Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1992, p. 19

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Whitby Rue Press, Wédct"y,Soptombsr 9< 199. Page 19 Whitbyadvanc 'es n EOBA miget playoffs Whitby Dunedin Construction Imeson said Wood has laid defeatedl Oshawa 7-5 in -a sud- down sersi sqaeze bunts this den-death final on Sept. 1 to ssondalhave been key advance in the Easterni Ontario faor in the outcome of the Basebail Association midget games." playfs.Tm Imeson came on'in'relief Te saie Oshawa team had for Mills who had a blister and defeated Whitby in a close best- was unable to throw breaking of-three series during the balls. Ontario Baseball Assoiation Imeson pitched the last two miget playdowns. adsu onteOh Hockey tryouts and alate ses- wonetoarthsv. son suspension had 'left the Whitby now faces Port Hope at Whby team with only eight Iroquois Park on Friday. 'Ile regular players for the sudden- winner will play Orono and then death matchu. Peterborough for the EOBA Wbitby caled up- bantam,- -championship., pj1ayers.Jérzy Aronowicz,' Brad 14wocand Ken Ciwayto fil .... ..... t roster, and ai:tre.cnti buted to the win. - 'Whtbyq statig Pthi~ f£our'Osh -Û,ns ~ «Ou outieldrs hd~ glittle' Highla$.4lCasswn t~pule it1gt1e liéh iyat King .thrgulir sîï o chmpqonship>ý en<tadiUeii).whièli 1, tribu- in the,_lU'r hgm aèh ted te their'bi jhM the WW- k9n'U"àP 1-bll'eague,. h it si and Picotte FPirates Ed*ood.y d the regular seasc>i NilBl ù,ht aýiv-sIid~ ith identical records of sin 'l inthe second :,iizlJ 'flor: md two lossesnd8h into tte .sixth iin contesta. toha-oha Osaw efhndrStefa But under the tie-brealcing Drews. sst-obse n runsre d But,,Whitby -scored si x rurin -Casi was aadefrs l" the àit wt several 'waDls, key Whitby S unèlid in ýthird bits by Ian Andrew and Calwaày,,R~Iiteegi-emeg a n d - a s e i hl a s d o n s ae l sm s a o n U l S d f e t d U l s i c 8 - 1 o -a .ecth unt bi -Sept. 2,thefinal gamo of the Stevew~ood. ls eaaon.~ "Wo had facod this pitcher bgin lyfso beforo. , and. know he could.* b Sept. 9. Playof action çcontinues wild" sid hitb coch ave over tho weokend, With the con- Imeson of 'Dýo ."so'we èau- solation final sc Mi.d ori tioned everyone te be pt-i - 8.i* p-. Sn Hy . 7~.-1'a .The championiship final isv scheduleld for 1 p.m. on Sunday, As ocaton Sept. 13 at Iroquois Park, dia- 0 0 mond2. NEL deision Whitby Suns won the playof makes no sense -h zpiosils er The National Hockey .League's recent' decision te make the wearing,of helmets optional for players "doesnt make any sense,» says the president of the Brooklin/Whitby Min or Hockey. Association. .Stuart Currie, noting that ho was expressig the views of the associationis.executive rnembors from last week's meeting, says that while'the decision won't affect tho minor hockey regula- tions, young players will. be i- fluenced te some 'degreo ince NHL playe" are role modela-.. » "It's a really.bad way te go -- that's the opinion of our execu- tive,» says Cornie. Hoe says hockey, even with tho amount of oquipment now worn, can be dangerous when sticks «come up.' Ho says Whitby miner hockey coaches will put even more emphasis on the safety asps of the gaie te countr thoin- fluetcofodelmetless pros. The Ontario Medical Associa-. tion is aise concerned and dis- appInted by the NHL decision, alngit uvery regressivo and a bbow te ipomotion of public health.» Tho OMA 0a studios -show that-wearng he ets.ndPr6er I!catly a eli'lhockey,-. Cuba'sjulnior boxers to train ini Oshawa' STEFAN TIMMS in tralnlng for world triathlon competition. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press WORLD TRIATHLON Tirnms aims for top 25 f'ini*sh Four years ago when ho cempeted in a triathlon for the flrst timo, Stefan Timme got bast. Butevric, the Whitby resident bas been finding the fiis lno--usaly ahead of the rest of the field, te bocome one*of Canada's bet i the gruolling event. SHe was age 16 when ho got lost in that first compotition, but won the event the next year. Ho won the Canadian championship at'the junior lovel in both 1990. and 1991 in tho competition that fincludes swim- ming, cydling and runn ing. And he's won 'other competitions, includinq an indoor triathlon, open te al ages, at McMaster University last February Ho ws second at tho national team qualifier in Grimsby i July, and was fourth in the Canadian championships. on