... Whiby FrPrs, PU V dyq 8 pbr1, 19l92, ieag3 Ontario ingnfI. Sullivan wins, Reform nominationI Itesdao Whitby Couneil agenda(s') Development Committe That councili approve the deslgnated property grant application by John Kenneth Beer for eligibie costs for restoration work on the Arhur Archlbald House. 513 Centre St. S. Ren ovatlonlrestoratlon costs are estlmated at $4,100. The grant payment wiil be about $2,050., Approved by council Recommenda- tdons from Operations Qommittee That the low tender 0f $282,474 from Akzo Sait Ltd. be accepted for the supply of sodium chioride. Approved by counel That the 10w tender of $265,31 1 from Elpira Construction'and Materlals Ltd. be accepted for the resurfacing of the Dundas StiCochrane St. Intersection, subJect ta an allocation of -- subsidy from the Mlnlstry cf' Transportation, and approval by Durham Region for its Portion of the tender. As part of the contract, the Region Is ta replace.the exlstlng waterrnaIns In the Intersection with iarger 400mm diameter watermains and MI replace the exlsting sanitary sewer on Annes St. with a larger 300mm dlameter sewer f rom Dundas St. to Dunlop St. Approved by ooimdil That the low quotation of $1 1,875 by Robert Eckel Irrigation be accepted for an automatia Irrigation system at the soccer fields at. Iroquois» Park. The Installation is, scheduied for Sept. 21. Appyoved by council TMat approvai be gîven for a deiay ln the ighting and irrigation cf the piaying fields at Durham Board of be accepted for consuling engineering services for the Lynde Creek watershed water resource management strategy. The Town wants the strategy ta address the changing scope of drainage Issues that willi guide the development of future urban areas. Approvedbhy council ByMaroBoucher Don Sullivan is now ready«t serve the people in the _Ling and ta rotect their interests iii Ottawa' after winning,. the Reform Party nomination in Ontario riding. That's the officiai r slogan Sulli- van has adopted for his cami- p airn- Suli van, 58, a resident in Ajax for the past 22 years and an administration officer for Port of Toronto, police and sacurity departmen, -was declared the, wininer last 'week -at the, Ajax community centre with 170 votes on thefirst ballot.- He defeated Andrew Davies of Whitby (55 votes) and Bill Foden of Pîckerinig(51 votes). The former Metro police officer decided ta, run for the Rteform Paity last January after hearing pary leader Preston Manning pekat ameeting in Pickering. Sullivan 'saykt what Manning had ta say made a lot of sense»ta hini and says hie was impressed by the turnout of 6,000 people at the meeting The meBmbership in the party's Ontario riding association has unped to 900 last month from only4î0last January, he says. aIfee1 good that you cari run a cainpaign strictly on the menit of myself and how, I interpret the policias of the party,» hie says., Sullivan says hie is happy ta have won based on his decîsion ta focus his campaign on what he intends ta do as a faderai repre- santative instead of falling, mta, the saine pattern as most politi- cians, that of blaining other poli- ticians on what they did or did not do. "And this is the wa rlm going ta run my federal paitical cam- paign,»he.says. Sulivan says it is a real endorsenment ta, be elected this way and voters are showing they prefer a representative. who wii no aketoomany promises'and Who will try ta be positive about the future. «There is a place in oliticsfo polite people who will mun not against somebody but rather in faivour of something positive for, the people in the riding.» Sullivan says ha has made o nly ana pr omise as a represen- tative of the Raform Party. Ha wants ta distribute money DON SULLI VAN from a tax-frea allowance from par Of MPs' salaries ta various charties in the riding. Each MP earns a salary of more than ~85,000 a- year, with about $27,0 of that tax-free. Sullivansays ha will ask an accountant ,ta calculate how much tax' 'ha would. pay on the $27,000 and give that amount ta non-political charities in the rid- ~hat cudrsuit toaia much as $42,000 over the naît four years for charities. Sullivan says ha likas the idea that the monay from the tax-frea allowance will stay in the area for the people in Ontario* riding who really need it This is part of his commitment ta the community and ta the riding and ta show that ha has no intention ta "maya1 ta Ottawa as many politicians tend Ita do after being elected, ha Baya. "l'm certainly not doing it for the xnny, Fin doing it bacause I really want ta.» Sullivan says ha wili bring thîs idea of giving money ta charitiei from the tax-free allowance ta the Reform Party conference in Winnipeg on Oct. 21-22 with the hope it may be adopted as part of the party's policies. SSullivan, would also like ta help create changes ta the Young affndara Act so young offenders can be "held more responsible for thair actions. "Too many young people know what the act is about and how it <protects them soiît really ends Up promot jg crimes,» he says, . Aoî45,000 ,Reform Party members resp ded to a' ques- tionnaire about' the existing cri- miniai system,! including the Young Offenders Act, pale and, sentencing, and the, majority af the members believe, the system neids to be ovarhauled, ho sais. Sullivan says- offences by younq offenders have dramati- caly mcreased ail over the coun- try ini the last, year, according to police reports. "Me, sentences muet reflect the crimes,» he says. , But an alternative ta the exist- ing criminal system' haï ta be faund bacause "before you change somathing, you have ta affer something better,» ha says. SuiHvan-- gained recogmtion with the publication, of 'Victims: Orphans of Justice,' which chroniclad his faxils fight ýfor justice after his. agtr Psmala 'Yes' campaign launched for -Oct. referendum The Peopies Forum, a group of local residents -interested in the constitution, wants ta run a 'Yes' campaign for the Oct. 26 refer- endum. The group -wants ta bring together volunteers from Ontario rdig ta run a campaign. Te group says volunteers don't have ta be constitutional experts or campaiznognzr have any party ffiitatoi,andâ can give whatever time they can, be it one hour, one day.or more., The 'Yes' committee will try taý explain the constitutional pack- age ta riding residents. The committea ,will have the' support of Ontario riding MP Rene Soetens, Durham Centre MPP Drummond White and Dur- hanm West MPP Jim Wiseman. A meeting wili be held on Saturday, Sept. 19, 9 a.m., at the 4jax communitycentre in the Captains Boom. was murdered in Ajax in 1980 by a criniinal out of prison on man- datary.supervision. Ha ià proud of his .campaign staff, especially. campaign, mana- ger Patricia Schmidt,- ,«a real lirebal' who helped 'ta run a peaceful campaign-ta wm ithe nomination, ha says. Sullivan says ýha p lans ta attend-and. speakl in schools and at variaus meetings of'diffarent groups and orrizations ta help e«plain, what the Reform Party fes al about and what ha, intends ta do as -the area's rapresentative. «l'h ýstay at 'the meetings as long as people want me ta, stay,» he says. Sullivan satys there is also a 24-hour hothine, 686-0278, for anybodjy who has- questions or inqjuiries about the party or him- saelf. DO YOU- HAVEý A BROKEN MMD:M I: ::I n For bLaket comerao f ALL the homes andor businesses ln Whftbv -QB to selecWs arees anly, cal the WM réeePme- 668-111. f you did not get afiyer which sle sted for ful cdistibution, *White Rose Nursery (alilhomes) - *Tho Gardon Mart Lselected homes) i lan North (Re/Max Summit Realty) g(selected ýhomes) * GS Gardon Gallery .1eIec ted-homes) .Chip (PselCe omes) Ab 1