Page 24., Whltby Free Pres. Wednesdy, October 14.1992 .I..5.. ..t..1 HANDYMAN SERVICIE - uNo job too small! ePatios -Decks 'General repair eOdd jobs. 427-1674. PAINTERS, PLUS -Service 'and alfty are not an accident. For % off and no GST,, cali Bill or Geri, 404-1224. DRIVER & FULL-SIZED Ford van available for work ln, Durham region. $17/hr. Cali toli-free. pager, 1-416-550-2660. Bonded. SEWING: ALTERATIONS, repairs, etc.. Qualty workmanshlp, reasonable rates.- 15' years experience. Cali 728-2846. CERAMIC TIUNG- free estimates., Over 25 years experlence. Quality workmanship. Recession mjtes.Cal Pmu t 571634. CUSTON-MADE DRAPERY and tiI. installation. Own fabric welcome. Also, we repair old drapery. Cali Beryl or Ted 'id 432- 1714 alter 5:30 p.m. EXPERUIENCED, DAY GARE available in my oe eerences, safety, frs air. Ages 2+. Lofthouse/Andergon. 668-7025, Joanne. We The system that provides... *Unacheduled home visits ensure qualfty care for your child - FulIy tralned providers recoive ongolng Agency a Re. à elocal back-up covors Provider Ihlnoseor holidays, - Comnpete Insurance coverage - Income tax receipyts *Children six weelcsand up - Full or part-time For mm eInoMIton caIl: 686m3995 - a lcensedAgency, CROSS CANADA MRELACE rr'S FAST.- ITS EASYI'ONE CALL, ONE BILL DORS ITALL. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE OOVERNMENT SEIZEDIBURPLUS VEHICLES US. end Carnadian tout ms $100. BMWa, Cmdlliaca* Chava, Fards. Mrcmdam. Porache*. truckse, vaena. Amting Ire@ 24-hr. recrlngrevebthow.1-4161314666. MORTGAGES MORTOAGE REFINANCINO. lt. 2nd, pay off bulis, credl! cardm. aori business. 1New Iow raite and paymenle. No qualftykrr isals. Cal Irlransicon Flosandai. ToK-ree 1480- 2S&1429. INVESTIVENTS MOAITOAGE INVESTMENS AVAILABLE. Onty peope rora $MUfltorena undergid Uthekrqlanca ai Iwasirro Un grtile carronildlea. 11-112% la13.114% refurr. Cafi frrasloen 10f. hrem 1400-268-1429. EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES MORTGAGE BROUERIAGENT (Commission) wrded hi IrIs are&. Muet havaeniorigaga or salms a hcground. Excellentf renomermilon for aggrmamIve Individuel, Caiiloi ranalcon Fbranclf Grup fol-irma1800-268-1429. FAT ATTACKER. fricedlfil demard for revoluflona.y weigfU loas produc cruaalad mvral pari-lime openings. Eocferdn ismodeon trairing. Eem Io $200 dette 416) 631-3630 24 lv,.> Mr. King. EXPERIENCE FARM LIPS n Europe and Ausiraila. Ail arrangamenla made for yod.,Conaitlishe lnirnetlllonml AgrIcuiforal Exchsange Asocation. 1501 - 17 Ave. S.W.S, Calgary, AS. T2T 0E2. STEEL BUILDINGS SPAN-TEON STEEL BUILDINGS.- Consipue Pravenglnrmd Af/Cenid WaaSlma hubdlrgoautisodzd SlelhWmydeiar. eafl.meclmd wllh contrémiog mallabis. Cali rodmy for lowel pdSse. figiesi quanly 1-600-561-2200. BEST BUILDING PRICES - Stei Srallwal Type.- mi qoonsal- 32x54 $7.344; 45472 $10.276; SOoSO $156882; 60x126 $22.972 - olher &Ires avaib - Fnl a ursner cearance - Paragon -24 Noor-1400263-8499. BUILDINGS.- IF A SIDE-BV.SIDE ornparlson la reial f1latts f0 pick cuIlishe baut and owal..were ail for i. Nos. for a Uhnfed OMme- Fléctory Direc ROCK BOTTOM POICES. Exemple 25 x 30 Value $2.749, now 32,244. 40 r 60 Valua $8.073. nore S6,189. Mesy alzeo and types evîlloble. Plonger 1-600668- S422. STEEL BUILDINGS - Future Steel BuHdWIrig Mli over from tlhe Inlemallonal Plowlrrg match. Diaerenl alites. FiIcame. fl servad. Ouonsalî îasd Siragislreat. Caf IoC-rae 1-80-668- f653. A-Z PRE-ENG. BUILDINGS INC. Fan. ustorage, Coirrorca. laduslrlal. Nmw yes. tellwood. <pansai, cWaddrg. For rua velue. action & arswers - Wally (416) 626-1704 FREE broclare. Cl-umv. * RECREATIONAL VEHICLES COACHINEN CAMPING TRAILERS. Nardrop-Foldowo. 