Whitby Free Press, 9 Sep 1992, p. 6

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Page 6. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, September 9, 1992 The only Whitby Newspaper owned and operated by Whitby resîdents for Whitby residents!Mh Published e very Wed.nesday by 677209 Ontarioa mc. mq at 131 Brock St N, Whitby, Ontario Il N 5S1 Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line 427-1834 Doug Anderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Class Postal Registration #05351 InA Titne AContest of .Architecturali dentifcation E"hwoek. fthe W RSbyPr.PEM wMfpbish a pi==rofaen aivhtwcura dtillaWb in cludi.gBrookila, Ahburn anMyr&l). Atlaw wilibemadohrmnthe coeiries*'Thwhmoe's nmm*md di corecitinficWS owM bepubâlshd in the nwtweekps Fiee Pres. If you can identify this picwo, submit this cnby Io die Whhbhy Frce Pres, 131 Brock Stree N., Whilby LIN 5S 1. 'Meiwinnezwili Ie seleced next Tuesday at 10-.00 a.m WCATION___________ Naine Address Phone Number- 305 st. John St. W. Ibis entrancc, and(the window above ht which was last weck's detail, is cly duerear einmm of a Large bouse which was built in 1877 for James Rutledge. Oiigyil occupied tlic enuir block and is front which faces Cenre SLis nw ccealed by arow of houses. LAST WEEK'S WINNER L. McCornack PRIMESDONATED BY ~444 ~~ett9~r4 1 le tHERFrAGEEHOUSElimted Lafor>taii>e Nen wOSp7dm ( y dra TaMP To the oditor: For the first time in Our lives we have'a government In power whlch recognizes and Is prepared ta, respond ta the neods and aspirations of workers. But that government needs, support now as neyer before, day by*day, week by weiek. Please let's not blow Rt. Reforms ta the Labour Relations Act wlll help croate better workplaces In Ontario. By updating the law, more working people wil bo able ta have greater say in what goes on at their workplace. lmproved co-operalion between employer.and employees mears a stronger and more competitive economy for Ontanio.. t will be niecessary to update the Labour Relations Ac ta reflect the realities of today's workplace. Womnen, minorities, part-time and, ful-time. workers. in the retail, financial and service sectors face many obstacles In organizing because the law has not kept pace with these shifts ln the workforce and the workplace.' Above ail, these measures are designed ta redue conflict and confrontation in labour- management relations. Conflict in the workplace can damnage working relationships. motivation and productivity. By removing flashpoints in the law, we, can strengthen co-operation and partnorships in the workplace. t's a myth that labour law reform doesn't fit with an efficient and heathy economy. Look at the hlghly organlzed workforceqq in Europe and the strong ecônomies those countries eny there are the scae- mangers who say that nobody will want to do business ln Ontario and jobs will b. iost. There is a lot more damage done to the investment climato negative lobbying than by. some positive attempts ta update outdathd« labour laws. The Ontarlo govemm'ent bas consulted very ciosely with business groups ta dovelop amendments that croate botter workplaces and a stronger economny. Some people thlnk (hors has. been too much consultation with, and accommodation for the business community. This view mnay have some morit given the irresponsible 'and radical behavior of somne of those "tlue suitse who run around the province threatening, ta take their "football' and -go home. They, 0f course,' help ful IIIter own1 prophe'ncëy as 'their scare carnpaignà serves only, ta frighten workers and damage the' invostmeMnt climate. Stuart Dmew lnternatlonal Association of Machiniste and Aerospaoe Workers Ballooôns show, Iack of care To the Edîtor: A n open letter ta McDonald's Restaurants of Canada. Iarn writing about the McHappy Days metallicfmlm balloons McDonald's has been selling for I have found three of those balloons ln a forested area of tho Oak Rlidges- Moraine. They can also be seen on tho sidos of highways and sideroads across Durham Repion.' puring a recent waik alongtho Lake Ontario shoreline iln Whitby guess what 1 found.washed up on the beach? Yes, anather of your balloons. McDanald's must have sold tons of thousands of those balloons across the province. How many slipped through children's fingers, aut of car windows or broke from their strings? Huncreds certainly, possibly thousands, given the numbers N'e seen across the region. Worse, these metallic-film bailoons appear ta be indestructible and will likely be lying around for years. Since these balcons have tho scent ai McDonald's food ail over (hem, ýanimais will try to eat the anes they find in the forest and roadsides. What will happen ta an animai that, ngess part ,or ail of one of yourMc Happy Day balloons? What about fishW and wvaterbirds that will find them floating on the surface ai Lake Ontario ando'ther lakes? -.Did- the- McDonaldis, rnarketlnn were sold to children across Durham, that McDonald's responsibility for their balloons then ended?' McDonald's says they -are "a company thae does care for the earth.n If that were really true, thon y ou know about. being. responsible f or a produot from. 'cradle (o grave.' You created those balloons. You sold them. You are responsible for the sale disposai ai (hem. You are also responsible for easily- predicted 'improper use,' such as the balloon slipping through a child's fingers. Afterail, you didn't have ta make thoiseballoons ta promote "your restaurants. The use ' f these' balloons clearly shows, how superficial McDonali 's- commitment 'là ta caring f r -the earth. Even the few things t 1Donald's has done ta help th g environment are simply wincjow dressing to fool kids and theit parents. You won't get away with that for long. To paraphrase an aid adage: once fooled, twice shy. Stephen G. Leahy Braoklin Agreat recovery To the Editor: vehicles were summoned to- the Otter Creok, June 26, 1992, caring p7eoplo.-- moving day, a new family moves Later Matthew was transpored into tho neighbourhaod on Frost in the ambulance to Whitby Dr.,. Whtby. Over the course of General 1-lspital where he stayed ane and a hall months, people undergaing x-rays and gradually meet this new family. examinatians, and was found ta One nel9hbaur suggests that the have very minor Injuries. communiy us like one big family, At this point I would like to say and to b. truthful not much was thanks ta the people who came ta taken by this comment, but the my aid not knowing wha 1 was or Importance of this. statement had what happened, and also to etobe realized by this new ambulance. attendants, Manny ramt1ily. Bonello and Jo. Sheikl and police OnAg 9 ate MGie Sgt. Carras and Const. Watson for on. of the new kids on the bock, their fast arrivai and very caring was retumlng home on his bike. help. While In the, processý of tuming And a special thanks to tho anto Frost Dr. ho was involved in a people adt(ho hospital, namnely (ho collision with! a car and thrown nurses and 'the ^doctors, Who from his bike. lnj ured, ta whatj heIped nme pet weIl, and to extent' unknown at this 'time, resudents ai this caring cOmrnunity Mathewlayon the road. Wthin w, have sent me cards, ,gits or seconds, the passenger 0of the j ust 'a cheery srnilo. You've reaiîy vehicle and several residonts of -made it a great recovery. the area came to his assistance. j The police, amnbulance and tire- Matthow McGulre &famîîy. *Labour Iaw reform needed ...~ ". -------------------- ý10

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