Whitby Free Press, 28 Oct 1992, p. 3

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v Moindaj,POctobe r26, 1992 Recommend a- tions from the planningand development COMMittee That council approve a site plan application f rom the Durham Board of Education permitting a secondary school and administration complex to be buiit on Taunton Rd., west of Anderson St. The four-storey education centre wili house administrative staff 'now working out of-severai facilities scattered through Durham Region. The three-storey secondary school will consist of approximately 17 classrooms, three gymnasiumns, shops and acafetorium. Tobe buift at a cost of $30-$35 million, the two facilities wilI be, completed by September, 1994. Carried That council approve plaýs for a subdivision on the wMst side of BrockSt. N., south of Taunton Rd. The subdivision, to be built by Donner-Jack Syndicate, will have 47 single detached lots, eight single link'dwellings, 41 street townhouses and a.one-acre commercial block. The developerwili be responsible for construction costs of sanitary sewer and waterrnain works, in addition to internai servicing requirements required by Durham Region. Sewer service Is dependent on development of land to the north, west and southwest, and compietiQn of the Lynde Creek sanitary sewage pumping station. Carried That council approve proposed red'line changes to a.an Erin Milis Development Corporation subdivision plan ta be bult northof Rossland Rd., east of Cochrane, subjeot to comments and conditions set by the planning department, and that Erin Milis be required ta submit a new draft plan of subdivision being dropped ta allow for the relocation of a stormwater detention pond and sa one street can be changed ta' align with another. That change wo uld élso reduoe the number of block townhouse units from 94 ta 71. Carried Whitb-y Free Press. MW edd ý, October 28, 1992, Page 3 Resident slams Tow eort By Mike Kowalski A report ýon noise, and 'vandal- ism .problerns laguingresidents * liingnea Keloryn P~ark is ful Of misinformfation," Town coun- cil heard Monday.. Jim' Priest,- speaking for thïe North Anderson. Residents Asso- ciation, slarnmed a parks'and 'recreation departmnent report on the Kelloryn Park problenis as being full of Unaccuracies and erroneous information.», An angry Priest even accused parks director Larry ,Morrow of knoWingy, misrepresenting the association's suggestions for com- bating problems at the park. "This report is, full of crap,» said Priest at one point during a heated exchange witb. councillor Joe Drumm. But« Priest's criticisms 'of the report during an address te coun- cil felI largely on deaf ears. Council approved a recommen- dation from operations commit- tee that the measures contained in the staff report be impIe- mented. Thie measures inclýude: * provisions for a fence, esti- mated ýte cost $30,00, between open spaoe adjacent te the park and residents' hornes * dloser scrutiny of group3s receiving permits to use the park * a request for police and fire department officiaIs to meet with residents te discuss fire and security concerns * regular dlean-up of the open spaoe areas, to keep the area free of garbage. The council-approved mea- sures are in response to long- standing_ homeowners' com- plaints. Earlier this month a delega- tion led by Priest- once again teld Lapoin1te i new trustee Marc Lapointe'of Whitby has been appointed as trustee for the French? language section of the Durham separate school board. He replaces Ginette McCann, who resigned as trustee. Lapointe will represent Franch language ratepayers in the Ajax, Pickering and Uxbridge area, for the balance of the electoral termi which ends in November 1994. The board receiveci many applications for the position. liaointe was ani unsuccessful candidate for, a trusthe position on the board in the November 1991 municipal election. 0f the six candidates for the two local positions, hé- finished third, behind Robert Boisvert of Whitby and Kathy York of Osh- awa. La pointe bas workeci il years for General Motors. He has a bachelor degree' in business administration from Laval University in Québec. MARC LAPOINTE ROTARY CSHCA .26. . . . . . .0... .......... (12 operations committeeý that con- stant noise and. vandalism is ruining the nieighbourbood., 1Priestsaid residents must not' only; contend with baIl games running from »6:30 te il p.m.' each weeknigbt,,and from 8 a.m. te, il p.m. on weekends, but with «afterthe-amelbeer,parties.", In addition, residents'are con- cerned about activity taking place in the neurby' woods behind- their homes, said Pest. He ,teld coffimittee of 'fires being deliberutely set, trees being pullad down, drug para- phernaYlia laft in'the stream. anïd' garbage being strpm-n'about.' Arnong items found. by resi-.