1FOi1- wheel. Travel. Park modela. Tmanicomr-ceps. FloreUna & Leur F6.rglama & Alursium Truckr Caps. Puls-Sarvica Ions moal Inairea lncirdlr Bonalr-LlaoalLextra. Royal Traiter & R.V. Con" lnhiTovkail. Odc. 519) 3432122. REAL ESTATE GOT A CAMPGROUND mrbrisldpO o Ibasar? Wl laI. ft*Anreicma larguasi ress amarngisaus. Caf Resori Sais, isIfflIl. 1-80-423.5967(24 fours). MUSKOKA LIVING. 0 mItas soolh iso Hunslle, 10 woodad, mces. 3-bedroomn home, grann aparisard. alîmched 2-bey worlriop. Asikrg $6.CtO. Cas 705-385-3696. ADOPTION YOUNG COUPLE REAU.Y WAI4T TO ADOPT a neeliorn or Sins. Cari provide a ovIsg and carlng amvisanrnri. Piase contact Mary et 418) 728-70?27. SATELLITES MOVESiII Now on Cancars Scu>erchamel. Asc for decoder end suhmcrpIlas. LOW PRICE. Moso caalogue. club meorbrshlp, VC2plua. Bave SIOcra. Box 5145. Arnojoe. N.S. B3L 4MI. 9W2. 4775. MEN'S HEALTH MALE POTENCY PROBLEMO? - Fr.. produd Irilomratior. on maIe, ug.lraa. norinvulve altgy. Guardeled aucceso. Wrllalcd: Perlomnco Marr. P2.. Bo 1273. Brandon. la.. R7AOSÇ. lalre.1-800-66»4121. .PERSONALS WOULD YOU LBCE lo correspond w6 h unattacisad Chrisian people acrosa Canada for companionship or marrlage? Aasgrm. PO. Box 205. Ch@". 0.0,. VOE 1 MO. OUT 0F TOWN PROPERTIES PROPERTfES TO BE SOLO0 for uspald taxea. Crown Land malliy. For iformation on boBs, wole: Propurties. Depi. CN. Box SM0. Sfn. F. Cala«. K2C 3Jl. CAREER TRAINING LEARM AUCTIONEERINO malfise Soufiswattern Scfsool of Aucllor.mrlog. Neol Clama: Nov. 21-27. Infoirmation, contact. Sooffmstfrn Ongarlo Scisool of Aucllonaring . R. a5. Wooddml,ckOavf, N14S 7V9 <510) 537-2115. MONEY-MAIKING OPPORTUNITIES. Incoaefas or Boolduplng courses hy conreapondieoca. Free Brocures. No ohlgmU~. U il R Tax Services Ud. 1345 PohisWa Nlghway. Wbwnfag. Mao6oba. R3T 2M6. 1-800460-5144. TRUCKODRIVER training AZ andt DZ courses. also aIr brare. dangaroua goode. clef enove driviso. log book and border ..crossng. Rodgerm Scicoof, Onlarlo's oldasi. Calf 1.800-668* 0131. BUSINESS SERVICES GOVERNMcENT GRANTS, LOANS a asilafance programs (Faderai& Provinicila for your nmw or eolsflrrg smal buniness. Irdomsdlon J4 16) 596-75219e9. 98. VACATIONÎTRAVEL MYRTRi BEACHI FOUR-DAY 90141ER GOLF SPECIAL $1001 Vacatilnraie, avallable. Wlnler f001,15 Ifromt S400OInonth. Ocemaioni cordomînîom resori; masy amenilles. For more bInoosmdon: 1-800-448-S653. BUSINESS OPPORTIJNITIES MAKE A FORTUNE mmlrlog olisers hmppy. Tise allUmai a lfursdrrg f 01 lameaf10iroroinredsofai iw opparfuneisamf h Increly higis Incomnea. Olslribofors needed. Prolocled lentliles -8L0-263-1900. music 140W TO PLAY POPULARPflANO. Nae home Stody course. Fast, easy mefisod. Goarasleedi FRIEE InformatIon. Wirlle: Poputur Muolo, Siada (SA). 103-1054 Eais. Kelownoa. O.C.'VIY 1IZI 14100-667-0050 Extension 770. FOR SALE ATTENTION OIFT. CARO. PHARMACIES. parly stores. floua ,naIudeeu. Gtant $900.000 strolesale wmreisoaseaIe. OMS. cmd.mrsp, rmuge,. Sobretc. 4 79 WalIrron Sf. W.. orordo. Cal (416) 977-6060. tUN1IUECHRISTMAS GIFYI 'Hoods op' - a car-cara manuel vrlrfen for eromen byea worrrnm<(7.95). Phone (5 19) 975-2693 lorix nfordomat ion. Lbave massage. HOBBY FARM: 132 Acres, Cismred. fllmd. lenced reiIh gond waler. Modems brick isorre. Nemi barm. Plus reniai dweBng. Pavedboad, nemir1New Lisbreard. Phsone (705) 647-8600:, *COMPANIONS CHRISIAN DATELINE. W. pravide rasporîsial confdarglal Wsroffiomr. Dadlcmled fa Crlia prlrrcils mnd Irdffalisg meu*rouI réaiflnsfps. Wria: 49-SA Tire Dorrway West. Sufa 1010,oDon Miss M3C 2EI. Your md couid appear ln community newspapers IiiOntario, or right across Canada, i Ilor any Individuai province. Space ls Lmitgd, so CaliiThis Newspaper Todayi 'DAY GARE REQUIRED'for 8 month aId and 2 1/2 y r. old. Two full days'per week. Non-smoker. References required. 