Optimists to hold, KiteDay The Opthnist Club cf Brooklin wilil' sonsr a kcit. day for children on Sunday, Oct. '26 at Luther Vipond Memorial Arena park, fi=m noon te 3 p.m. Last year about 350 peopple of ail ages caine out for a cold afternoon te ýse. who would, fly their it. the hihest. the first 200 kcids who corne out. .Optinist- members wiil alo give out free. barbecued hot doge. SThe Optimist Club cf Broc i bkas 34 members Who dedicate their efforts toward their motte « Friend of Youth.' Members meet on the first and, third Wednesidays c.< f. every month. C/a'44ic E</?~rft eptekt4 Nursery- ýRhymes< You chiceof frames, triple mats I&Vgroove. Ail mats 100% acid-free I4ylOU(unfrà med piint $250.OO) ..... New bookby Trisha'Romance,$40.OO Harwood Place Mal 427i-1663 Cmrof Bayly & Harwood, Ajax--- - Four more information cali 655-4434 or asic a member at it. daY. $azaar at church' The ¶Harvest Bazaar & Craft Sale' will b. held at Broklin" United Churchkon Oct. 24.,, Donations cf nearly new c,' hil- dren's clothing and' articles for the white elehant, sale and honiebaking tables wiIl be accep-' ted. The UCW 'Faîl Bale' -- packing cf good, used, dlean winter cd- thing -- will bq held on Oct.< 28. Sheets, blankets, etc.. are, needed. Society to meet The Brocicln- Horticultural Society will hold the monthly meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 28, 8 p.m., at the' Brocilin, United Church. Jack Lord cf the Royal- Botenical .Gardons will discus mushrooms.. Everyone - is welcome. Lug-a-mug-forfcoffée. Scouts s'eil apples Apple Day will' b. held in Brooklin con aturday, Oct. 24.. From 9:30 a.ni. to noon, mem- bers cf 2nd Brooklin scouts will soîl apples in the Brociclin area. Most willgo door te door, some will be in,.front cf local businesses in. the -downtown area. Ther. je no fixed price for apples - any, donations will b. accepted. ANDRE ROBiCHAUD, of. 9th Whtbyý scouts showshow to make a simple c 'ompass using only a-few .materials during a, 9,thering of " more than 170Î Whitby- district scouts-5 ahd venturrs at Heber Down, over the weekenid. 'Called 'Jamboree on the Air,' scouts« used a ham -radio to communicate with U.S.. and Ontario residents, most of. the dialogue about -the Blue Jays and the World Series.- Photo by M" Ihuc ito. WWF I 0 Po .. . - -- - .e4> I%. lst'Ashburn cubs, scouts and beavers wiil hold a giant yard salauction,- rai or' shine , on Sati -0ay 'à ct..24 ,at 'Burri Preabyterian Churchparking lot. The yard sale is from 9 a.m. te 1 p.m.,followed. by.-anà auction frem 1 te 3. pm. Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, October 21, 1992, Page 17 BROIC OKLTN S