Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1992, p. 16

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Pige lé. Whitby Free Press, WednesdaY. October 7,'l1992 whatI~ SERVICE at the cenotaph fol <ow ed a< parade 1as ,Branch 112 (Whitby> of the'Royal Canadian Legion recognized its 65th- anniversary on Sept. 20. A celebration was also held at Rotary Centennial Park. Photo by MauricePithe, WILy Fre os ----------> - Need a speaker for yor gru? The Canaàdian Mental Hea=h Association provides speakers on a -wide variety cf mental hoaltMfilness «topics,,at no charge. -A brochure Jsi~ ail topica s aaiable truhthe cilce. Interested individuals' should contact Judy at 436-8760. 'No lufe' nearpark FR OM PAGE 1 there'às sprting- events every nigt n tregood weather. 1ýBtthe pe around the school (ae landte live with Edwardssuggestg* building a fence mayr help. solve the pro- blem. Operations committee chair Marcel. Brunelle teld residents they have te "learn te live with the fact that.you live next door te a park, and be thankful'that you have* woods between you and that park.» .Brunelle says the Town can try and reduce the noise and lighting impact as much as possible, «but I don'tknow that any measure. we take is going te satisfy you.» Committee deécided poli ce, fire departmènt, area residents and- the parks and' rec. department need té «pool our heads and cone Upwith some answers» te solve the problems. Ap a-rtentplan FROM PAGE 1 passed the master devélopment- plan for the location, and there would have te ho an'«extreme» reason te delay the. project further. But councillors asked te meet the sponsoring groups at the' next planning meeting, despite Tessler's request that a private meeting be held. Viewpoint: Beast vs. 'dream, PROM PAGE 6, experiences of ail humanityr at our fingertipa. Unliloe the Briish, French or Amnericans, w. won't pen our constitution by candie and oùi with qulil and ink. Answers to Whitby Trivia from page 5 1. The watertower was Iocated in the northwest corner of Kinsmen Park. 2. Brooklin-United Church was buit in 1867. 3. St. John's AngI*ra^n Church, opened in 1846, is Whitby's oldest church stili in use as. a church. 4. John Dryden (1840-1909) was Ontario's Miniter of Solution: lends itself. Its the birth of a Canadian dreain. An innocent. approach, smooth and unencumbered. A constitutional conference of the 1eplby the people, for the people. A--true portraiture. With our universities te research and instruct, we could formulate opinion and ideals. Working together there is ane issue we cannoît overcome. The ýQuebec dilemmna. No dilemma, but a simple answer. Ail thev are seeldnîr is protection COMPATIBLE COMPANIONS .CONNECTION located in Whitby. We are holding meetings for singles. and have various'social events, i.e. dancing, bowling swinmnng golfing;- cards, theatre, nÉig t-bingo, potluck and dining out,- etc. Meetings are held avery Frida, 7 te l10.m. Membership applic- able. New members welcome. Phone 1-800-461-7391. CRAFT SHOW Creations 92 show and sale will be held Sunday Oct. il, 10 a.m. to,4 p.m., at te Pickering Recréation Complex, 1867 Valley Farm Rd. (on *south side of King- ston ]Rd., between Brock Rd. and Liverpool Rd.)