Li'ttle interes t shownMI«in future Only a few, residents attended' pulcmeeti»ngslastweek, in Brooklin and Whity to offer commenta about thefuture direc-' tion of prorams at Whitby Genéral IHopit1. Hospital board members exrsed disappointment at tIhé low turout for the meetings-- one resident showed up frthe Whitby*meeting on Thursday at the municipal building. The hospital has hired the health care consulting firrn of Agnew Peckham to assist in- developirtg a strategice plan thatý will outline the future directon. Of services and prograins at the hospità l. Ter Lee from Agew Pe- ham carried on withh e moeeting agendaMithquestions about'the hospital mnwered by somehos- p ità l board members. who atten- aed and by the one resident., "There was-'alo -discussion about why littie interest was sohownby reidents iri,,theéhospi- taI, and what further steps co .uld b. taken to get public input into the planning process. . h The resident who- attendeth meeting said he believed many new résidents of Whitbymay not be aware that the town has a hospital, and,'that many don't. use it. If the hospital had 'a maternity wing, there might be greater use and more interest shown, said the resident. Hopital board member Cath-, erine Tunney said the most fre- quent comment made is, that the hospital should have a maternity ward. Other responses te questions about the hospital -- reponses that will be used to, help cevelop the strategie plan - mncluded- "location,» -«well-regarded spe- cialists» 'and Umaltewn 'per- sonalized atmostphere» as the SME PAGE 4 By Mark Beesor Whitby ýshouldn't expect pro- vincial money for the Brooklin sewer extension until next spring at the earliest., George Meznk,-ietrof pr oject engineering for te Miistry of Environment, says there's no money available right now. 'Mhe reason is very simple; there were no new projects com- mitted for funding in "92/93 other than the Jobs Ontario projecta... there are hundreds of proJecta underwa and -they're a i being honouredand -are proceeding, but no new commitments, other tha.n Jobs- Ontario -(have been)- started this year." Mierzynskii says for the'cur- rent fiscal year, hoe essentially has "zero dollars until the trea- surer'sbudget cornes down.7 Tenewv budget traditionally consdown.inbMarhorpril.-, DR. ROBERT THORNTON public. sohool principal Gord Taylor serves up a hamburger to grade .7 student Ian Riddoch. The so hool raised more than $200 for the United. Way from-a barbecue held rec Baywood donateci the use cf1 food at cost. P Educatio siteplan e A new headquarters for the Durharn Board of Education and another high school for Whitby are a step doser today. Tow 1uIl'spann n dTeopn, conr:pning ecom mded pprn' oal Monda of a site plan application forth e two, projects. To be bufiit at a cost of $30-$35 illion, the school and education centre wvill be locatedon Taunton Pd west ofhAnderson St. ïke he four-storey .education centre willlý house administrative staff now working out of several facilities scattered throughout By Mike Kowalk A condomniniunm auartment complex *planned for >downtown Whibywllagain b. ubjet t Srtiy byTon ffciaIs. ortesecond time this month, Town councilaEr planning and developmentcommttee. han deferred approval of a site plan -appliationfora306-unit com-. pleprops for Garen and The ýcommittee tabled the- application Monday' 50 that i t, can obtain- légal advice wiîth res- pect to, certain aspects of thie proJect. Concernsý about financing and whether or 'not some, forrn of assisted' housing may ýultimately- -b. included in ýthe eelolpment' were commtte.. Proyosd b y S(onterlan Con- strc1~onCor., hedevelIopmaent, iuill inhèlude "fo6ur "apa rt-mnt- dwellinge wlthý a maximum hèight of six stories..' Although council, gave bylaw am en dment approval te the pro- ject last JuIy, t h e proposal recei- vedý a new twist earlier this month. TWo wêeks ago, the committee learned that a poo of the development maybe set aside for assisted housing. The Italo-Canadian Club of Durhamn and a labour union in Oshawa- have both expressed intereat in sponsoring some Of the units as subsidized housing, *the committee was told. After >informingYSonterlan rersnative Bi, Tesaler of their displeasure in. learning of < this fact at such a late date, the» committee tabled the matter for two, weeks 50, that it, could. find >out-.mere about the proposaI.-1 Howeýever, little new informa- tion, was provided at Monday's my> style -ither you corne for- ward anc1 tehi us more or I don't want te deal with it » he -added.ý Councillor Ross là atten shared SFJEPA GE 2 centl- at the, school - Loebs rewg their trailer anc supplied -the In fact councillors- were sty- mie& in their attempta ,te learn ýhoto by Mark Reesor, Whthy Free Press more about the 'identity of another organization which might be involved in. the assisted housig aspect of the project.. Former Pickering councillor Doug Dickerson teld.committee 'n centre ie represents a group which has ýn , c n tre , experienoe in the subsidized housingfield. Although the group, which Et TIT'fVPf Diekerson would not identify p ~has not yet signed a formai, agreement with Sonterlan, it is interested in working on the The three-storey secondarY project, lie said. school will consiat of approI- Dickerson said that, while the. mately 17 'cîassroorns, music ItaloCanadian Club and -union rooma, computerfartrooxns, child. (Steelworkers) "have -corne for- care and family study' rooms, war& Ito sponsor units, it's not yet ýheatre arts roos9,ý shops, three set in etorff that'it will be these gymnasiums and a cafetoriun. groupe:' School board.official Mike Gra-. Pressed by. counceillor, Dennis ham teîd committee that ten4ers Fox te divulge details of the for the project wilI clo,'se Oct. 29. -peopl orpeet, Dickerson -The recormeônded ýtender. wnIhl refused. comne bofore trustees, onNov. 9 "They don'twant'their names and "ýwe hip ot have a shovel Inii iade public at this time» said the ground--awèek"later," said' Dickerro. Graliam, >"We'i;e dealing with a' large Plans cail for the education prject that wl have a largfe centre te b. comnpleted by June impact on the town,» respondedia 1994 andthe school ready for use furieus Fox. that September. --..t-'.~Paighd n~e~i~t Fox"furious-ý over 'hidean seek'ondo financing9 Vol. 22, No. 43 32 1). g s