Page 16, Whitby Free Pross, Wednesday, Octobor 21, 1992 <se.. *~~4~- INSTOCK eNo WAX SAXON , VINYL.CUSHION CARPITFLOORS 40 -60 oz. Startinil as Iow as On' Oct. 2, at a reception held. at the Catholic Childrei'e Aid SoCiety cf. Metropaltan Trne th Knghte cf C=mu ffca ýcelebrated, raieing -$61,600 towards the OCAS Foundatione echalarep awards pragram. ,The Knighte ee ented LARGSTSONEOWTROOM IN ONTARIO, 22FL EOA E D KIa ENAD B A IPAY- BINNS HIAS 3 CERTIFIED KITCHEN DESIGNERS ON S TAFF Discaver our oiegant showroom which boasts. 22 fully docoratod kitchon and bat h displays. Our unique c reativo concopte are designed around your individual lfestyle and aur 29 yeýare oxperienoe guarantees you quality workmanship with a lifetime, warranty on cabinotry. Corne on and see why our clients recommend us ta thoir closest fiendsl FRE KICHE DEIGNBOO with- cer tificates for th eir achievement by, Hais Excellency Biehap Pearse eLacey..!À As part o the, evening, Bishop The Evangeliet'Council, (Whftby) with -À plaque in -recognitian cf thé' caundil'e $5,000 donation ta the Knighte cf Columbus. scholarship fund. .On Juno 14 1991, in front cf thousaânds af Bue Jay fans at the SkyDomo,- the Knighte of Columbus had preeented a pledge' of -*50,000 ta the Cathol«c Children'e Aid Society. < The pledgo wap art of -a echlarhip'fund estabshed by theý Knights of Columbus ta assist young- people served by the Catholic, Children'e Aid Society of Metropolitan Taranto pursue a poet-secandary educatian. , F our Knighte of Columbus scholarehips of, $500 each.:will ho awarded annually. Recipiente .of the siwards will ho pursuing or planning, ta pursue -post-I eecôndary* education in a univeroity, community college or provincially recognized technical institution. ,The firet. four echolareahip winners -were honaured at the eociety'e. annual meeting in April of this year. The, Catholic Children'e Aid -Society of Metropa*tan Taranto je one of the largeet; child welfaro agencies, in North America. In 1991 it served 11,652 children. The Knighte of Columbue ie a Catholic fraternal gentlemen'eà organization with mare than 70 Cauncile in Greater Taranto and 250,000 members e raee Canada. Is le bcy e rinking a problem wi vt you? We understnd. Cail AI-Anon. at 728-1020. MIDWAY CARP- 'vý zýt fit hearty méty CHICKEN IVINGS *No take-aut or dgl as By Popular, Demand We. Axe Now OP EN SUjNDAYSc:7 07- un - A 11:30 arn to 8:00 prn e Dine in or Take out 01010