430-3496. INDOOR/OUTDOOR storag e for Winter season. 430-9383 or 430-3785. STORE FOR RENT ln Downtown Whftby. Brock- St. South. $695/ month. 839-6398. MEDICALIPROFESWIONAL, 625 sq. ft, downtown Whitb. Ground f loor, boads of parking. Private entrance and washroom. 666-3833. RETAIL SPACE FOR -LEASE, 1500 sq. ft. Main street location, downtown Whit by. Creative rentai arrangements. 668-1468, 9 arn. to 5 p.m. WHITBY, PRIME downtown commercial retail space, in main floor of Ontario Bank Building. FuIly serviced' and recently renovated to suit most businiesses. Fail occupancy. Cal 668-3011, message; or 666-3883, evesiwkd. . a wood fencing & decks IFREE COMPETIIVE ES TIMA TESI IUNI VERSITY-WERKS 1666-96901 r E E E E E E E E E E E E E E I E FITGERALD CARPENTRY WHITBYLTD. Gemn IMJ anyAdditionir Home hnpzovemeat, avramic Tiling Rec ooms DrywalL4ndPainting 18 Years In Durham Region 8-2S554f Cail: (ï 668-4686 "" ' w' E E E E E E E E SPECIAL WEEKLY RATES available. at BonVoyage Motel, At Hwy 2 & 7,2km. nrthof Brooklin. WHITBY - SHARE spaclous new home wth one or two others. No pets. Noà n-smoker. .$450/month, eetinincluded. 666-85901. I .... .....P I WHITBY9 IMMACULATE, one bedroom apartment. selt-contained, ground $595/month. 666-5056. large, Fully f loor. ONE-BEDROOM.MAIN FLOOR apartment. Quiet, non-smoker, non-drinker. No pets. Heat, hydro & parking included. First & Iast re- quired.668-2233. A NEW BABY? U n thîs world,. there's always room for onie mo're! The Mutual Group. HEBTRAN Icail for quotaton 725656 Derek Dutka ISpecîalîzîng in tax & retirement planning since 1986 CAL434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT.l SHARBOT'LAKE, 30 min. from Perth. Invest. in this beautiful 4 acre hardwood .-estate ,lot. Year-round plowed road, alipermîts, phone& hydro avallcae. $39,900. 668-5272. * * - te B tr Re .va **n BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" T meach a wkd.r market. adveflise thoughout the regronal mombersh@ of the Ontaro and Canadian Community Nompwspp.sociatons nta nai 5n.wspapors - $160 or 25 words - Ail Ontario 171 - $350 for 25 od ~~entta Ontaro 55 N Canada 572 n woors - $974 for 25 words For fUrther intorTmtici lpeBseial the- Whîtby Free Press ciasifleds 66".59 1 1- à - m ONE-BEDROOM AP'T. 5 mfonth, and one bachelor at $435/mo'nth. --Downtowvn Whitby. 839-6398., BRIGHT, CLEAN, 2-bedroom spt sepale-entrance, -parking, 4-pc. atLaunry, .cable,an utilities included.,' $700/month. Available im'mediately.-430-1972. CARETAKER POSITION. Mature couple wanted ýas-live-in caretakerý for, quiet tripiex in'N. Whitby for Deember ý1.Fridge, stove, utilities included. $875/month. No 9ets, >references plese Gllnarsi, 434-5222. HOUSIE, APARTMENT FOR RENT? If you had advertlsed here,' *1,0009 like you, would be reading this now. Cali 6684111 WHITBY LUXURY 2 bedroom condo. ÀoDssland/Garden. 2 1full -baths, 5 ýappliances, tllties mci. solarium, security, 'pool,' jacuz, gym, -sauna, party room, under- qýqund arking. Avali' able. Nov. 'L LARGE, BRIGHT 1 BEDROOM basemeént' apaflment.Lunr faâiities, parn. $550 i nclusive. AvajilDecember i.666-8714. ONE-1BEDROOM fumished base- ment -apartment. .Ail utilities,, s eparate entrance, frldge &-stove. Non-drinker. $1100/week, f irst &Is &references 723-5411. -M