Whitby Free Press, 30 Sep 1992, p. 3

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agenda.* Items from Whitby Cou'meil agenda(s) Mondâv, SUt. 28, Recomýmenda- tioné~from planig and development committeeý That councli approve the site plan application by BAL Developmnent [id. for a Majestic Warehouse at 1624 ýýt. E., at the northeast corner cf Dundas St. E. and Thickson Rd., in the former Fumiure oyallocation. The applicant la te provide additional parkn pace. That coýuncîl approve the site plan aplication by the Siristry 0f Govemment Srvicesfor the proposed, construction of a new psychiatric hospital at the existlng'Whtby Psychlatric Hospialproperty. The new two-storey building wili be 4482,992 ici. ft.,.with 325 beds and, offices and laboratory, and*wiIl be erected on a site adjacent to the existing facllity. Once bulit, the existing hospitai wilI be demolished. Severai of the cottage buildings wiii be removed, although building 23 and a few others willl remaîn. The Ministry of Govem ment Services wIll be responsibie for the recon- struction 0f Gordon St Carried That the rezoning application by invar IndustriaiLtd. for a hotel deveiopment on:Victoria St. east et Thlckson be wthdrawn at the appiicant's request. The same applicant has submitted an officiai plan amendment and rezonfing application te permit the construction and operation 0f a Price Club warehouse shopping outiet at the same location. Carried Recommenda- tions from operations committee That council authorize the public works department to Issue tenders and award a contractlor the construction of a sldewalk on the north, aide 0f Rossiand f rom Brock to Cochrane, provided the total coat la within funding limita for the project. The works department estimates the coat of the sidewalk at $56,500, te be covered by cash-mn-lieu contributions of $57,046 recelved threugh subdivision agreements.. Carred Town approves Brooklin subdivis.ion plan,5 now, awaits a a provincialgoaead* By Mlark Reesor, Whitby, council has approved a draft plan, for the Br~ic6ýin'Mea- dows subdivision project, subject ta certain conditions being met. Many calis about seniors' activity centre. By Mark Reesor Centre ward councillor, John Doîstra says he's been "flooded' with. calis from seniors worried that -plans for a new seniors' centre are boing delayed. The seniors are concernied over comments freux north ward coun- ciller Don Mitchell, chair cf the parks and rec department, that hPd like ta see a new arena made -the- Town s «number one priority.» Doîstra says the Town's spend- ing, priorities haven't changed and pledges to fight for a new centre in the 1993 budget discus- sions. Whitby Mayor Tom Edwards agrees. «There has been ne change, nor have there been lany idica- tions by this çouncil that it wishes ta change <its spending priorities).» A new Whitby Seniors' Activit Centre is third on the Town a spending priority list, afler the new operations centre (already under contruction) and t1ire depârtmentheadquarters. The 1 247-unit subdivision is te be biit on- a 260-acre parcel of land bordered b Columibus Rd. te the norh,. Wiïncho3tor ]Rd. ta the south, Queen St. ta the west and Thickson Rd. ta the east. But there is still a fly i the ointinent .-- the provincial government has tald Durhain Region it can't confirm money is available ta build the trunk por- tion of a séwerfrom Tauntan Rd. north ta Brooklin. The province has approved the sewer in principle, and the Region has, ben counting an the province- picking up 15 per cent cf the cost cof the multi-million dollar project, which- wouid enable the subdivision ta go ahead. Despite the problemns, regional councillor Joe Drumrn says he's hopeful the development can go ahead so thore can be houses up in Brooklin by about 1994.» Drurnm says Brooklin has had sewage problems for 17 or 18 years. «We've done eveything we've had, ta do" ta et the sewer project!rtoin, including studying it %tedeatB aye Drumm. East ward councillor Dennis Fox says some people may feel it's net a good idea ta Rspend s0 much monoy on a sewer con- sidering t he state et' the economy. 