Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1992, p. 25

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Whttby Fme Pro, e. kiosday, SspI.nb.r0. 1002, Page m PIANO & KEYBOARD LESSONS. WEST LYNDE AREA mother wdi KLEEN -KUT UPHOLSTERY. ALTERATIONS BY MARY. Give Private lessons for students ln my pode home chlld care,ý fu'IlI- or Re-upholster o antiques. AUl your old wardrobe a neïw UIft. No' home. Cali 668-7876. =attme. days. 668-5999. kinds of recovoring. Your fabric or job is to amail. Ladies' and men's ____________________ mine. Free estmates. Over 40 talaring at- reasonable prices. _______________yoars experlence. 430-7568, Whitl2. 3-6 p.m. ,436-1448. DAY CARE AVAILABLE -in my home, on bus route ta St. "Mark's. DaIy outings, references., safety. Age 2.AndersonlRossland. CIULD CARE, TFICKSONIWBoIsd area. Mother af one Willing ta care for three year aId- and Up. Nutritiaus lunch' and snacks. 432-2642. *MOTHER 0F 2 would tike to rovide loving care for your chlld. 9 home,. Brookwo-od area. References & receipts. 430-9077.. HANDY14AN SERVICES.- Olean C ard , baemen CLetâ trees. rn'thig t »I? b 65 5-3004. CINDY'S ALTERATIONS& Gustom -Teiloring. For ail your sewing needs. Leather, .weddîng custom desig ns. Tuesday rdy 10 -5:30; Saturday, lu - 3.N qipintment necessary. 101 1fV2 MaySt.'W. <Pearson Lanes). 430-6550. CERAMIC TIUNG- free "stmales. Over .25, years exelec.qu bwrkmnaiish. ResinmteLCal eat571-6. ARE YOU BEING SERVED?, Do you want your place of business and/or home cloaned 'ta jour satisfaction, 100%/1 guarantes ? i you want value for your cleaning $ flot just cheap, thon cati now for a no-obligation, writton quote for ail your commercial, inidustrial & residontial cleaning requiremnents. 668-2039. PAINTERS PLUS - Service, and %qualfty are not an accident. For 1% off and no GST, calI BibI or Geri, 404-1224. HANDYMÀAN SERVICE - «No j'ob too smatI!' -Patios oDecks oGeneral repair .Odd jobs. 427-1674. CUSTOM DESIGN and dross- maklng. Wed1n and eventng gownp brldesmalds& grads~, suits, etc. Renovatlon and afteration. Garments also- made from a picture. 723-3259. GRANDMA'S COMPANY, offers GREEN cleanlng ai residences and offices. AIli our ladies are security checked throiugh - the police. Bonded and insuréd. Chambèr member., Knack y Ur sacks off servicelt, 725-9177, <24 haur answering), CUSTOM-MADE DRAPERY and tule installation. Own fabrlc wélcome. Also, we repair aId drapery. CatI Beryl or Ted id 432-174 after 52Opm. SPECIAL WEEI<LY ýýýýRATES avallable at Bon -Voyage- Motel. At Hwy12 & 7i,2knm frth of Brooklin. Cagi 655-5308. SEMI-FURNISHED ROOM for rent by-'mature,, working lndMvdual. Asking $300/month, Inclusive. Phone 436-0909, or 666-5288. WHITBY - SHARE spaclaus new home with ane or twa others. No. pets. Nan-smoker. $450lmanth, everthing inctuded. 666-8590. RETAIL SPACE FOR 'LEASE. Oreative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 a.m. ta Sp.m.. MEDICALIPROFESSUONAL, 625 sq. ft., dwntown WhRWb. Ground floor, loads ai, parking. Private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. CROSSCANADA MARKETPLACE f15 FAST - irs EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BILL DOES UT ALL. AUCTIONS 2-Day UNRESERVED CLOSE-OUT AUCTION. Sept.19th & 201h, 10am -for Clampltt & Boyd Limited, 67-61 Holborn Aye., London. Salling total Inventoy of parts, shop foots,. office equipmenf. trucks, tractor loader, traitera. motor homes and reat estate fesse. Cati (519) 439-9276 or <519> 663-9797 for further information. If's another Aero Marine Auction Sale 705) 734-4777. AUTOMOBILES -FOR SALE GOVERNMENT. SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHUCLES U.S. and Canadien tow as $100. BMWs, Cadillîsa Chevs, Fords. Mercedes, Poraches, frucks. vans. Amazlng free.24-hr. recordlng reveats how. 1-416-631-4666. BU SINESS SERVICES, GOVERNMENT *GRANTS;, LOANS & assistance programs (Federat & Provincial) for your new or exfsting amati business. If normnation (514) 937-2422 ext. 98. VACATIONITRAVEL CANADAS COLORFUL FALI, FOLIAGE CRUISES aboard afegant reptica steamboats.. Romsntic cilles. 