Whitby Free Press, 30 Sep 1992, p. 26

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Page 26, Whiby Free Press. Wednesday, September 30,1992 Il NS@M. I AUCT!ON$hI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on behaif of Rainbow Halfway House application wiIl be made to the Legisative Assembly of the Province of Ontario for an Act to revive Rainbow Halfway House as a provincial corporation. The application WiIl be' consideredby the Standing Committee.on Regulations and Private Bis. Any person who has an interest in the application and who wishes to make submissions, for or against the application, to the Standing Comfmitee on Regulations and Private Buils should notify, in writing, the Clerk of the Legislative Assembly, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario MiA 1A2. Dated at St. Thomas, Ontario, this i5th day of September, 1992 Slgned Joyce R. Ostrander President ---C-------I CORNEIL'S AUCTION BARN FRIDAY, OCT. 2 AT 6 P.M. 5-pc. teakwood bedraamn ste".. walnut parlour -table, Westing- house autamatic washer & dryer, gierbread dlocks, O.G. clocks, Mofat almand fridge & 30- electric stove, 7 cu. ft. chest freezer, upright freezer, calendar dlock, watchmaker tools,' 2 Victarian armchairs, Victorian safa, table & f loor lamps. accas.'chairs, double boxspring & mattress, iron bed w/brasa, trim, stuffed black bear, milk caris,' console colour TV, f lat-top trunks, implemffent -seat,ý washstands, quits,,rnilk bottles," micrawave aven, 2 Victarian-sîde chairs, ca-ail lamps white frost-free fridge, smal1 roll-away tool box, air canditioner, Shop Vac, small lathe, tire place insert, plus a qty. oaichina, *glass, collectible & household items. DON & GREG CORNEIL AUCTIONEERS' PHONE OR FAX 705-786-2183 AUCTION SALE' *KAHN COUNTRY AUCTIONS" Every Wednesday at '620 p.m. Located on Brock Rd., Pickering,3 miles north aif Hwy. 401 (exit #39). Featuring every Wed. an excellent selection of antiques, fine furni*ture, glass, china, collectîb)les,:-primives- and the unusuals. Sa loin us every Wed. and participate "in one of Ontario's 'true' auctions with no buy-backs or reserves. "Consign- ment and estate selling aur specialty.n Caîl us today. Previews from i p.m. KAHN AUCTION SERVICES <416) 683-0041 AUCTION SALE. SUNDAY, OCT. 4 - il A. AGRICULTURE BUILDING$ ORONO FAIRGROUNDS (TAKE '101 TO 115/351-IWY.& NORTH 10 KM.) Auction features numerous quality antiques, collectibles,1 artwark, g lass & china, spartscards, etc. Parial ist includes drop-Ieaf table, antique dressers & chests of drawers,, washstands, -china cabinetlboakshelf, cedar chest, misc. parlour & occas. tables, excellent selection of chairs & rockers (sets, press-backs, etc.), sewving machine, wool wnder, spinning wheel, aid violin stamped Steiner,' wooden wal phone, Art, glass lamp, Oriental handmade wool rug, cream separator, cracks, Coke collectibles, cast tractor seats (Masse oranto, Frast & Wood), iran bed, fainting couch, etc. Glass & china include Carnival, milk glass, Art glass, Nippon, Toby jug,- etc. Alsa selection of jewýelry (gold & silver bracelets, pins, earrmngs, Swiss gold watch, etc.). ArtWark includes watercalours by D. Stzimo,- Paul Norton, Kasson, etc. Qils by G. Murphy, K. Miller, S. Szayko. Limited iithographs b y Wassily Kandinski, E. WilheI ay Mark Chagall, Kemp Kieffer, etc., plus limted edition & decarative art g rints. Also I selling numeraus ausehold collectibles & kitchen memorabilia, plus a ran-sait, computerized water treatment system. Selling outside at il a.m. ta 12 faon, numeraus spartscards, boxý lots & small items; viewing 10 a.m.ta 12 noon. . .(Next sale Sunciay, Oct. 11.) MacGREGOR AUCTIONS MIKE MacGREGOR 416-987-5402 JUNIOR WEST 416-983-5556 AUCTIONEERS The people of WhIthy and surroundlflg misas enjoy attendlng auction sales. Lt them know about your next sale by adveflislng In the Most wldely read pages In Whitby- The. Whtby Free Pros, clasailids. Cai: 66"-111 THANKS TO THE 'SACRED Heart ai Jesus and.St. Jude'.for favaurs received. J.M. MAY THE SACRED HEART of Jesus"-be adored, glorilied, loved. and preserved thraughout the world, now - and forever. Sacred Hear t af Jesus pray for us. St. Jude helper of the hopeless pray for us. -Say nine times for nine days and promise ta pubiish. V.M. PERSONAL LOANS from $1000 and- up for any purpase. Quick approvals. 436-8104. BAHAIS BEUEVE: The essence af true safety la ta observe silence, ta look at the end ýof things and ta renounce.