me wovFmkil.'lïès 0 1, Sweet Adelineos hold rehý!earsals Womnen of ail ages are invtted to attendrehearsals of the, East- aide, Harmonyi Sweét Adelines chorýus. Noexperience is requed. R.easasare hld hus- ay,730 to 10:30 eni h audiorum atý 1955 e alyFrm Rd., Pickering. For more information caîl 434- 1726 or Mary Lou at 831-7997. ~xcitng, high velocity acion adventure... 'AhiH COLUISA Val Khmer stars as a Faj-Sioux F61aen who rediscovers his ls S heritage in this'spellbinding.murc(er mystery. Sam Shepard and Graham Greene co-star. ___ R OWter -reek.Vi-e> 9OQ~8ONAORSTAVE ReseWatin IlU In 66e-928 ........ V.... ..... ..27..M..HAE...LV.. .(. .o. . . . . . . .h.o.) Reservaton H..........99 IWHITBY, artist' Peter Van' Gils at work ln his studio, whlch was one of the stops on the Station Gallery's f irst annual studio/gallery tour.I I Photo by-Mark Reesor,'WhItby Free Press Town celebrates,founder's irthdayx Port Perry will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Peter Perry.. The. celebration will b. held from Nov. 8 to 14, with a series of lectures and displays. Perry was bornl on Nov. 14, 1792. A leading businessman in Whitb, ho was the founder of rh 1 e of Port -Perry and a leading fgre in the. création pf Ontario County. He was- the leader of the first ]Reform party of Canada. The. Su g Shores, Museum, Vlag rcives wiI provide for display more than 130 photo- graps depicting hf. in the, early P otos W ,,, be on display in downtown'store windows. For, more"ifrain Gallery-guides wanted Tii. Robert McLaugiiuin Gallery needs more tour guides Anyone .who has an interest in art and some, free. time during the. day, when most tours talce place' .is invited,,te 'attend an',ý; informationmeeting 'on Monday, Nov. -e at -1:30 p.m. te ýfindeut more about the. progra. -A degre. in- fine art is flot' essentiel- but an interestin pel and, the.ability: <te communicate aninterest in art teotesi dosirable. Contact, Marg Jackson, the, gallery's .education ,-,offleer, et 576-3000, for further informin.c BROOKLTN -__ Haloee 'igt n tetown' fo roklinby Tii le;ets cf:Brooklnwere just a . little- bit quieter, on H-alloweénate the Brookhiz Optimist""Club.tratd 6, membe rs citOteoClbte a night onôheion, iTrnt Tii. ,prremý, conducted, for the. ffir tlnme 'tuHalloweeià ,ni pat f.the Optimist- Clubs Yot pprecation Progrem.', At -5 p4m. on Saturday, two megastretch, ,'chauteur-driven limousines' frm Kngsway Limousine zSèrvice, pulled 'up t t ' offi es, of ool',ul.i igps'in B3rooklinto loed up the ýteens aged -15 tei 17. ' 'Thekids, headed dwtw Toronto for a6:30 p.m. .dinner, at tii.SpghèetiFctoryon th :ier. aninduction ceremony was9 conducted, te instali tii. new executive of.the.Octagon ýClub., Following dinner, ' tii. limousines cruised up, Yonge St. te Casa Loma, for their ýHaunted Houa. Hà lloween -presentation and, then on teo the 'Hollywood Theatres for a movie. *YOUTHS from Brooklin's Octagan Club 0 teted to a nlght, on, thé town ln Toronto to thank them for their support of the Opt!mist CÎub's c n!nty pgan. ~j.~. ~ ~ ~ ,'& h 40 IfTWIîu 'osiq a mA P' ii. night wrapped: upý with a cruse back down Yn S.,and then.,beck,,toBrookln y12:30 Keith Wick, Optimist advisor tel ti.yug group sayse "Hloween basoften been ýavery eventful night- in Boolin-. with thei, police and..the. fi1re depertm.nt out keeping on, tep cf praks reaed y ti.youtii in "It as bvios t usthiat tii. teens needed, something for them on ' Halloween ,te keep them occupied' with somnething constructive., "Whlen ids get bored or suifer from, low self-esteem- there is sometimes ,a -risk - cf, them experimenting',witii elcohol",and druga. This resuits in them losing onrlof . their comumonsens. and doing. things that they would' flot normally do." The. youth aUppreciation <The'Trcunn from St. Catharines -wilI b. in concer-t -at Burns Church , Ashburn on .-SundayNv.1 at 7:30 p.m. The. Torchmen quartet, has: been rated .Canad'l opgse maie qattforsvrlyas Te Trhen havebe voted the 'best bacék -p band -by' the *Canadien Gospel music. Association for imany years. Ail are welcomne. There..wfll b4. Pr ranJadopted by tii.Optimist 'célub tehonor yothin -the. cornmùnitji.,for-their service. Tii. Octtgon 1Club'-lias been active with helping ti. h pi-is Club wvhth-the ërecent Daily Br&I Food ýDrive i Oshawa and moýat recenitl theIci.kidshelpdt. OptfimistClub with their it. Day in Brooklin.. SER PAGE 31 Daynurser to' hold.,bazaar Tii. ro oklin Day N ur e w l hold the. ennual bazaar n atin,- day, Nov. -'2i' 10 a.m. tôe 3.p.i.,, gt 14; Church St., Brooklin.ïý' Iiéee Will b. cafabaked !oods and a white elephant sale. Luc il . vi lable. Tios.Aedià reasked teý bing: a non-perislo food itemÙ as a 'donatfiot a local food bauil. Foriznpr. inf&rmation oel 655- 3864.: CÇrawford 'wns main'draw pre Aleen >Crawford of'.Brooklin was the. firt> prize wimiar d'the main draW -at the St.. Leo' Church bazaar, Oct. 24., 5h. received a Provincial Flowers afghan. Second ' - $1(>() went to J. Hotner of =okliZ DrtyMacinil c ýf Oshiawa- wontii gurmt~us~elbasket ý Ébali