Saturday, Sept. 12 ho will compote in Huntsville in tho world championships. "Fm hoping for a top 25 finish ... to finish in the 15 would bo a protty damn good race." Timins always exoellod in cross country running and swimming - as well as acadomics - when lho was a student at. Whitby w VIns showdo wn' to take lst Whitb hadtwo big gaine agane uner12 socce age riva Malernduring the, past week. And a win in ono of tho'se games was enoughtogo Whitby .theo ContraiE ast Rogional Soccer Loague cham- pionalhu«p. On Atg. 30, Whitby came out second bet 3-0. Whtbyîlayod strongly at tho start but Malvern gradually teok control in tho scnd ontet ftho esn bet- ween tho two teams. T 'he win put Malvern. in a frat-Pac tio with Whitby -- e ach tea= with 10 wins and two losses, and each team winnig a gaine against the other. On Aug. 31, a one-gaine playoff saw Whitby emerge as 3-1 win- ners. Whitby played agressively from the start, took an early lead and remained in control thriough- out. Members of the Whitby teain are goalies Adam'Farr and Ste- p hon Rypera, fullbacks Adam ýoI Michael Hadden, Ryan Smith ad .Antonio Scala, for- wards Matt Smith Mark Aber- nethy, Kevin fDalilva, Darryl Gajewski, George paminondas and Ross -.,.HamilI,.-' coaches Michael- Sookdeo a,.nd Stephen Hamill. Hawks -2nd in leagune Adrierme Marlowe drove in four rune as Whitby Hughes Hawks defeated Oshawa, 15-3 on Aug. 20 in tho 'final gamoe of regular season. play, in tiie mîdget grls softbatll bague. ý Whty flânLhed second 'ini le -.- play with 16- wins and Nangloaent. bit a- triple and drovo ini threo runs for Witb. Lisa Hicks bit'a triple and aingi and Melissa Elliott ad Corrie Dewitoach bit two singles.. Shannon Jnes bit a triple.' Hawks lest ail three games they played at a teurnament in Binghîamten.N.Y. Aug. 15-16. HÏickshad.aa sinle and drove in two runesina10-4loss te the homo team, Binghainton. Lynn. Michaud hit a single and drove in armn for Whitby. Hawks liad only four singles in an 8-0 lees te, Danbury, -Connecti- Camp amacin Osawa nd Anderson vi. CampSama in shaw and Whon sûme frionds- tried triathlon competition Timma said Hawks again could only teheAax ouity cenforeCubas it lookod liko fun" and docided to give it a try. Iies had «fun» manage four sig'los m a 51ls hedqarer fr ubs vor since. *,te Syracuse, N.V., junior boxng ta preparing fr " love it," says Timms, now a student at the University of the world ,junior championships Western Ontario. «Ail the people you meet in triathlon are in Montre__________________ The boxers will be at the two t'r5nd.10-nwghn15 b. msaytespraloR gi rto s locations from.Sept. 9 te 23, and At5f.1inwihn15IbTmmsashepotis S * will cbmàpoetè in two tournaments SEEPAGE27 I O against an ail-star Ontario teamn during their stay. That could include matches against, Doug Fisher and Troy amateur champions in their res- î y f i a s a t r le pective weight divisions. There was an exciting ffinish te Goldhawks advanced while Goldhawks won 8-7, eliminat.. Cuban boxers will moot the the Whitby Minor ýBasebaîl. DSW, Vick Insuraice, DIS' In- ing Duff's from, furthor play Ontario team on Sunday, Sept. midgot-juvehie season. surance and Rookies and Oldti- I the chain ionsbip fnlo 13, 2 p.m., and on Saturday, GomhwsersOte rek % wieroe liminatod in the first Au. 30, GoJh;awks took an Se t 19 '7 p.m both at Annan- Vido wntterxtrndnin ùof playoifs. early l1ead aguinst undofeated St GolfandxutyCuc the final bofore Otter Cek Duff's then played'Otter-Creek Otter Creek Vîdo te h 1ic~etsare 10 nd aailbleVideo, pushed across the winning on Ang. 23 te ettermine which Otr-CekVieie h qecret ar $1 an avilalerun te capture the league playoif team wn l enter the champion- gaiebut Goldhawks again took at the door. capwosi. hpud t&the lead. The Ajax Boxing Club -is host- chminsitsipudtetder' Creek Videoo tiedl the ig -the Cuban teain. Ajax clu Dufs Towing was the cham- 'Otter Creek won 6-2. Dufi' gaine khi the' bottom eof the mombers recently tramnedin in regular season p1y i hen played Goidhawks, who had seventh ininto'sed the game Cuba topreare for the Ontario the leauof seven teams Y 16-- lest their iret gaine of the intoextrainninrs*1 Cuba s 21idrd h Ord' f the moyen teams, Df.rmiiggie ecniu oeeV1a dsoead ec8n amaeurboîngpowr.Towing, Otter Crook Video ýand bti o h hminhp run for a 6-5 win.

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