Whilby Fie Pies, W8dà êsday, bocubr7., 1*2, P'ie 15 RET URAT ND NGUNELBDIENORTEOT Brew-.On- Premuies BeerEi stblishent ,. TheJat4gt way to Save W wwuIi:i. 1HE PLACE TO0BREW YOUVROW QUALITYBEER AT 1/2 THE COST Letourbrew crewglveyou a tour ofthepremesTheyl show you howesyit stomaequWliybeerathalfthe boer store cost, Now 24, standard.recipes to céhoose from! So don'Y hesitate! Corne on in and sS whYSOmanyoele across Ontario are nowbrewingthe.ir own be 1390 HOPKEINS STIREET,,UNIT #69-HIB . . . . . . . . . . ................