Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1992, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 9, 1992 iPaw'is wi1n su lIirt soiftball [leagI[ue B timu <Whitby Hughes Hawks squirt representativo team ended the 1992 zeason- by capturing the gold in the B division of the Nrt York Women's Softball Leaue- a tbe longue, tournament- - held recently iNewmarket. Coringofte last two games of regua season, play with roound - wine of 9-1 over Richmond ill at homne, and 24- againet a, iNAax, Whitby secured top spot i their divisi*on and a bye in the firet round oftbe LARGSTOSHOWROOMS IN ONTARIO 22FL EOA TEDKITHENADBTHDSLAY BINNS HAS 3 CERTIFIED KITCHEN DESIGNERS ON STAFF Discover our oiegant showroom which boasts 22 fully decomateci kitchen and bat h displays. Our unique creatîve concepts are' designod around your individual lfestyle and our 29yer expérience guarantees you quality workmanship with a lifeim warranty. on cabinetry. Came un and see why aur clients recommend us to their cosest fiier'idsI plagofe. Ajax, WLohad-defeated East Gwillimbuiy te advance. The Whitby girls broke the game open in tho second inninng, sending 14 battere te the plate and scoring 10 runs, te go on te a 17-2 victory. The gaine was cailed after four innings when the mercy mbl .came inte effeet. Whitby' pitéher Heather Seamone struck ont eight of the 16 battere eh. facod, giving up only one walk and two bts. Bth runes oored by. Ajax were uneamned. Whitby's hitting attack was lead ycatcber JXIl limes who wont four for four, drivingý ont two home rune and two doubles, with five runs batted in. SSeamone was aiea bhot with the bat, going tbree for three at the plate with a single, double and a triple and acoring, three runs. Right fielder Kristin Foeter ecored threo runes on three singles and Tania Chappeil, playing third base,'scored, two runseand lashedý ent a double. Singies were, aIso made 'by fielder Sarah Lao, second baseman Patricia Cowman, firet Ibasman Shari Brysk and shortstop Melanie Sivitilli. Contre fielder Kerre Elles scored after receiving a walk in the third inning. The Hawks shone defensively throughout the gaine.. Biyska made four outs with assiste going te Cowman, Chappell and Seamone. Whitb went on ta face Ricbmon Hill in the second gaine after Richmond fuil had defeated Markham in the firit, round. Richmondj-Hill had been tough adversariee for the Hawks thrliouot, the year, in bath bagule and tournament play. Whitby came froin béhind in. the fourth inxngt batting throàugh the linenp, and scoring, five, rune, to takeal0-9 lead. Richmond HM11came -back scoring twa runs in hôth'the fifth Teaclutheim a esson a -S thell1 neyr There's more to leaming community, and by putting the' Ontario Community than the A-B-C's and 1-2-3's. your local newspaper -inside Newspaper Association. An essential part of Ieamiflg the classroom, you can teach Whether you are a teacher is leaming about Ite. them about real lite happen- or a parent,-if you would like You can teach' studerits ing~s in their neighbourhood. further inforfmation, contact that ite bégiris in their own iTeach, them, readinp and the publisher of this paper, commuxnity by getting yor wntîng skilIs along- with an Doug Anderson, at schools involved in The oingoing interest in current at- 668-6111. NewpSem in Education t airs.- ,pmram. This teaching progran NewspapersIn, Education Chidren need to know waS produced by protes- - The Coxnvnwllty Newspaper they nut an impo soa dctrs on behaiffof aleonn Ile and seventh inVilng but-' Whitby held them off by tallying three in the fifth, and two in the "1ixtbt mecure the 15-13 win. The battery of Seamone -and Ines was impressive, striking out il ,and only walking three. Again Whitbys e dfence was strong, with Bryska recording' 10 L uteuts with four assista te amone and -two each te Cowmaft and Cahppeil. . Seamone led the offence with a single, a double and two homo rffns.Both Foster and Chappeil bld a triple and three snls With Chappel scoring four runs and »Foster scorng three. Innes scored three rune on a double and twa singles and Sivitilli