Whitby Free Press, 7 Oct 1992, p. 3

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Items from Whitby Council agenda(s) Mond y c.5192 Recomumen-da- tions from Plannngand development comrnittee That council approve, subjet to planning depârtmenit comments and'conditions, a Plan for a subdlivision on the west side cf Brook St. N., midway between Rossland and Taunton (forth of' Clear Sprlng Rd.), cdonslsting of 47 single detached homes, elght single ink dwelllhgs, 41 street townhou ses and a one-acre commercial block.,Commltee recommends the de veiop- ment not proceed until a subdivision agreement bas been lmplemented for land to the north, west and. southwest of the area. Recqm eneto couneil That counicli approve, subjeot. to planning department comments and conditions a rezonlng application from BMW Canada ailowlng Rt to expand fts exlsting office, warehtouse and training centre at 920 Champlain, Court. BMW wants a 71,500 sq. ýft. addition that would more than dou ble the slze cf the existing building, and indrease parking lot'capacity from 36 spaces ta 168. Recommended ta council Recommenda- tions from operationis COMMittee That council accept the low tender of $35,684 from Nurse Chev Oids for the supply cf two 3/4-ton trucks, and its 10w tender of $18.020,for one 1/2 ton, extended cab, and a two-door, short-box truck. The Nurse bld béat out the» --néxt iowest tender for the two 3/4-ton trucks, made by Cliff Milis Motors ln Oshawa, by $273 and was $110 less for the 1/2-ton truck. Recoinmenaded to counoil That council accept the 10w tender of $1 7,438 from Cross Brothers Tree Service for tree trimmlng and the remnovai cf trees and stumps around Whtby. The contract oeils for the remroval of 43 trees.,72 stumps and the trimming cf 116 trees. Council had aliocated $21 ,000 ln the 199?. budget for the projeot.. Reco ndedta coimoil That 1993 membership fees at the Whtby Seniors' Actlvity Centre be -inreased tg $6 _ from $5 for residents ald $12- from $11- for non-residents..^ The fees forlho 0entre's 1,348 resident and 108 non-resident members have relnehd the same sînce 1988&.The Inrease, whlch was approved by the seniors" centr's board cf directors, will brlng ln another $1 ,450 a -ecmmadetocouncil CAVAN BOLANO watches'through the window as speakers urge Canadians ta just gay 'Yes' at the Vos committee campaign kickoff Saturday in Pickering. Photo by Mark Reesor, WhJtthy Free Pres Another White Rôse location is planned Plans for anoéther White Rose Nurseries location in Whitby were unveiled at a Town plan- ni.ngcommittee meeting Monday ,'here would be a 22,000 sq. ft. White -Rose r-ietail nrey 4,800 sq. ft. restaurant and 27,600 sq. ft. office building on the six-acre property on the west aide of Ii son . S. between Consumnera Rd. and the 401. The developer, King East Develpments h as applied for an exception to t le prestige indus- trial zoning te permit t he retail nursery., The office and restaurant uses are permitted under the current designation. At Monday's public meeting about the application, there were a few questions from planning committee membera.-' Clifford, Corman, architect of the p',roject, said he'believed that the existing White Rose location on Dundas'St. E.,would remain open and that the newest pro- posai would be a second location with a grass and nuirsery site.: Access ta, the property would be from Consumera Rd. The property is currentty vacant . There is a Country Style Donut shop'and Olco gas bar ta, the east oF the property (corner of Consumera and Thickson). ,Signet Signa is one the east aide of the property,- but that part of the property h as been set aside for future development. Si et Si a s.would not be affec- tgeb%êh King East develop- ment. IInf centre to I 'officially' open The new Whitby Information Contre wli be 'offcially» opened by Mayor Tom Edwards on Tues- day, -Oct. 13, 10 a.m. the centre, at 900 Brock St. S., is 1,a merger of Information VWhy'and theWhitby Touriat Information Contre. Contre -staff wilI show their new computer system.ý' 1 ...'"":s~ When asked about the number of jobs that might be produced by the development , Corman said a nursery of the' aize proposed usually creates 40 jobs. The apiýto. will now, be 'revieed 6ther affezüdes beoea planning staff Irecom- mendation is made. Whitby Free Press. Weckiesday. October 7.1992. Pade 3 Chamertohd for um on, referendum The Whitbiy Chamber of Commerce' will ,offer - the opportunity for reaidents' and <u business people to asi quedtons reÉarding the nhew constitutions] agreement. The referendum forum. will be held on Tesday Oct. 20 in council chambers at -the municipal offices,' 575 Roesland- Rd. E., Whitby, starting at 7 p.m. The forum is open to the public and the chamber urges alole1 wih qestions regarding Ir a referendu on Oct. 26 to attend.> It is imperative that 'people -have an opportum t have their questions anawre, says Trevo Bardens, prsdent of Whitby Chamber ofConunIerce., 'We are pleased to, provide this forum sa people can make *an informed vote on the Oct. 26 national referendum. The forum will be- chsiréd and moderated by the Wib Chaniber of Commercels govern- ment relations comxmttee. "There will be 'an opportunity for constituents,,te asic their questions fron the floor or ýto submit written 'questions.if they prefer,". says LynnWos chair of the government reain com- mnittie. As with, previous forms, a capacity crowd is expected. For further- information, cali the chaniber office betweéen 9 a.m. and 4 p.rn., Mondayte Friday, at 668-4506. WFI 41,A441*1J SFREEI -*when you buy 5 tickets at the regular price àOFFER EXPIRES - OCTOIIER 31/1992.. 011cr flot v'alid on Sundays. Ths euMo je vflUd C Io m d. 19 euiclcanM Ibo e nod wIUi wy .1 Off«r. uaI s suWe o dmn t hso w notca. Thankugiving Holiday the offices of the Whitby Free Press* I wiII be closed on u Monday, Octaber là j deadinefor ail advertising and coming events is Vriiay at 4 pmE 5fave a iappg,.safe ho&(day waekçm Ei

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