.1 Ç 4 ~1 I BMark Reoor TheoM Commnittoe of Dur- hamn stands te bs. ,on e of, its funding sources if it can't raise, $5 600by Nov. 1.> E'undraising co-ordinator Lynne Staples says that's-the amountthoiy have te rais. to ho eligibe for more money'from the Trilium Foundaion,, wbich, bas alroady donated some $16,000. The .foderal and provincial governments paid te ot thé com- mnitte' Oshawa office up and running, «but that's it,",says Sta- pies9., That'loft the cofimitteo, scrarnbling. for' ways te raiso money. Stples, says one idea, running a bingo at the Hideaway, bingo hall in Whitby, bas run inte some probleme. She says the Town has teld her it has a bylaw which allows only Whitby groups.te run bingos at the hall Staples says. that's not fair, since the group is active through- Chall enge, held Monday at .Whitby Mal to raise.monley for the United Way. 'Photo by Mark Reesor, Wihy Free Pres out the regon, even though its office is in Oshawa. «We've been doing a tremen- dous amount of work there (in Whitby). With AIDS Awareness Week, wero working with the department of health and cluite a few other agencies as well.' The comrnittee has looked inte, running a bingo in Oshawa, but could only do so by supplying volunteers for an agency already runningonie says Staples. «It's completely closed bore. In Whitb, yau're basically running the whoéle show --pru can make some mioney there. Town clork Don McKay says the bylaw was passed bocause there's only a limited niunbor of SEE PAGE 3 By Mark Reesor Whitby Council is urging resi- dents to vote yes in the upcoming constitutional referendum. Aresolution drafted by Town Administrator Bill Wallace and, moved by regional councillor Marcel Brunelle, encourages, «al citizens of Whitby» te vote yes "having regard te the many p os itive e1ements contained. therein, and in the interest of generatin!g economic recovery and stabillity, as well as display- ing confidence in Canada at this most crucial time in our history as a nation.» The resolution states, that while the agreeent «inay have some imperfectmions," it should ho supported because of its «iany positive elements» and the ýneed- for us %t devoteow ur energies te éther major.issues. Brunelle' says the,*British North America Act wrasn'tpeÎrfect and- the change'9being put,-for--'ý: ward 'are not ýperfeà t - Li fct perfectiondoesîn't eist,» but -he.; says Canada is about. as close-te Perfection as- any country has' gotten. « «I have great faith in the politicians of this . country...op t a he Iien 1 O r town (and country) will stop nit- pic king at each other and realize, that they have a great oppor- tunity te continue what h as already been done -and- huild a great country. East ward councillor Dennis Fox says councillors «have te send out a strong message te this community te vote yes.... "We are so, fortunate ini this country andn people'don't want te recogize it. The -Peoples 'Ye' Comnutteeý' for Constitutional *Reform. will. officially open, their campaign: headquarters- on Saturday, Oct. 3 at10 a.m. The 'Yes' campaign, headquarters is located at 599 Kingston Rd. W. in Ajax (corner' of Hwy. *2 and Church St.). This local, Ontario-riding- baà sed initiative has- adoped 'Yes Oui Can' as the official theme of the campaign. Al residents of Plckering, Ajax and Whitby interested -in joining the éampaign are urged te be on, hând for the opening. 3seriously hurt in -crash Throe Whitby residents were seriously hurt in a three-vohicle collision Saturday afternoon on 'Thickson Rd. The accident occurred at 1:30 e .m at Thickson Rd., S. and urus St. Polioe say1 a 1984 Oldsmobile southbound on Thickson Rd. was turningr on te Burns when it was struck-by- a 1991 Ford Explorer headingnorth.. The Olds'thonr struck a 1985 Nissan ýand rolled over two or. three times. The lone occupant of the truck wasn't hurt, but two of the three people in the; Nissan substained minor injuries. The Olds was driven by Helen Aivaliotis, 29. She's ln serious condition in- Toronto Western Hospital. Emmanuel Aivaliotis, 21, and one-month-old Joshua, wrho were also in the front seat, are in critical condition. Emmanuel, is at. Sunnybrook, Hopital and Joshua at the Hos- pital for Sick Children.. No charges have been laid. Police say the accidentlas tili under investigation. 7,vi»çm nwn,____ Special' guest speakers' and printed- information on the proposed constitutional agee- ment will <ho available. One guest speaker will be Lt. Col' Don IMatthews, coMmmnding offier o f F18 aquadron in, the Persian Gu1fL foSYe APlacenhi6 Entetainment ____1 What's On _____12 Brooklin ______14 Spcos -20,21, Schoolnews - 22" Crimne Stoprs 26 Obitua'y - 26 I. ,Town urges Yes- vote MARC ADAMS has a littie trouble handling- a water-filled balloon -in 'Wet Basket, one of the events at the, EDS Managers' Facing, funding -deadl in-e âme- AIDS committee s 8 & 9 1 s p ý,