., Adult admission is $1, seniors frae. LUNCIEON OUT Sponsored by the Kne*hts of Columbus, 'Luncheon ueand held Mondays, Wednesdaysan Fridays, at noon at the Knightsj -fColum bus Ha'l, Brock St. N.' in downtown Whitby. Ail seniors are weloome., There is a nominal charge. For more information caîl 668-8334. EÙCHflE The Ladies Auxiliary to Whitby Légion~ Branch 112 will hold a euchre on Oct. 15, 8 p.m. in the Légion hall (upstairs), 111 Byron St. S., Whitby. Lunch will be served. Cost la $2 per person. BREAKFAST NETWORK Third Thursday Breakfast Network will meet on Thursday, Oct. 15, 7:30 a.m., at Charley Darley's 145 ,KYing St. W., Oshawa.. Guests are welcome. Call 432-7200 or 434-777 for réservations. LA LECIE- La Leche League Oshawa will hold its regular monthly meeting on Oct. 14. Mothers and nursing babies are welcome. For more information about the meeting, including location, call 723-0542. BRIDGE CLUB The Whitby Duplicate Bridge Qlub will meet in the games room at 21,5 Reedaire Ct. every ,Wednes day, 7:30 p.m., startini Oct.-- 7. ýNew membesae, we1- come. * THEOS *THEOS, a self-help group for recently widowed' men and women, will meet on Sunday, Oct. il, 2 p.m., at St. Andrew's ?resbyterian Church, Cochraneý St., Whitb. New members are welconie. Fo more information, cail 668.648. AVICULTUBAL SOCIETY The 'Durhamn Avicultural> Society will meet on Tuesday, Oct. 13, 7:30 p.m., in the Pickering High School cafeteria (Church St., north cf Hwy 2). There will be an auction cf birds and bird-related items. For more information, caîl Dale at 683-5038. THANKSGIVIG STORTI The Whitby Public Library will hold a Halloween storytime. for children aged 4 te 8, on Saturday,> and controil ofheïr nique CANADIAN CLUB culture and language. Protection The Canadian Club of Durham &amonvrnmntandraflod pA. UL A l EU %A ,*fa IL dI, ADl. MOMS & TOTS >ii Moms & Tots Play Group-il, be held at the Centennial Build- ing,- Centre St.- S., Whitby on Wednesdays, 9:30 to 1-1l a.m.,' starting oct. 14 and continuing until June. For more information cali Mary at 430-0409. The Head Irdjury Association of Durham Region wiil resent a Speaker's Night on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 7:30 p.m., at Cedarcroft Place,' 649 King St. E., Oshawa. Jennifer Jenkins cf Jenkins and Newman will discus 'guardianship.' WOME'S AGLOW Women's Aglow .Fellowship, Oshawa-Whitby Chapter, wil meet on Thursday, Oct. 8 at Cuilen Gardens, Taunton Rd. W., Whitby. Hlandicapped facilities are available. At .7 p.m., there will be refreshinents, and fellows'hip, followed by praise and worsbip at 7:30 p.m. Jeani Langie will b. guest speaker. For more information, cal 723-9458. RIJMMAGE SALE A rummage sale is held every. Wednesday, 1 to 2:30 p.m., at St. Mark's United Church, 200 Byron St. S.. Whitbv. ATZHIMR A support group for Alzheimer families meets, every other Wednesday, 1 p.m., at the Alzheimer Society office, 178 Simcoe St. N., saide entrance (note new location). The next, two, meetings will be held Oct. 14 and 28. Ail careîivers are- welcome. Refreshznents will be served. For more information, cali the society at 576-2567. DUPLCATE BIDGE The Ajax Duplicate, Bridge Club wull. celebrate its 2th annliversary in, 1993. A volunteer committee will provide activities and for those, who have play ed bridge at the club,we'd like your input. Vina Marks wiu be, honourary ýchairpesn <and, Walter Scetens will put together the liistorical -life of bridge in 'thé, club.- For, information, cail St. Andrew's Seniors, building, 46 Exeter St., Ajax at 683-5759. ILETISANDCOJýI The Oshawa ýChapter, Canadian Foundation -for Ileitis and Clitis will hold, a general meeting on Oct,.. 