Whitby Free Press, 21 Oct 1992, p. 10

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Page 10, Whltby Free Press, Wednesday, October 21. 1992 DI RECTOR Carolyn'Wilson (centre) gives actors Joe *Szekeres and Roz Michaels, a few tips in rehearsals for Real World?' Michel Tremblay's 'The Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Fiee Press Tremblay play "character-driven" By Mark Reesor «Make sure you get the question mark in tbere » reminds Carolyn Wilson,, dinecton of 'The Real Woldr ta be presented' by Durhamn Shoe- string Performersas 'their season-opening pro., duction. She saya ity s very Important because play- wright icelTremblay mterweaves scenes froin the life of the play's main- character, Claude, witb scenea froin a play he's written. It's not always easy to.know wbich is the real world. The play «%s very, definitely about aur perceptions cf neality, and bow thene la truth in lies and lies in trutb, depending -on one's perspective.» Wilson, says laude la a young man wbo bas wittena playbasedon bis family expeniences.. "The. play that we watcb... isla bout wbat happe ns -wben he bas inally decided ta, let bis miothennread the playtbat b. wrote. . «Wen Ourp'lmyopens, be bas juat came ta viait ber for tbefirst time aflèn ah. bas nead tbe piambla r mbl as wntten'The Real World? in, an unÏusual stlye, saLys Wilson. qItsnot perfectly ralstic- on one level it deals witb t he. world of the. imagination - tbe wite's creation - and on another level it deals witb xeal kitchen- drama; that's the intriguing part about it.-< "It's very tuch a character-dniven play -- the plot is reveale4.to us tbnaugh tbe characters... a lot of it bas t6 do. witb unearthing what bas gone before.» Parts of the play are autabiographical, says Wilson. "Afler writing for 25 yeans, Tremblay got ta the point in bis life where he, as I guesa we al *do, learned tbat there is ma 're tban one reality -- that the perceptions that we had wben we were yaunger are not always the only way ta look at tbings... «As a writer, be was faced witb tbe question, did he bave the rigbt ta, build bis careen using bis community and family as fodder fan bis plays..., lewrote- this play ta kind of deal witb those demons. 'Have I beeni a manipulatar? Have I overtepedthe bounda of civilized. conduct? 4he Real World? wilI be'presented at »8 p.m., Nov. 13'and 14 anid Nov. 19, 20 and 21 at the' arts resource centre in Oshawa.,, The $6 tickets areavailable at Merle Norman Coimetics in the Oshawa Centre or at Informa-* tion Oshawa at the city hall. Caîl Dorothy Little at 433-2414, for more informnation. Gallery hols tour o loCal arti.ss'studios The Station Gallery ofrmn a rare opportunity for the pubic to visit artiste in their studio or gallery environment. The first annual Studio/GaI- lery Tour will be held Saturda~ Oct. 24 and Sunday,- Oct. 2'ai noon to 6pa. The seI-gided tour, with par- ticipants using. their own ýtrans- portation,- wiII include visita to 14 locations. The Station Gallery is one Of the locations as an exhibition by Toronto artist Don Holman MonHolman: ragments' will. include bis 'recent Paintings, prnsand constructions., His work evolves from dreamaý, memo.iest, atones and myths. Holinan, fine arts professor at the University of TorFonto Scar- 1bruh oeg ic,_179ha in variaus, communities in McCarten' Canada. 1- In Oslawa, Garfield W. Fer- The exhibition continues until guson; Nov. 22, and an opening recep- in Pickering, Barry Smylie; tion for the show-.wilI 'b. hefi inax Carol Kapuscinsky, Sunday, Oct. 25,2 ta 5 p.m. Stacey r. Brandfo rd- Jobnme There are 13 other locations on Brandford-Nea1 and IMiay Ellen the tour: Soa .