4. .4' ,~ Pà gs Z Whltb~, Fle~ Presa~ WéchiêBd~i4 epember18~ 19~2 By>Marlo»Boucher The fate of the Kinsmen out- ýdoor pol WilllikeIy be, détér- mined by, low attendinc, this summer and needed repair- costs Of *150,000. Despite the> bad weather, the Kinsmeri outdoor pool attracted 1,939.people ini the, summer. .Thai compares to .2 296 , at Anne Ottenbrite and 16,205 at the Civic recreational complex. Last year, 3,332 people used the Kinsnien pool.> Larry~ Morrow, Town director of par" and recreation, says $15Ù,000 would be required te p roperly heat thé pool water and or a variety of other repaira at RMAY A$ ALDR t,ýhe outdoor pol. About 317,070 gallons ofwater leaked from the pool over, the, season- becaÙse of a seized main drain valve. The bolier was un- able- to heat the replacementý water quickly enough. Some swimmers mentioned the wator wasn't as hot as' they would have liked, he says4- .Morro.w says the water leakage has'been a problem for the last two years a"d he wýill recom-, mend coni approve the repaire inext year. 1Councillor Joe Drumm says it is difficuit, te make a judgment on'the Kinsmen pool because of the poor summeèr weather. Couneillor. Marcel Brunelle says thée numlbers,:inicluding how many. people used the .ouitdoor pool this* summer,. have te be anlan nd>te Ton as t decidewhether or not te, keep the pool open iii 1993 anid whether te do- thie repairs .*te the pool te bing it uuptepa.n SThe Zpolsbud'get was estima- ted at $64,10 ad has corne in $17,670 under budget as of Aug. Council voted last spring in favour of keeping the, Kmsmen pool open for the 1992 summer, and, te see how 'many people would use the facility.. Store zoning allowed. FROM PAGE 1 followed," said councillor Dennis FOI. Çai(fDaniet N.W. WHITrBY, FfthTOFFERING- Ex quisite 4 bdrm ail 'brick home in prime area. M.F. F.AR with oak plank f loors, customn mantql on f ireplace, french. docrs, ceramnics, plantation sihutters, CAC, c/vac, extensive interlock brick and so much more...$204,900. I ~ JUST LISTEDI PRICIED TO SELLI *â Sueaiiy cdan with 3 bedroomns. - S E BU DONT WArrTTOO LONG 1 $141,9001I Cail Rosemary Brown 433-2121 6.2% S £AES FIRST TIME BU YERS ARE CURRENTLY BLESSED WITH: *A minimum 5% down payment *Mo rtgage rates iowest.in 30 years *And vendors who are anxlous t'O seil their homes!! The resulting activity la starting ta generate second time buyers Iooking ta move Up while rates are stu!! low. Iflyour ho use (ails into elher category and you want ta sel, now Isthe time to give me a cali. 4:33-2121 ELO - ASK FOR ROSEMARY l JUST %9 LOVE HELPING PEOPLE.« Kïnsmen, pool repairs to be recommended WHITBY KUMON MATH C EN T RE NOW TESTING FOR OCTOBER REGISTRATION