1000 Islands, International Seawsy/locks, whale-watching and fjords. From $629.00. Dfl-a-brochure 1-800-267- 7868. STEEL BUILDINGS DEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel S traîtwafl Type, - nof quonset - 32x54 $7.344; 40x72 $10.276; 50xg0 $15,882; 60x126 $22.972 - other sizes avalable - Final sumnmer, clearance - Paragon - 24 Hours 1-800-263- 8499. BUILDINGS - IF A SIDE-BY-SIDE comparison Is what Il takea 10 pIck ouf the bestsand lawest ... we're al for Il. Now for s fimited fima - Factory Direct ROCK BOTTOM PRICES. Example 25 X 30 Value $2,749. now $2.244. 40 x 60 Value $8.073. now $6.188. Many sizes and types avafflable. Pioneer 1-800-668-5422. STEEL BUILDINGS - Pfowlng Match Speciaf. Ouonsets. 'S' Models and Strsightwalls. Factoryehas allocated 29 Buildings. Various sizes. No reasonable ofler refused. Caîl FUTURE STEEL BUILDINGS 1-800-668-8653. HELP WANTED FUN AND FREEDOMCAN BE VOURS by becomning an ndependent Distributor of Ma Cherie Lingerie and Loungewear. We make Il easy for you to make your fortune. Earn an impresre 45% profit. Cati 1-80-661.3305. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING al the Southwestem* .School of Auctioneering. Nexf Clasa: Nov. 21-2 7. Information, contact: Southwestem Ontario School of Auctioneering, R.R. 05, Woodstock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 (519) 537-2115 FREE CAREER GUIDE to home-study correspondence Diploma courses. Accounting, Air conditîonfng. Bookkeeping. Business, Cosmetology, Efectronics, Legal/MedI cal Secretàry, Psychofogy. Traivef. Grantan, (SA)- 263-Adefaide West. Toronto. 1-800-950-1972. TRUCK DRIVER training AZ and DZ courses, also air brake, dangerous goods, defensive driving. log book* and border croasing. Rodgers Schoof. Ontario's oldest. CaI 1-800-668-031. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES WE NEED A MORTGAGE BROKER or resU astate broker f0 acf as mortgsge.agent ln this ares. Callifitransicon Finaincial Group 1-800- 2.8-1429. Ask for J.R.' WORK AND TRAVEL OVERSEAS. Placements avilable on farms In»l countries. Contact the International Agricuffuraf Exchange Association. 1501 -,17 Ave. S.W, Cafgar,.AB T2T 0E2. MORTGAGES' MORTGAGE MONEY FOR HOMEOWNERS. Psy off biffa, credif cards! Start new business. Exemple: Borrow $10,000. repsy $100.00 monthfy. No quafifying hassfes. Intransicon Financiaf, Tol-res 1-800-268-1429. INVESTMENTS MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS AVAILABLE. Only people from smsl towns understsnd the importance of investing in- smsfl communities. 11-1/2% to 13-1/4% returna. Call Intransicon tolfree 1-800-268-1429. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES EXTRA INCOME! Grow baitworms in your basement or garage. Odorfesa operation. Low Investment. Market, guaranteedl Free information. Early Bird Ecofogy, R.R.#1. Smithvilfe. Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. FOR SALE INVISIBLE FENCING - The original and proven dog confalnment system. Over 250,000 dogs stand behind Invisible Fencing. Indoor and outdoor systema.. Guaranteed 1-800-661- 6286. BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" Tro mach, a wkdmakOt. advertise shoughotthe regional mombershqp ofithe Ontado ad Canadian Communily Nwp.eAssociations Derek Dutka Specializing in -tax & retiremnent planning since 1986 CALL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. ,>Hihway Traf9ct Accidents *Careless Drîving Suspensions - Fail to Romain FMUIn-Homo Consultation Open 7am to1 p (41) 37-47*o:1-00265055! The MutuwýGM't HERB TRAN -call for quotadon < 725-6564,' RRIFs ANNUITFI. GICs RRSPs LANDSCAPING, by UNI VERSITY WERKS. -since 1980 - Quaty ConstnxtLon & Professional Desjn Intedocl<ing Brick Drives, Pati, Walks 'Reýtaning WallIa" Wiood Fenctng - Wood Decks Foee Comp)elilve Estimates 666-9690 'Active Carpet & ltelmc.,Cmeca n eeta Sales Custom Installations 576-'7847. FAX 576-7029 843 Kin1g:St, W., Oshawa Just Wost'of -Thoht9)n South Sie ai KI&ng Speciaîizing in Earîy Chiîdhood Education. For Peace afi Mmd. Perry House DayCare Centre Ltd. 129 Perry. St., Whttby 668-9476 CARPET Colour Is lmpo rtant SHOP AT HOME See samples Cal for Service 1> teufax 430-0987 Deci. Guzobos AddfOn, eC. On Ail Canada 572 newsxpers - $974 for 25 words For further Informaton please catI the Whtby Free Press Classlfieds - 668-0594 J Your ad could appear ln community newspapers ln Ontario, or right across Canada, or any individuel province. Space ls Umited, so Cali This Newspaper Todayl 1-i iý-- -à L up

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