- at a homne dii Byron St. N. Soa wbere Mr Ellen McQuay. Sean - at The Magic Image, Ajax, McQuay Launa. Marsalal and Linda Ward Selbie, Markl Ford- Gillian âockburn; will be partici- ham, Laura Hair, Anastasis pating atiste;' cwnAlaWlkr - on Athol St., artiste Ruth MEeAllan Walkîde; nn Read, Bob Epping and Darlene '-a R xnidgLnn Lazdins- I Mdllvride Evans, Sbei ia oney ' nDunlap St. E., Rowena and Francis Muscat; Dykins Bridger^ Nancy Aines1 in Port P-enny, ae Steele and Maai n Cherry; Richardso>n. - at the Brook in yce am~e Thene is no, cost -for tbe tour, building, Tony Cooper, Bill Fra- wbich capn begin et any location. -e and Gatiry ens&wd tue Draw tickets, will be available at - atPicure his& Tht, uaseacb location.' Beverle and Desmond Clan ;- rï -t L-&Ave., e . -For mare ufomtiqgçl Poit, -E~3~Mlfthe galer')5-e% 'Wizard' comingt Whitb 'The Wizard of Oz' is coming to Whitb. Dorothy, Scarecrw, In, Woodsman, Cowardly Lion and althe other timeless Frank Baum- characters will- appear in the Whitby Courthouse Theatre stage adaptation of the classic MGMmusical film.1 There will be ail thefamiliar sangs, including 'Over The Rainbow,' ' Were Off To See The Wizard,' 'Follow The Yellow Brick Road' and -many,- many more. > Whitby Courthouse Theatre bas staged many big musicals in the p ast dazen years or so, including 'Canterbury Tales,' 'Oh,. What A' Lovely War,' 'Fiddler On The Roof," Amadeus,' 'Cabaret,' 'How To Succeed In Business Witbout Really Tzying,' «'Oklahoma' and. the list goes on. Ail these have presented a- big challenge and have called on a the expertise and resourcefulnesa of the theatre group in set design, costuming, etc., due ta very limited- space -bath, on and off-stage. SDirectors and crewshave.had ta work in very close co-operation ta malce the productions work, and the result bas been sald-out performances. >For 'The Wizard-0f 'Oz,' directar Robent 'Corbett bhas chosen-bis castwell but bistask was not'easy, becausecf the large number ofhopefuls Wbo attended auditions. Corbett- brings ta this proIIduc1tion> . an impressive backgrounîd in theatrical training. Hom- is- currently, involved in entertainment at Cullen Gardens. Other principals in Wizard, with very strong backgrounds in their particular fields,. are Carol McGratb as 'musical director and Ljou Burgese as choreographer. Producer is Laila, Drain. The cast is as follows:'Laura LeBreton as Dorothy Gale; Mykel.Gardner, Scarecrow;, Ken, Bond, Tin Man/Hickory;, Bryan Stanish, Lion/Zeke; Heather Sessions, Wicked WitchMiss Gultch;.Carol Laing,- Glinda/Aunte Em; Philip Pizak, Wizard of OÎ/fessorý Marvel; .Mark - Cappon, GatekeeperfUncle Henry. Munchkins wiil be Jason Wooiley,' Geoffrey Alderson, Stephanie Hutton, Michelle Berry-,1An'gela '-McC:ready, Amanda Schroer, Jennifer Sparacino, Meliss Sparacino, Emil> McPherson and Miranda MAditchoSus wiil be -Made: up of Saacbâ Halikowsli, Cathy Bato nna, Mitchell, Dana Wood, lAn Por-ter- and Marki Briard., 1 «Wizard of O01 runs Nov. 5 6, 712, 13,14, 19,20, 21 <ailat8 p.mp.).Demand for, tickts as been so great that two matinee peformances have been added. Tese will be Sunday, Nov.. 8 and Sunday, Nov. 15, both at 2 pane The advance bookig n«'t is LaFontaine *TradingPost locate d at 122 Brock St . untilNov. 1 when the' business relocatea to 106 Dunda St. W. Their phone numbeér i1(416) 430-3774.. ul CoiIkWIllunt in WhitbyIV The Pull Count Blues Band wil perform at G-Notes on Wednesday, Oct. 21 at 8 p.m. Tickets are $3 at the door., The blues-rock trio bas been together for tbree years and features Howard Rosa on vocals and guitar, Don- Ballik on drums and Grary Hormaýn playing ' basa. Nind ois at,,Magie The band bas played extensively- in Durbam and Toronta areas, opening for many headlining acta including Dowvnchild Blues Band and johnny Winters. They have as been featured on -radio stations Q107 and CIUT. The show is. presented by Babble On Productions, an organization that consfista cf students from the entertainnent administration 'program at Durham College. Proeeda cf tickets will g o t Babble On Productions.The Pul Count- Blues Band *will perfonm free cf charge. 011 anting b Jean Nind H u n e r i willeonispay &ct.31lto Nv 28 at the MagieImage Fine Art Gallery, >in -¶Pckering Vilage, atGardens Th aetsenies by the Peter- SomefHallowee'n fun bas been borouhatitla bae npare planned for Cullen, Gardena dur- androunain andca . mg the evenings of Oct. 27 -to 31. Nind s'ays ber wor presenta 'rom' 5 ta 8 P.m -P idrn "ragt, empty, lonely and linear- who must be dresaed In costume, skyscapes,», and her .newest can- alk a long a 'Spok Haun- Flm ertnle

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