Whitby Free Press, 14 Oct 1992, p. 14

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Page 14. Whitby Freoe Prose, Wednesday, October 14,1992 'TtiTales' ,partof Weekofthl Cild. The .ReallIy ittie Thear Company wiIb. erfrming its Moctlo'n 'ocf 'TelTle'a HnryStreet HlEgh School. on Sunday, Oct. 18. The. show is presented. by the Ontaria 'North Shore ýBranch of the , Association cf Early Chidhood Educators te, celebrate the.'Week cf the Child.' The. 45-minute musical 'Is' suitable for audiences aged 3 to 10. Tii. play, je the story of Jimmyý, 'àlittie boy .who delights ini fooling hiei family and friends by making up stories. Lkthe bol» who cried woli; Jimmy gets he comeuppance wihen people beginta dishbeve hum'even when. bois telling the. truth. A delightfr youngand old, the play ho dsimportant, messages abu yng and patcijks ÀAdson is 3 per person. The Realy Littie -'Ibeatre Company, - making its fS'rut appearance, in, Dunham Region, was formed in 1991 tô,,krcvidè gaod, high quality theatre aimod at the very young. Many chidrn reach their, eadJthoodefs1or even young, aduthod bfomthey have men ay form cf professional theatricai entertainment. Dispiays and'other events' have'alec e ôg zd foar VWeek oftheCI1d,Oct. 17 ta 24, by the! Ontario North Shore branch 'of the Association of Early Childhcod Educators. Thiere will b. a dispiay at the Whitby MaIl on Saturday, Oct. 171 a.m'ta 2 'p.m., and a dsay-atthe Whitby Publie Th%.early Childhcod Educatar Transform Yôur House InoYour Home 66&-5222 Shop at Home,~ Colour Schemnes Created- Prices Below Retail WALLS FURNITURE WINDOWS - Faux Finishes - Traditional - Blindâ - Paints e C ountiy - Balloons *Papers eContemporary - Swags * Borders * ccessories eDae SAVE AN EXTRA 10% WITH THIS AD!, Q TAHIKAWA illglrs COAI TheUlqtimate in Dcsion and Coftsmanship OCT. 17 ta 24 is the 'Week of the Child,' as these children at Small World Nursery Sohool are finding out tram Whitby teacher Joyce Marshall, chair of the Week of the Child committee. There will be mail and library Par In the epilC Week' heid ( DurhamCallel Education Conu offerng tops arnts cf youn 'Super.ý Rerc -parents, 4-c.and professionais'w increasniy c effèctea piper1 Tuùrtieslatma cusplays and a musical pla'y. 'Taîl. Tales,' t be presented Oct. 18, 3 p.m. at Henry.,St. High School by the Really> Little Theatre Company. The $3 tickets are available by phoning 668-5504, or at the cloor.' Photo by Mark Reos. Whltby Fr.. Pros Conceriugd4«o'"effeets ofr, erlè Jé ;*¶ Dent* se'minarsoffère.i rit cf « Kideareonhiiddvlpmn.Tiie seminar wllbe held- on ýSety 1-2), heb. held on Y9ed~ Nov. 17 from 7 to 9'pý. nection in'-Ajax is at 400 Monarch Ave., Ajax. Centre Port, Hope LS or eciali seminare for 'Chaoing Quality Chid Car.' Hope. ig children. wiil provide parent with Fees for: each' wNorlcehop are ies is geared for ,information onvaiu child care $15 for ECE Connection members d child car. otions that -are available in and $20 for non-membèrs.ý ,vho. are becoming ;Northwnberiand County as well ' For more information, calthe. ýncêrned about'tii. as a tool to assst in selecting the Durham ColgeEEConnection berces 1k. Nixija child-cr. that is >moet Réesource Cete a (4) n ànd GI J0. have appropiat.for your child. 683-5241 or 1-800-263-31-70. i > -ONTARJIO- JUNIOR 'CITIZE»NS' kJDtCne Do you know a young person, aged 6 to 18 years, who'is inolVed, in worthwhile community service or'a special person who is .contributing, while . coping witha physical or psychological, limitation? Do .you "knoiw a' youth who has performeda act of heroism? The OntarWo Community Newspapers 'Association with- Bell Canada 'as,,thepàtroi r looking to re-ognize these I'"good kids" the. youùng .people of,-. our p rovince who show a commitmient. to making life better for others'. To nominate, an individual, or'a group of Young peole, for the Ontario Junior Ciwtizen.of tfhe.Year Award, please contact this newspaper or the O.C.N.A. at,(416) "844-0184. ~pPNominations, -fô-r this. year's _ awards, will .be Every nornineewill receive a certificate and ýUp to 12 individuals and one group will be the rec ipients ofa plaquie presented byteLieuteÙnntGovernorýof Otario, an'Ontario Junior Citizenof the'Year 1apel pin, $200M0 and'a family portrait with the Lieutenant Governor..- NOMINATION FORMS - are available bycontacting-this CommuiLnity Newspaper or O.C. N.A. (416 844-0184. ~7ONTARIO- SJUNIOR CITIZEN OF THEYEAR- Y"AWARDS w -n-ro IB e ll - COÇRPORATIO FTH "E -TO0 ,WN 0,ýF WHI1TBY --DURHAM RGIONAL POLICE. APPRECIlATIQN DAY TAKE NOTICE, THAT Situdvm. coe'719 ehrb mclaimed as- "DURHIAM REGIONL POUICË APPRECITO o inan for the. Town ofWhitby. , Ail citizens, are enoouraged to attend ln support of the police services grovied to aur communuty and to share .aur pnide ln-hheir efforts. to l;aeWhutby a safe place to five. work and play.. Thia la al»o un Impotan o ortn fo ou yoth nd cltizens tehave aÎn open diigewt urplc fieroTeffoig gam and>events READNG OF HE PROCLMA11ONi Tii. Town Crier will open lii. ceremonies at Brock and Du6ndas Streaets in front of the. CIBC et 1-.00 p.m..with. the. macing of the proclamation. Commenite wilt thn be giNon by'Ma yor Tom Edwàrds, on be= f o Coundi, and Mr. Trevor McCagherty, Chief of Poice. ý SPECIAL DISPLAYS - DOWNTOWN VMITBY Betwee 1:00 p.m. and 4-0 .(Pm.., varlous equipment~ vehicles and information ýwJIllb. on dsplay on Byron Street Nmorth, between Elm Street and Mary Stemt West- Officers will b. on hand toanse qusins and ta demnonstrate the. use 'of someaf the. equipment. The. isaywill include such items as: Ccmmunity Services (t* bear and home security) leRuiigach (poie offier's qualifications). Selective Enfcxcenien&c o radar wa*ks> Breath'prai (show how alert and breath machine work) Tacicaeprt Unit (dsplay f cuipment) spSal Unit (Wit bomb rabat) Moduntain 1Bikes andMotorcyces Mobile Comnmand Unit Het doge and pop wl hoe sold by the. Duram RegioalPolice< «Chefs.@ Withproceede going ta tii. UnfleWay. TA. EDWARDB MAYOR

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