*the world. For informa- tion and discussian, call 668-8665. LETTR: oR party concerns imeitpnwr h PROM PAGE e *what are the implications ta future generations of non-French- spealding ,Canadians ,when Quebec Senatars are effectively given veo power over any changes te Canadals official bilingualism legislation? *Quebec has stated. this is only the beginning, they will be back for more; do. Canadians want ta be blackmailed stili again? o will the division cf pawers simply make _ Ottawa a .tax collecter, distributing the loot te the provinces, and neither being held accountable for their actions; are we gutting- the federal government? o are the people of Canada being asked -ta buy a <pig-in-a-poke?' Ottawa- is- stiui bîargaining, bartering and acquiescing te Quexec, even after the Accord bas been signed. If the Students at Henry Street High School are Iooking for 'seniors interested ini having their biographies or family histories written. Interested seniors who are able ta volunteer time this fall ta heip a senior student write the as sigriment, are. asked ta cali the Whiitby Seniors'* Activilty Centre at 668-1424. Ail participants will receive a copy of the final. biography or history. ACVI bike-a-thon FROM PAGE 22 The bike-a-thon was organized by John Visser and Sheena HInter who are co-chairpersons of fundraising AMPS, aiong with Andrew Uranowski, head of the Anderson music department. The -money .from this fundraiser will be going ta offset trgvel cots ta music festivals.. The next fundraiser for the students and parents will be a gant indoor garage sale at the school on Saturday, Oct. 31 from 9a&m. te,4p.m. Obituary AUCE HUTCIIISON Alice R. Hutchinson cf Whitb1 died on Thursday, September iý 1992 at Whitby General Hospi- tai; She was 85., She was barri in Finchley, Eng- land on Septemnber 9, 190 daughter of Albert and Martha, (Evans) Leedl tan. She is survived by son Ray- mond and his wife Ivy Of Whitby, and son L Ieslie-- and his' wxfe Theinia cf London, En gland; brother Jackç and sisterLlly of England; four gandchildren; three great-grandchiidren. She was predeceased by her husband John Hutchinson. The funeral service was held from the W.C. Town Funeral Chapel on Saturday, September 19, 1992, Bey. Li aof St. John Anglican Church. conducting. Intermnent at Thorntan crema- torium. 6 Generations of Service, Quality &! Trust a Faniuly Monuments, a Granite or.Bronze Markers 0 CemeteryLetteiing e Sandblasting Stafford Monuments 318 Dundas St. E., Whitby 6W8-35 52 SA«Us4M-q r0 B1513 SHome appdentt ldly amng Ac ordisapproved, OttaWa Wijll then have the power ta interpret the numnerous open- ended'clauses in any way.it seesfIt. constitutions, when faunded, on praper principles and net on seifish interests, 'are meant 'te express- a, common will'and te, contrai those who govern, :. It jwiil' take time ta ponder the Accord's. ,features and « ded whether these. principles ame honoured and- Canada, is- enhanced; or does the Accord mereiy cater te special intefrests and aggravate those issues that already divide our fair coufttrY? Why the big push for*Oct. 26, whse agenda requires such a poiticians and bureaucrats took menërthe ta tinker .and tlkthis Accord inito eisten ce, one Une at a time, se whose inUteres3ts are being served'by an, al or nothing vote in such a short time fr-ame? On referendum'day, CoR Party members and, hopefuily through shared' infor-mation - their friends - and relatives as welIl, wiU ýmake' a weil-informed choice when they mark their ballot <yes'or «no!, Jeff'Young Viepoident Public relationsý > COR Party. LOW- AREAS are stili pretty soggy, as- these two workers,- faund out' while trying to ,mrow the grass beside Henry Street High Sohool Thursday. Photo by Mark Roeser, Whtby Free Press Crime Steoppers and Durham Regilonal Police are aoking< for the publiés h lp in solving a theft of a mater vehicle and its contents in Whitby on Wednesday Feb. 26. At 6:25 p.m., the victimi arriveâ at bis Blue' Grass Meadows home in northeast Whitby and parked bis vehicie-i the, driveway, ensuring, that the vehicle was. bcked. The- vehicle was stolen b y an unknown suspect between 7:15: and 7:35 p.rn< The. vehicle is described as a 1988 redi Mercury XR7 wath Ontario plates. 684 EKT. The stalen vebicie 'was recovered 5-M 12 heurs, later after the theft, at Tarante' International, 'Stin from the vehicie were two briefcases that contained.a larg~e quantity of jewelry, the- victim's walet and, a quantty' of Crime Stoppera' will pay up ta $1,000. for information leading ta the arreat of the persan or eýrsonsr esponsible feor the incident. Are'you aware ofanyone wno was in possesson..of- a large quantity cof jewveiry shortly after this ooeurrenoe?.' If'you bave any information regardin this offeneo ny-te seriaus crime, cail us. As a caler you will, .be, given. a code number and net required te go ta court. The G rime Stoppers numbeêr is 436-8477 (thati's 436ý-TIF). Constable Grant Arnold' is- the - .ýco-ordinator with the, Durham. Regional- Crime Stoppers and writes this a±ticle to;ý hèepcombat crime.

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