Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1992, p. 24

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WVW offers Passatdee By G1.nKonorowski Tiei. ever increasing demand for diesel. cars (30 Pr cent c f Golf and Jetta,,sales3)has led VW te introduce a Passat turbo die-, se. tprsnt, only VW and Meredes-Bez ssi1 diesels ini the, -Canadianmarket-.ý- With VW covering tii.economy, ra nge diesels with the J etta and Golf, and* Mercededýcoverig the. highý end, VW foît- there, was room for somhething', te Ithe gap. Enter the Passat diesel, a' mid-sized car with Iluxury .and* low fuel consumption al rolled inte one.. 1The enpne is an.ail niew diesel, design :mcorporatinit a turbo char rand oidation caàtlyst <ctalytc coverter). The princi- pie behind the turbo diesel is that sufficienit, air is sent te the combustion chamiber, ."allowing fora. cleaner burn. The sperit gasses are ýthon 'Sent throuifh the catailytie converter, lowering the. emissions-evéri more. .To introduce the car -te the motorinq press, VW^ invited mine automotive writers to drive the. Passat inî segments across Canada. At the saine time they challenged aIl auto journalists te DO ..YOU* HAVE.A* B3ROKEN-1WINDSHIELDU ses swho could get- the best1 fuel consuýmption. Yours truly did not win tii. fuel ý consumption comipetition. Bqt I did get- much btter fe consuinption than tih. 7.7 litres nr10km.: stated by Transport fiana d a. ,-", i The Passat'diesel isavailable no* and costs -the, saine as its gas-powered couterpa4is. By GMen Konorowski If» you're looking for .a 1993 SVX, Subaru, you, will bho-out :of luck., Due to low demand for the. car, Subaru plans te launch a 1994 inodel cf the car in the es'ring. Changes ta the car,,I arn tld, wxill be minimal. Ifyou want a new SjVX,. 8ub- aru silhas plenty pf 1992s around to handie thol demand until the, new 1994s arve in the spring. Ail new Subarus for the 1993 niodel year will ho covered by a 36-month/60,OOO km.' warranty c overing ail the basic and major components. A 60-monthllO0,OO km. warranty will apPly to drive- train and- suspension com- ponents.. Included to these warranties will ho tewing te the'nearest Subaru dealer for 36 montiis/ 60,000 km.: Ail body parts, regardless of o:stnce, will b. covered fr6 imon1s/0,000 km. also. THE MICHELIN MAN was amnong the guests of honour at, the grand- opening of Van Hemmen, Tires' new showroom and- servic e' bays. From Iet (rear) are regional councillor Ross Batten, Michelin, -UtniroyaVGoodrichý reps Mike Patter- son, Ray Tamnuionis,, Win Chase, Don'Gauthierand. -(in front), Bill Ripley, owner Peter Van Hemmeni, and, Michelin terigory manager-Mike Judges. Photo by Mark Reeosor, Whltby Fme Pres DRIVINGrwÀ SAFELY with RANDY RANDY McLEAN IS A PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER - WHO SPECIALIZES IN TRAFFIC SAFETY. Mr. McLean has revewed thousands of individus] molor vehicle accident reports and his close working reiationshlps with police agencies, goverrvents. safety associations, industry and the public, have given him a true overview of raffic safety Issues, problems and solutions ln Canada. Trick or treat Halloween is the 'appointed day for scar surprises. Ghosts, goblins, gremlins and, ghouls will be everywhere on Oct. 31. And, not ail of them will disappear with the mor-ning light. Novemnber and December are consistently the worst two months of the year for traffic accidents. Many of them are what highly technical traffic safety researchers refer te as 'Oh ,DEAES accidents. Not because. the first thing, yo u say *after the collision is «<Oh, dear!,' but because these accidents are Purnb Easily Avoidable and -Really Stupid. Comparqd te the summer months, July and Auus, 'when- high speeds and carefree or per aps careless driving lead te fatal or serious irujury accidents, November/December accidents are usually not as serious. Late atutumnn, early winter is the buznper car sea son. The time, of year for multiple.vehicle, propery damage accidents. Why? Rainy weather that makes roads slippery and reduces visibility has a lot te do with it, but not as much as our own inattention. Thaïtfs wvhy even the drivers involved refer te them as Oh DEA2RSaccidents, particulalythe dri vers 'of- the. third and fourth -vehicles invol'ed ý'in t *ié collision. The driver, of the fifth vehicle usually isn't so poite If you drie regulariy you wnli see the saine. accident many times over during tiie next two mon\ths. There are wet- roadé, early morning, or late, , aftèrnoon, moderate, te 'heavy traffic congestion, poowr lightcnitos'rainreducing", visibility even -furtiier, three or more iinhappy looldng drivers, standing intii. mist, exchanging, information whule,-the ir cars block on. or, more lapes of rush hour traffic S Why do we feel se ib, and really stup id' after an accident like ths? »Because it would have. been se easy to avoid. How? The easiest, way. te avod beconiing one. of those unhappy, wet, bumper car drivers iste, beave more distance between your car and the. car, in front of you. . The second easiest way is to, pay attention not. only te what the. car in front of you is'doing, but wiiat the. car in front of the. car-in front ofyou is doing." 11 1' Give, yourself room te manoeuvre and- tins te react. Accept thé, fact that many motoriste drive -the. saie way on wet, lippr roads as they do on dry, clear roade. Eventually, the. ocda will catch up with* them and, tiey will collide withi something. Don't lot someone else involve you in thefir accident. By leavinig more room, in front of your car, you ensure that you can slow down gradually. This reduces the'risk of you rear.ending thecar in front and aise, gives the driver who has been tailgating you more chance te stop hofore rear- endingyou. These accidents may not ho serious, in terms of personal injury, but they can b. expensive -- just ask your mechanic and your insurance agent. Keep the ghost, goblins, gremlins and ghouls limited* te the, fun of Halloween.,Avo.id tricks and scary surprises on'tii. higiay. Drive safiely. SOD GORD GARNER AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES. LTDB..i * - <~ 509 DUNDAS -STREET WEST, WH ITBY (416) 666-1816 i ]FALL & WINTER TUNEýUP WITH THIS COUPON - 4 CYL 6CYL V6 V8 $69.95 $74.95 $89.95 $94.95 d j SUPPLY8 INSTALL NEW SPARK PL UGS - CHECK STARTING & CHARGINGSYSTEM- CHECK & ADJUST (IF NECESSARY) -. e HECKTIMING à IDLE - CHECKAIR FIL TER, P. C. V. VAL VE, FUEL FIL TER & INSTALL IF NECESSARY PARTS EXTRA -CEKCAP ROTOR&8 IGNITIONWIRES & INSTAUL IF NECESSARY (PARTS AND LABOUR ENT,)- POMIGIEANALYSIS - a ~CLEAN BATTERY CABLES (IFNECESSARY SI-A MPOO ENGINE-*22 PT. MAINTENANCE INSPECTION I VANS - $2Z7.00EXTRA4 FUEL INJECTION FLUSH $4.9.95 (REG. $69..95) EXTRA i FORCON VENIENT APPOINTMENT'-"CALL.666-1816 EXPIRES NOVEMBER 30, 1992 Automoie Ce nt e CHECKUP We check anti -f reeze, battery &- charging system as well as general vehicle inspection, lube, oil& titer FOR O CNLVY #39-J4- Expires Nov. 15/92 317 Hopkins St. Whitby43 (Beside Van Hemmen Tires) Faultiesa brakes are> <muste for winter safety. Have-. the equaliziLtion checked. A pull te -on. msde cen cause a dangerous sldd. m - - a-

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