Whitby Free Press, 30 Sep 1992, p. 22

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Page 22, Whitby Fiee Proea, Weclnesclay. Se ptember 30,21992 Fgrst CEMET -graduatesat Durham ollge Ceremonies wereheld Sept. 23 for il graduatea of the firat inaa series of courses offered liy the Canadian Enargy Management and Enviroameatal 'Training Prograin (CEMET at Duham Collage. .CEMETl is a partnersbip program. linking industiy, collages and govenneats. The firat five eaergy management courses being delivared in six other provinces and nine other collages acros Canada, are the resuIt of a partnersbip . between the Canadian Gas, Association, Durham College and .-Eaargy, Mines and Resourcas, Caniada. The progra iis focused on meeting iadustry's tacluilcal training. -needs in energy management with a viaw te malcing industry more competitive. Soe 250 energy mgnagers, plant operatora and techaicianà are registered te attend these, courses durinàg .Septeýmber and October. The courses being offered at Durham 'College includa boiler plant systeme and. streain and' conideasate' systems. These are, te ba followed by eight >, similar courss during the yaar, jbhtly sponeored by. EUE and- othar appropriate industrial partners. The CMT office was opaaad at' Durham Collage ini April 1992, by Pauline Browae, Miniter for State for the Environient.. S tý ý k. 0 Kimberley Askwi 'th ANDERSON C.V.I. Say hello te this yaarls studant council. This wild. and crazy bunch of people is raposible for the upkaep, of sholspirit, studant morale and social activities at Anderson. It's a large task for such a sinali group of people. Weil, howevar eaal thay may ba in numbar, they continue te comae up with great ideas. « What Ind of ideas?' you xnay ask. Unfortunately, that informa- tion isn't for ralease right now. The éement of surprise is a large part of this council's strategy. The only insida tip I ould get was te be sure and kap an aya out for up-and-coming avents, and that they'ra bound to biow us ail away. Ia othar Anderson nawa, avid Saaspeare fans will be- attending Stratford's production. of the evar-popular ' Romeo and Juliet.' Teachars Lisa Kavanaugh and George Kaufinan wiil accompany 46 studants on tIs yaar's tri pOct. 28. Mr. Kfaný, with his quick sense of humour and off-the-wall atonies, will ha sure te keep ail antertained on the long bus trip. It wiil certainly ha an avent te be remambered. Extracurricular alréady undarway activitias are at Anderson. Basketbail, volleyball, tennis and countless other athletic activities fil this season's caiendar for al students interested in- partici- pating or watching their favounite sports. For those studants not athletically indlined, thare's alwaya gaography and science clubs te ha coasidered. Andersoni's draina society lias chosen 'My Fair Lady, as this year's- musical production. An overwhahning turnout, 'for auditions made final selections difficult. However, those decisions have led te what is. sure te be a great cast. Watch for upcomn ticket sales;- this is a prdu= on y ou won't want te miss, wheth er you're a studeat or a memaber of the Anderson community. As I struggled bhrough my third waek of school, it is evident te me that students ara, starting te seUtle into the avaryday routine of friands, classes and'lunchtime chattar that is so much of life at Anderson. For an ex-Catholic school girl, public school is somawhat difféent. Howaver, Fin sure that -whatevar new axpaiancas coma my way, this year is sure te be an interasting oaa for all of us at Anderson. Once again Trafalgar Castie School stdets have started off the year ina frenzy of activit. Everyoeie seems to constantly have something to do around the schoo; some of us don't aven seem to have turne to breathe. Among Trafaigar's busiest groupa are the prefeets. Led by our new head girl, Ingrid Hirt of Germany, tis Vyaars new prafects are Christina Bandomir, Allanna Brown, Sunniva Doyle, Amy Kay, Wendy Nickson, Aleis mina and Christine Tsai. Whether it was joining clubs, committees, going to house soccar gaines, or organizing. varlous activities, both new and aid girls have quic-kly daptad to life at Trafalgar. Recantly we h ad a Drug Awaraness -Day, and soine students went to a dabating competition in Toronto. Upcoming- evants and programa include saxual -assault prevention, two camping weekends, and a trip to the Shaw Festival. Shinii Siyolwe of Zambia, Slyvié Mbekeani of Malawi and Monsrrat Pruneil of 'Spai are three new students- who: have jumpdrige gh"L1kXi la remarkable since they are in a strange, new country. Students aise cerne te our school from such places as Mexico, Hong Kong, Europe, and Barbados, making Trafalgar vary international. Activity