore Pavilion. Town of Wbitby employees are holding a number of events in September, October and November to rais. ýfunda for -the local United Way campaign. Among the. events to eb.e are «'JeaSw Day,' car, ,wash, barbecues, pancake brekfast, 'Wackie 'De Day' and 50/50 draw.' Mayor Tm, Edwards and Town councillors vwill' participate' ii some of the events, te include: > 50/50 draw inckets are $2, each, with 50 per cent of the proceeds te the United Way and .,50 .per cen tethewinner of the draw Tee ilb. six draws throughouùt the camùpaign. Barbe FeFr $2,on.can w-Ibe three-babcusFkiday,, Sept. 1,nàn te2 n".at the muicipal building; Priday9 Sept. 18,. noon te 2 pJS.,at Iouoma Parkcepe rdy et 5 noon to 2 p.m., at the operationM centre, Taiinton Rd. Car diashei car wash wil b. held atthe new Civic Centre SU PAGE 2 > No.:;7 wedlles(Lay, septetnbel-9, 199-2 28 -r- .

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