Whitby Free Press, 21 Oct 1992, p. 8

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PageS8, Whitby Free Prese, Wednesçlay October 21.,1992 -'e b sies MeLean at Whitby. chamilber meeting9- David MeLean, chair of the Canadian Chamnber of Com- merce, wilIl be guest speaker at a Whitby Chanber of Commerce' meeting Oct. 29. Mcean je chair and chief exe- cutive officer of the McLean Group in Vancouver, B.C. McLean Group, involved pri-. nxarily in real estate investment, is best known for the develop- By Elizabeth Hooper A new business for antique loyers will open in downtown Whitby tomorrow (Thursday)., Brenda Hayes will seil mostly antiques and collectibles at The Nook and Cranny.' Hayes bas helped ber husband operate the Menkyo. Kempo Karate chool next door in recent years. She decided to start her own. antique store after having collec- ted antiques for many years as a hobb, and she thought that Whitby neded an antique store. With* help from ber- mother June Pattison Hayes will seli anytbing from bookÎs to botties te many different collector's items. Ha e ashaving her busi- ness beside her husband's will be a «husband-wife adventure.» ment of The. Landing, a $50- million renovation of a bistorical building ini downtown Vancou- ver. Members of ACT, at conference Representatives of Durhamn Action Committee for PrT raining (ACT) attended the annual con- ference of Community Industrial Training Committees (CITCs) in Ottawa recently. ACT -chair Steve Reilly and executive director Robert Hart- len attended the conference that included* 272 delegates from Ontario CITCs. Issues addressed included accessibility te job skili straining for equity groupe; labour market trends; ap rentioeshiý revitaliza- tion; employabil Ity s for the year 2000;,huan resources development as a workplace in- vestmnent. There was also discussion of the proposed impiementation of Local Labour Force elomn Boa rds.Deeom t CITCs were also given assurances from the provincial and federal governments that funding and support for their training -activities would con- tinue until at least the end of 1994. The Royal Canadian Legion WHITBY (ONT. NO. 112) BRANCH BALANCE! SHEET - POPPY FUND SEPT.,31, 1992 (Unauclited) ASSETS CURRENT . Cash $24 Inventory - at cost LIABIITES AND MEMBERS' EQU1TY MEMBERS' 'EQU1TY Equity, beginning of year $24, Exoess of revenues over expenditures 4 Equity, end of year 2 STATEMENT 0F OPERATIONS - POPPY FUND SEPT. 1992 (Unaudited) REVENUES Poppy Fund Interest EXPENDITURES Administration Cost or sales Donations Welfare Excees of revenues over expenditures 4,581 1,854 l54 lm~ $18,733 718 19451 1,867 6,919 725 14,937 È 45 1 -t. ,WHITBY McDonald's owner Ray Gilchrmst (rght) and chief librarian-Ken Roberts look thfough one of the 25 books Gilchrist is donating to Whitby ibrary. The books, which are, ail by Canadian *authors, were given to mark McDonald's 25th anniversary in Canada. Courtigce ch airs. Iôlcal Th'Durham Chapter of Certified General Accountants Association of Ontario announced recently that Dennis.E. Donovan of1 Courtice has been elected chapter chair. Donovan, operations manager with ITW PasIode Canada, became a CGA in 1987. He bas been a member of the chapter board'of directors since 1988 and bas served terms as chair of the prograzn committee and treasurer and, niost recently, as vice-chair. .Donovan ie treasurer of the -Durhanm Chapter of Canadian Production. and Inventory Control, and for eight years served as programn manager for the Junior Achievement of Oshawa. Other officers of the 1992/93 Durhamn board 'include first vice-chair Kevin Tomlinson, secretary Julie White and treasurer- Gary Tonfiolo. Past chair is Jacke Boufford. The -Certified -General Accountants Association of Ontario -.is an association of professional. accountants w ho meet the association's rigorous requirements of professional competence, are bound to a uniform standard of.conduct and are entitledunders Acts of both the Parlianient of Canada and the Legisiature of the province of Ontario, to the designation CGA. New.housing creates, 3,000 jobsin September New home sales activity continued to improve through September, creating thousands of jobs in the residential construc- tion' sector, according to a recent report by Claudio Cinapri, p resident of the Greater Toronto Home 'Buildered Association (GTHBA). Greater Toronto Area new home sales tetalled 1,178 in September, up 58 per cent froni the 744 sales in August, and up 87 per cent from September 1991, when 631 unité were eold. > Each new home built crates 2.5 jobs and involves the labour of 109 different skilled tradespeople. The 1,178 sales translate into roughly- 3,00 jobs that are desperately needed by the more than 25,000. unemployed construction workers, in the Toronte region," saidCinapri. DOMINO'S PIZZA (Whtby) owner Todd'Fetters presents United Way chair Jim Souch with a cheque for $1 ,075 and a free pizza. Domino's donated $1 for every pizza'it soid the weekend the United Way campaign was kicked off. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Press -Cinapri added a strong qualifying note te tbe September resuits. "New home sales te date are 22 per cent lower than they were at the sane time last year, and we suspect the four-montb upward trend will -soften in October due te- the recent interest rate surge and the-uncertainty of the constitutional referendum result" besaid. td u ta altbough1 the< local residential construction industry is perf'or- ming well below its ptential capacity, it bas -sill created moreý thin 20,000 jobs so far this year. .'We lnay not be getting any active support from gvrmn but with this-kidnd of impact, we would expect , that the government will not do anything te, burt us," she said. Housing Data Report, prepared by Brethour Research Associates Inc, for the GTIHBA stated that, September new home sales consisted of 779, freebold units (66 per cent) and 399 condominis (34 percent). Panel discussiïon, for small business A panel discuss ion for emal business will be held- by tbe Durham Business & Professional Women's Club in Wbitby on Wednesday, Oct. 28. Club memnber Rose Cronin, of Brothers Bookkeeping, will moderato the discussion on bank- ing, accounting, business in- surance and human resouroes. The meeting will be held at the Whitby Yacht Club, starting at 6 p.m*i Gueste are welcome. Cost is $30. Cali Karen at 427-6930 or Notice of' Liquor Licence Application, The foil'lowing establishment has applied to the Liquor, Licence Board of Ontario for a liquor licence under the Liquor Licence Act: Application for a Sale Licence Sizzier 1615 Dundas Street East, Whitby Malt. Whitby Any resident of the municipality *may make written submission as to whether the issuance of the licence is in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Submissions.must be received no later than November 21, 1992. Copies of submissions will be given to the applicants. Please include your name and address on ail correspondence. Submissions to be sent to: Liquor Licence Board of Ontario .Llcensing and Permits Branch 55 Lake Shore Blvd. E., Toronto ON MSE 1A4 Fax: 416) 326-0308 (5DOntarlo >1 à 1 . -ýâ#Àb

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