ecored three runs on three hita. Left- fieldor Jeesca Armetrog -alie drove out' a hethird game placed Whitby aainst Markhami who bad eliminated .bath Ajax and Richmond -fUIin h their second and.,third round. Once again, a etrong performance on the mound by Seamne eaw ber striking ont ninen walidng only one. Afler twa innings, Whitby led Markham 2-1 bnt another aine runs in the third and six mare in the fourth made the score 17-6 which brought the mercy rule into efféét again. Chappel ecored three 'rune ohi ~single, a double'and twe walksý, with tbree more fim Sivitilli on a single and two free passes. Innes croeeed the plate twice on a home run and a single. Lo had a single and a double te add one more and Bryska notched two runs on two walks. Cowman and left fielder Tara Graham scored one each on a walk and, Seamone drove ont a singlé nýâscored a run.' Anntrog ecored after reaching base on an error te the catcher. Whitby played weil defensively again. Bryska made six a uts and Seamane Me.e with two assiste going te Chappel and Seamone and an. to Cowmn. Seamone was .eelected most valuable player of the the playoffe for the Whitby equad. She: struck ont 27 of the 85 battere eh. faced and only gave up live walks. lier batting average for-tbe tourna- ment was, .800,. with three ingles, two doubles, a triple and two home ruas and scoring six. She received 'the 'game bal' from the third -gaine for ber achievement. Coaches John Aitkenhead and Jimù Innes were bath pleased with the accomplishinent of the entire teain as the players put it'al together te capture the beague titi.. ENVIRONMENTAL, SPEAIKER AT DURHLAM COLLEGE. ON SEPT. 10 Sponsored, by Durham Envirornmental 'Network, environimental journalist Randy 'Thomas ,will be, sýeakîng about' hie experiences in-the Persian Guif. 1Thomas will also show bis 25-minute video <Eco-War' that recently won first place at the, UAS. Environmiental Filmn d&mage done in'the'.Oùffby e 17 million barrels of oi lelt loose and the fires thaUpuTned for g0O days. -. WIiy'"hàve y ou idt bohea&More, 4but tho human and- envranmental -deyasaà kitat reequlted\rom the Gulf War? At Dur!ham College, 1cu ro L1 t7:-30 p.ïn., Thomas will tell us why hie tine he fac have lben., and continue te, ho,' keptfrmus. Advane tickets ($- 5 .fo6r dulte, $3 for' etuderxtà) may ho obtained from the EcologyShop,, 282, Monarcl Aé., Ajax or .the Earthdance-Store, 8 Midtown Di., ,Oshawa. Doorcotsa $6 and. $4, respectvel. Prizes and 'rç'frehmeénts, <Many businesseM recenitly received an applicationform from Pitney, 'Bowes of Canaàda Ltd., encouraging atcpation in its' third annualin9y Bo)wèeNational Office Rccng Aad As ar o té pcoming Wast4Î Reduction We 1992, Sept., -27 -to Oct. 4. Pitnçey .Jowes and' the Rccii Council of Oz~trio(RC) wlthnou~ cmpaieshroghot Otario that ha ve 'ore d dtaomote ad pari apin reduction, reuse and recydling activties.in-the workpace. To enter, acquire a nominaton forb addescribe your company's waste niiuimi*zation,. prograin and .the different ways your office is practising the '3Rs. 1TMe winning comp any will ho awarded a Pitney Bowes."" 9plain paper fiacsimile machine and a cetificate of acluevement fpon the RCO. Each entry wiIl receive a mini-desktop bIne box t6 hold pene and pencils. Ail nominations- will b. reviewed by a panel -of judges reprsenting the RCO, Pitney Bowes, themedia and prvncial government. Evaluation'ofnominations'will hobe d on participation levels, effectivenessa and' uniqueness of theý, progran.- The competition deadline is Sept. 16. For more information, oeil Eileen Chadnick at 480-7309. Tip: Companies can economize on fax paper by. suggestrt that a 'cover letter'is not needed. In manyicases, the pereon's name, departmnent and number of pages can ho writteni on the top of the firet page. As, fax paper comes in a roll, the -machine pre-measures the receiverps message. Therefore, 'if you are sending informÎation that takes up only part of a page, cnt off the remaining portion te save your receivées fax paper. --- '777,77m-- - - 1

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