ý dents are fireci ncker wrappers, the uftermath ofl bc'nfires,'-cok cans full of g uas ,and, even a Molotov cocktail iiidda'n under a sbeet ofepasýtic., While Prest told council Mon- day hie doubted recdmmnendutions contained in the staff report will rectify the problenis, hie was especially critical of the report u(]strtig»commenta made te- committee by residents. Arnong thèse were -installation of panelling to muffle noise; in- stalling louvres on ballfield lights te deflectglare and dlean- in plitter in the open spaoe botween'the park and' residents' backyards.. In euch case, Priest claimed the report falsely depicted what residents bud actuully requested. Lriest told council the report was also misleading in other areas. Although the report states that «bullf'ieids are ut 'a premium in aur community," Priest said bis own two-month study of other parka in Whitby proved this wus not the case. He, said thara' were many nigbts wben ligbted diamonds at Pringle Creek and Iroqouis Park sut ampty wbile Keiloiyn.was in use avery nigbt. As for staff stating tbat the residents' demund for a fonce botween nearby Father Leo J. Austin Scbool and the open spaoe is contrary ta Town pohicy of not infringing on school property, Priest disagreed., .He said similar fences are already in place ut Henry Streeêl Hi g Scbool, Trafalgar Castle und E.A. Fairman public achool. "This report is biased, decep- tive'and riddled with contradic- tions,» cburged Priest. "In view of aIl this false and misleuding information, bow can you approvealal other reports. from tbis departrnent?" he askad. A furious Drummn immediataly rose ta the dafence. of Morrow and bis staff. "I take' great umbraga," Drumni began hafora being inter- rupted by Priest. 'It's good that you taka umbrage becausa this report is. full of crap, it's ful of garbage,» said Priest. Drumni and Priest continuad their verbal joust a few seconds* longer before acting mayor Ross Batten ruled that Priest's 10- minute time allotment bad Dxurring discussion of the ope- rations committee recommanda- tion, couniliorDennis Fox askad, Morrow whethaer :anyone, o ther than ;Andersoni .Street,'re'sidents, had compluinaed about noise'. <When Morrow.,repiiad that tha ony'comtplainits came froni ,pe1 ople, living on'Anderson St., Foxconcurred. «As-wrd councilior rve not- had one cail from anyone who lives next ta thaepark,» said Fox. Noting that Priest lives about 500 féet froni the park, Fox said no complaints came. from people on Cahili Court or O'Malley Crescent,tfor exampla. . "Thasa people live next door ta the park with nothing more than a "wire screen betwaen tbem,» said Fox. Under quastionning from Fox, Morrow informad council. that Town staff will be meeting witb Whitby Minor Basebaîl oflicials ta discuss scbeduling concerns raised by tbe residents. S.Morrow aiso said an attempt will ha made ta control post- game festivities by glving doser scrutiny to groups appIyngý for permits ta use Whitby parkS. As for litter problamsorrow said discussions will be held with Father' Austin officials in tbe hope' of baving the sc:hooiý partici- pate, in Whitby's «Adopt a Park» program. (ustin studants would ha ras- ponsible for "enseuringthat the park, and surrounding, area is ketfree'of garbage..) luter, hearing from Morrow that staff bave spent more, than ona yeaar-ý working on the com- plaints,- Fox said «anough is enough.» Fox suid sacurity, littering and re-scbeduling concerna are berng addressad and that staff cannot ba tied- up with the issue any olofwing the meeting, Priest insisted that the* homaowners' position wuas mis-raprasented and "I'd like ta know wby? Priest said the'r eason other area residents bave not. com- plained about noise is that thèié are ail new homes built with material wbicb muffles outside sounds. iHe also said many, of the sub- division residents moved inte the area within tbe lust two years. "The park, was alreudy there wben the new people moved in," said Priest. $1,84 million raised for United Way More than $1.84 million has been raised in the United Way canpa nor Whitby, Oshawa and Newcastle.._ That amount represents 59 per cent of the goal of just over $3 million for this year's campaign. Funds raised support, more, than 40' agencies serving the three iunicipalities. «We're ahead of where we were (at, this stage). last year,» says* United Way executive director Cindy Murray, noting that campaign 'donations from mnuch of the corporate sector havre yet'to be reported., «AI1-things are really positive.e Murray., says many organizations are holding events this year «that are fun as well as giving.» A Monte Caria Night wilI ha held in Whitby on Friday ni«ht, Nov. 13 at Heydenshore Pavilion (tickets available ,at Gus Brown Motors). The Oshawa Downtown Fariners' Market, will, end on Saturday, Oct. 31, 8 a.m. to, 2 p.i., with several activities, includinglive entertainrnent, ganies and draws, also te raise funds for the United Way. H ilsýto n :PUII-01ut'notmy, . Whitby mayor Tom Edwards says HlteeDevelopmants' decision te pull out of a $65« million pro>ect, including a Region administrative> building,. ian t bis fault. Hilstone sent a latter ta Dur- hum Region suying the dom- pan/s board decidedUit would not ha in aur company's interest te put forward a submission for the development» of the project ut this time.» The board promised te send a latter te the Region expl1in g wby it puiled out "in t he next faw days9.' Edwards suys a,«fuli financiai analy i7 of tha project was needied so it was clear what the Region was gatting inte -- "the compàny failed te provida this.» *Hà says ha voted ini favour of a, re »anal cauncil motion, te recon- aier-an earlier .vote1 againat the davalopmeéntý and listan toe Hil- stoea'ssubmission. Hilatona was givan until, Oct. 16 te submit its proposai but decidad te pull out. Investigation of théft report Durham, Regional Police ara invastigating a reportad tbaft of jawelry.' Police suy a family was moving te an apartment on Rossiand M.~ B. on Oct. 23. It was later discavarad that a smaîl box, containing an estima- ted $9,000 worth of jeweiry, was missing.. 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