15, 8pm a Oshawa General, Hospital, roomn 1002, 'Aima St. Dr. Fred Saibil, head of gestronenterology at Sunnybrook -Health Sience Centre, wiil discuss 'fleitié, and Colitis: What's it al About.,,Anl are welcome. Refreshments will be served. For more inàformiation' cal Fýrank otý rvVarga at CFIC Oshawa chapter, 576-604 9.. VOLUNTEER The Durham Region.:Ajssocia-- entities. Quebec lias always been meeting of the 199»~3 season o LEAS H lII and shai always be Quebec. Let Tuesda,- Oct. 13, 6:30 p.. a David Fiher, chaplain for the ns protect her. the Holiday Inn, TootosBlehas onra Speaker for the evening 'Will b. Expoe and Minnesota Twins, wil Wor fr or, ric b Iicc~ David Phulljs, senior clima- be uesaker at a father- we would censtruct a democracy lgit CUMdB atoSardy for theword tetresur an Centre, Enviroment Canada. H e 17, 8:30 a.m. at Christ'Anlica hoou. heprdean jy lf a 1 tnd' ms aosChurch, Hihcroft and =Mr honur Th pidean jo o a weather watcher.' For streets, Oshawa. Cost is $4 for natio~ . yourn pation2. Y3lo'W uumaro about the lub andfor aduits. $3 for children. Draws ~ j18.Y44 ..~i.'S#ii.b~held. For ticketaS eU 1WUS5rhI45. *.4728 7rà Klngston --NeedIe Eeag I>rogram:, Ben.Taylor, The 'Kingston AIDS prqject; 'The Van -the. Hamiton Needle àxhag progrm, Suzanine 'Newmri Reginal Municipality of Hamiton-entwrthdepartmnent 0< Pblic Heath Services. Adison is free. To register, San or fax' the Addiction Research Foundation by Wlednesdày , Oct. 8, 576-6277- (telephone); 576-1281. (fax). Space islimited.. Non .prot Commun 0 rop which ae aasealn Whitby or have a substantiat WhltbY place their mpern,,meetingsma page et no cost. Pvma cf r vg v OMI dl . wnU kiw@fl ONE.PARENT FAMILlES The Oshawa, Chapter One Parent Faimilles Association will meet on Tuesday Oct.413, 8 p.m., at Simcoe Ha lettlement House, <387 Simcoe St. S. for coffee, cards and conversation. New memnbers and guests are welcome. For more information, call 436-5089 or 433-0832., COIN SHOW & SALE The Oshawa'& District 0Coi Club in cooperation- with. Pickering Town Centre presents 'Durham Coin 92 Show & Saes on Saturday, Oct. 10, 9 am. te 6 pan. at the Pickering Town Centre, Main. Level. For more information or dealer tal reservatien contact 728-1352. TURKEY SUPPER A turkey supperwill b. held at Wel3tminster United Circh, 25 Manning ]Rd. (between Thickson and- Garrard) on Saturday, Oct. 24. There ;i11 b. sittinge at 4, S 5 and 6 p.m. Cost is $10 for adultd, $4 for those'under age 12, free for pre-schoolers. To get tickets eall Grace, at 728-0417, Helen at 576-2615' or Elizabeth at 576- 8218., ONE PARENT FAMILlES North Oshawa Chapter, O,,ne Parent Families Assocation wil meet on Oct. 14, 8 pa. at CJhrist Church; Mary and PHu1llcroft streets,, Oshawa te learn the latest linedance by Cardle of Caroles Country. There will b. a small fee., New members and guests welcome. For.information, calI 668-7579 or 434-3687. BLOCK PARENT The Whitby Brooklin Block Parent Program, and Chuld -Find, will hold a 'Safety Fun Day,' sosor ed by Durham Dodge, on S~aturday, O (ct. 17 10:30 a.m. te 3 p.m.,at Durham l5odg Bloor St., Oshaa (ut f W7'hrnton). Together with several activities and aMaieShow at 10:30 a.=n. Child Findf will provide the xidâ Check porm te 'interested parentz4and'ýBlock Parents ,wiIl aterial, on child safety. For -more information, >l 666-1203. NEWCOMERS CLUB' lhe Newcomers Club* of Oshawa/Whitby 'will holci the next-general meeting on Tueýsday, ýOct . 13 at the'ai-ts resource ,,entre, Oshawa at 8 p.m. Kathy Dugn from the Decorating Den <wl guest .spesaker, talking on 'Colours for thie 90s.'l Cail Info Oshawa at 434-4636 .or Infor-

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