Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1992, p. 9

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ýWhftbj ~P~~W d~b i~~~ nusinessnews THIS .EIGHT- FOOT long Blue Jays. banner,< made by Brendla Lawson,' was,,displayed at Whitby. Fabrio s in downtown Whitby as the Jays won the -Amferican League penna.nt and then the World Series. Photo by Matthew Stolk, Whitby Free Pross co-op student Çhamber to present business, awardcs Business and corporate awards wilb resented during the Whitby Chamber or)f Commerce meeting on Thursday, Oct. 2,1 "9 at' Heydenshore Paviion. éechamber wi lrecognze the Business Persan of the Year and Corporate Citizen of the Year. Scheduled as guest speaker at the meeting is David McLean, chair of the Canadian Chamber- of Commerce. Ho je chair and chief exécutive officer'of the Melean Group in- OLCO pumpkin sale is fundraiser OLCO g as bars in Whitby and A*axare holding a pumpkin sale thie week ta raise funde for the United Way. Until Oct. 31, customers pur- chasing 25 litres of gas and donating $1 will receive a pump- kin. Seventy-five cents from each -pumnpkin will ho donated to the 1nifed Way. OLCO locations in Whitby are atl 320 Thickson Rd. S. and 1517 Dundas St. E. (at Glenhill). *The Busineàs and Professiônal Women's,ý Clubs- of Ontario Durham' will receive'a-grant from the Ontario Women>s Directorate. The $12,000 grant is for 'Projeet: .,Motivation'ý. to deveélop, training. packages, for women, on building self-esteeni, goal-settingl and planning, and- to ýinstruct .facilitators to run Worlcshops throughout Durham Region. The grant' je 'part of nearly $300,000 awarded in. this round of grants by the Ontaro Women's Directorate- to 34 'commun ity groupe across. the Province. Grante are awarded threetimes a year. The next deadline is Dec. 1. The gants poraoofthe rninistryý -funds -projects of community-based, non-profit organizatiolie. Priority issues include violence against. women, poverty -and econiomic 'Issues, the balance bétween work .,anid fanily resonsbilities, and Workplace dsrmnation. Priority is also given. to projecte. that addresse theý particular need -of aboriginal women, immigrant and-rda Minoiywomeni,, women. with disailtes, rural and Sar women, ýnorthern women or francophonewomen. Vancouver, B.C. rri McLean Group, involved ,mostlyin real eestate investment,'l79BORS.WSH A lebest kniown for the developv-1 nment of The Landing. a $50- 4 4i52 Million renovtion Of a kistorical building in downtown Vancou- ver. N IMC S recently vacated by Strands Beauty 'Salon and 1 arn interested in continuing thils type of ervice' in this unique retail camfp/ex. I arn looking for interested parties who would Jike ta work, manage or own a salon at lbthis proven» location. WILLIAM D. UMTIE Waiterfront Rgnto Trùst Fiducie de régénération dg. secteur riverain TAKE N071CE that th Waterôrnt Règeneration Trust, a sohecule Il Provincial Crown Corporation, has a mandate to: *facilitate the establishment àifa waterfront trail frorn Burtington Bay ta' the Trent River 00 cordnae rgrams and policles ai the Govemment oi Ontaria and its agencies mrlating ta watetont lands; " advise 'the, Minister on any. matterÉ, relatîng',ta the use, disposition, conserv <ation, protection and regenerationof wvateïfront lands; " serve'as a resource centre 'and information clearinghouse'forpolicies ai the Govemment of Ontario relating towaterfront landsu; and *consuit. with" the public.'ta deteýrmineë the pu0blic. interest in the environmental integrîty of the waterirot Itands. AND' FURTHER TAKE NOICE that the -Honourable .David Cromfbie, Commissioner,- Wateriront Regeneration Trustannounces public hearings, on the Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy, te be heldin tiiese muinicipalities on the following dates: *Metropoitan Toronto, November 1 12 and 13. 1992 *Region, ai Halton, November 16 ad 17,1992- *Region oi Durham. November18 and 19, 1992 *ô Conty ai Northumberland, Novemfber 25 and 26, 1992. For information regarding specific trnes and locations, please cal the> Trust* at (416) 3147-9490. Copies cf th Lake- Ontario GreenWay Strate 1gy, Public' Heanngs Backgrounder are available frornm the waterfront Regeneratian Trust's offices. at'207 Queen's Quay Wvest, Suite, 580, Toronto, ýor by'calling the Trust. Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy These hearîngs are intended ta provide opportuniies for communit groups, members af the public, private interests and agencies ta comment, on proposais for de Lake Ontario. Greenwyay Strategy. The Lake Ontaulo Greenway Strategy will be based on the ecosystem<> approach and the niné principlesthat the waterfront should be dlean, green, ^useable, diverse, open, ýacoessible, connected, aifordable and, attractive. This Greenway MI extend aiong the Lake Ontanio, Waterfront from Burington Bay ta the Trent River. The stratey will be a cooperative.. effort invoMing ail leveic of govemment, specual purposebocies, te, primae sector, non-govemment groups, universities and colleges, and th e generai public. The objectives, ai the strategy. are ta: *provide measures ta achieve. a healthy, productive and resilient shoreline that îwilI provide ýan attractive setting forhumfansetlement and enhance quality of lueé in the Greater Toronto Bioregion; *restoreand protect naturai habitats;, plan and implement the waterfront trail; *enhance cultural, recreation and oenspac portunities; *contribute tathiedcevelopment aifplicies, dtonsandstandards for shoreline management, (indluding laefllipgan.d erosion'prtection>; *remediate contamlnated lands* " iclentify and take advantage ai poteniai economic> benefitsaiofte Greenway; " coordinate existing and furtiter plans and stucies for the wiaterfrýont;, and *coordinate capital planning and. investment decisions associated wi.th the strategy. TAKE, NOTICE THAT-any persan who .wishes ta make a submission on the strategy mLlist so advise te Trust anweek prior ta tdm heaning date. TAKE NOTICE THAT'should services be rqîrdinfrencit, please notify the ýWaterfront RegenerationTrust one weekin aiVance ai the heaning date. Dated at Toronto, Friday, the, l6ti dayoai October 1992., Suzanne Barrett, Directar of Environmental Studios Wateriront Regeneration Trust 207 Queen's Quay West, suite 580 Toronto, Ontario M5J 1lA7i Telephone: (416p)314-9490 Facsimile:(<416) 314-9497' -PN Mon -Fri 10-8ILl soturdoy .10-6 S1501 Hopkins St., Whitby (416)430-8081 Fax 430-0795 Vto computerize bave paper, your office bav t.e b ave monecy I productdvity How W'can you aâfford not- Wt? .iýWA "HOUSEj O0nly theLOOKP is ch ingl* JACK R. CAYNE ~~ M.B.A., Cried General Accountant SFREE INITIAL 2e, CONSULTATION ~~384 Sheppard Ave. E. Nrth York, Ontario M2N 3B5 Cali Colilect, (416); 733-8055 Fax (416) 7.13-024fe p~JThe Mutuai ru Herb G. Tran 40 King Street West, Suite 710~ -Oshawa, Ontario Li HliMA4 Bus. 725-6564, * Lioensad Wl>, Mutuel ieofiCanada and Mdual InvOuloe lac >1 i y i PC rmm1 .Wavehouse WhitbyFree. Press biwss news -reaches' *1500 active businesses *hundreds of home businesses *thousands of other business owners and executives, who live in Whitby For a dvaertising or flyer de li vey Cali the Whitby Free Press v A

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