'II dojý't think that's a proper way ta, look at this... this -wouid ho such a wonderful boost ta this community... FROM PAGE 1 bingo playes e a vised them they were ineligible since they were an Oshawa-based group -- if there happened to be a Whitby chapter of the group, we'd be only 'to happy. ta consider a,,,license appliation.» McKay says if the committee formns a Witby chapter, the bingo money made i Wbitby 'Whi'tby video PROM PAGE 2 ference, Mayor Tom Edwardk. pr esented the video ta regresen-, tatives of the Ministry of Indus- try Trade & Technology - 'fe ministry will use the video when talking to prospective clients who are interested i investing in Whitby. Ravary says the video, which can be easily updated when necessary, can also be' given to service cubs for viewing. The video is available for sale, at a cost of $25, from the Town. ROTARY CASH CALIEDARSX .rt ......... S~ > 1.2 would go tawards that chapter. To register, ho says -the cem- mittee has ta, send the Town a cepy of its bylaws and a letter autherizing the formation of the ,Whitby chapter. "A number cf other- groups have (had) ta do exactly the same thing, and it's worked eut quite Weil. «If we were te, license them, there's any number cf other very worthwhile community groups that we would have ta, look at licensing as well.» McKgay'says. that wouid «very quickly saturate the bingo Mar- ket." Whity F" Pesa Wenesay.Septeniber 30, 1992. Pae3 ___________ ________Press,_______ _________a 'No More Fear -- No More Iorance is the theme of this year's AIDS.. Awareness Week Oct. 5-11. .Several events have been plan- ned locally by a planning com- mittee made up of the AIDS Committee cf Durham, Addiction Research-,Foundation,, Durham Colle'e Region Dopartment of ealth Services and YWCA. A 'spiritual event,' ta « com- memorate and celebrate the lives of family and friends» and te ueoffer support ... ta each other» will be héld at -the YWCA in Oshawa an Sunday, Oct. 4, 7:30 p.m. The kick-off ta AIDS Aware- ness Week will be on Mndy Oct. 5, 5 ta 7 p.m., at Duham- Coliege in the chninig launge. There will be a dramatic pre- sentatian by the Shoestring Fer- formers aud an -art dîsplay and raffle. Strands Hair Salon at Pearson Lanes in Whîtby wiil offer redu- ced rates on Monday *i support of the AIDS cemmittee. On Tuesday, -there will be a mal; display at FIve Poits Mal i 1Qshawa and a live yeuth, cal-.In show on cabie 10 freux 10 ta il P.m. 1 n ednesday, there wil be a mail display at the Pickering Town Centre. At 8- p.m., the Whitby Courthouse Theatre will present going home, a play by Clarence Crossman. Tickets are free, but. donations wil ho accep- ted. On Thursday, there wil ho a mail display at Harwood Place, Ajax, and on Friday at the Osh- awa Centre. Aise on Friday, John *James', married ta actress Jess Waltan who portrays Jill PFoster Abbatt on 'The Young and the Restless,' will ho guest speaker at Durham College, main auditorium, freux 1 t 3 p.m. James is executive directar of the Grief Recevery. Institute, and founder cf the Greif Recovery, Hotiine of Canada. There are also displays at *libraries and hospitais in Dur- ham Region, and red ribbons will ho worn in memory cf those from the region who have died fromn AIDS and *i support of those who live with HV. A music pavilion for AIDS Awareness Week is at the Purple RENTALSX- Best Yeu can becomne Selection amme oa Gay, amme oa Lesbian, and reoelve 5 Bisexual free rentais or a Couples, free-movie Amateurs $4 and Foreign 4 0vwel Fim BRING IN THIS AD FORMFRE RENTAI' 'i <RENT 1I GET 1 FREE) UMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER Offer expires Oct. 14 1992. 235 Bayly St. W. <Across from McDonali Onion in downtown Oshawa from Oct. 51to 10. The AJDS Committee of Dur- ham wil host an open house ail week.. For more information caîl 723- 8521. A 1989 Dodge Shadew was stolen from the rear of Cherney's Furniture overnight Friday. Police say the car, license, number 953 JFJ, was taken sometime, between 10 p.m. F1- day and 6 a.m. Saturday. Several acivities for AIDS. Awareness. Week Commi*ttee -facing funditng ýdeadlitne,

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