Day was held on Sept. 16. This inter-house initiation includad many wild avents such as bowling, the jele search, water relaya, te limbc a cheering coatest and much more. An airband- contest was liald latar that day which proved vary amusing. The Hare lieuse Seniors won thair version of «Jump' by mini-superstars Kis Kroas, and the Maxwell juniors dancad their way te beating the competition with 'Move This' byTechnotronic. Farewell lieuse won the most points everil'M that day, but Carter lieuse, undaunted, fully intends te make "a comeback in the next few weeks. There is nothing lika the sound of Mr. Palmers econemica clasa arguing over the stock market section in the nawspaper te rem ind everyoaa that,. at this turne three-weeks agour i GRADE 6 students at West Lynde public children's books to life by sculpting charac-, school get a'clo$e look at one'of Whtby,: ters .,from. them,- hoping,,týor-'<kick'tr scuiptor Diana Jamieson fiberglass-coated children into reading books." papier mache creations. Jamieson brings Photo by Mark ReesorWhltby Fmiessa $4,500 raised in bike-a-thon Students raised more than $4,500 when the Andarson music departinant held its annual bike-a-thon on Sept. 26.' Fifty-six studants and one techrparticipated in the grualling ride which beganý at the schooI, and proceeded north through Brooklil, Oshawa and back te the finish Unme at the school. Of the original group of 57, 55 completed tha entira course. Aflar the ride, participants and parent volunteers who worked at the checkpoints and patrolled the route were treaced te a barbecue which was organized by the Anderson Music Parents' Society (AMPS). Despite the drizzle which began when the riders were approximately halfway through the course, everyone had an airjoyable da, with the atudants raiaing over $4,500 in pledges. SM~ PAGE 26 -C re * e-o -- ,ý Two membars of the Anderson CVI student council were incor- rectly identifled'in a photo cap- tion in last'week'a edition. Kirsten Stevens is second froin left and Leaf Worslay is third from Iaft. The Free Press wishes te, apo- logize for the errer.' j Meranda Waters HENRY ST. H.S.ý, .Hello, again! It's great te see, team, took part. in thair first averyona back te schéol allar the teurnarnant- on Sept. 2 hna summar break. I hope everyna deterniined Ajax teain 'daféatad enjoyed what littia sun wa hati the Sawks, in. the. consolation and made, the beat eut of having finals. Speci mention- goasto; ne tests, no- stress, no Collinda, Thompson and'> isaî responsibility, ne "Clean- your Drake for thair excëellant play. room," ne curfew, ne annoyinig The team'ai opener laft -no alari cdock - souadiag at doubt that- the senior girls' wera uni Prit*ionable heurs, neo 'Cet on the bail.-A final score of '28-15 yourhomeorkdona, nowq' ne.. left the, Duabartea, Spartens 'in 1tikyeu get the point. thair dust. Way te, go, girls! Aspecial' waicoma te aIl of Tninity Collag in .Port Hope, Henrys grade aine atudents who faît the power of the. HaWk> on seem te, have adjusted quite weil Sept. 24 as the cross ýcountry, te high school lifa. An orientation teai competed la their ý firet, on Sept. il introduced our aaw meet. Congrats te sixth-plao studant te 'Harnrys. finisher*Tirn Ambler and eighth- extra-curnicular activities. Heres place finishar Oreg Sniith. hoping that the rast of your turne Henry'a new student council la at Herny ila as exciting as you cati as eaergaaic as aver. Now that maka it. idaatity card photos are eut of the Besides ne "cioud-lika" ceilinge way, atudents- are beginningte la the classrooma and aew realiÉe the benafits of having oe numbers aboyealal the doora,'not of* their Véry - own. A, barbecue much at Henry . has changed, consisting of hot doga ýand po'p including studeat involvemant in was held on Friday aftarnoon and school activities. Henry' firast' dance,,,f1rea it Meetings and practicas fer girls' ondes student card, was ,hald- on field lacrosse, the cross count ry iday, night. Both were a huge> and golf teania, most ef the success, as if thare was, ever any musical ensembles and banda, the deubt. Multicultural Club and Henry's Christian Fellewship a e ll'Tal Tales' at Hen'ry The semeor boys' volleybal h elyLtl iar team began their season on the Th RalyLtaTetr nigt fot.Aftr îayng .gai1tCompany will preseat 'Tal Andesfoon.ad ier aing te tantTaies,'Y a musical playfor chl- lAso andmpï rsie 2-O ecord. dram!, at Henry Street High has n imfesivé 2- recrd.School on Sunday, Oct. 18, 3p.ni. Streng playbyJason Goodchild, Tickets for $3 are availabie at Benjamin Wussey and Todd- ECE donectIýa Durham 'Col- Alexis Simms TRAFALGAR CASTLE "Z. --- 1

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