Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1992, p. 25

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WhItt~yfoeePoess W~ o~omIar4 1~P~e25 fie *'f~~'~' PRINCIPAL Beryl Cameron in front..of the east of Thickson. The school wasn't fin- ýbraM',idspanki ng new St.« 'Mark the Evangel- ished until the end of August, and workers ist Cathollo Sohol, south of Dryden, BIvd.,' are stili Polishing some.rough edges.. Photo by Mark Reesor, Whltby Free Pres By Mark Reesor -,Whitby's newest Catholie school is expecting I ômore than double its enrolment in t he next I four years. St. Mark the Evangelist now has 307- stu- dents and,ý counting, _and princial Beryl Camronis exectngat leaot eigt "more M tIi.nei copleof nonths. The sichool, which is south of Dryden Blvd. east of Thickson, can handie 477 students, anâ is designedtW be easily expanded. -A hall will allow students access Wo "reloca- tables" '(upgraded Portables) .without going outside, -ana power and other hookups are arayin place. Cameron says the Durham separate board's pla1nnn department estimates St. Mark will have more t han 700 students by 1996, thanks, Wo new housesand apartment buildings being constructed in the area.7' "It maty not even take« four years, depending, on how I goes... "Everything that rNe don. in furnishing a"d equipping the school has been really keeping in th e. back of my mind* that, we're going Wo *grow quite quickly. Workrs'arestili installing equipnxent and' finishingu other jobs at the school, which was finished just in time for the firstdyo school. Cameron says construction delaLys prevented school staff from moving inWo the building until Aug. 3 1. «We had one week Wo prepare the She says the achool is nice, "but certainly not elaborate. 'I think theyve been ,qit. cost- effective in mihany of the things they've done here... "It has some vei% nice features, but it's a very functional buil ng.» Saut., Happy November. AÀnother event-ýfilled week has gone bysi «,nce I spoke toyoulaîst First of al d ieWwelcoxne our visitors .from 'Aiber-ta. E.S.C. Saint Coharles'Carniier is partici- pating inthe 'VWoyageurs.ý Canada 1992' program W ohelp celebrate Çanada's -125th. -Six students (myseif included) and one teacher from our school were chosen Wo hast nine students and one supervisor fromn the Grande Prairie area in borthern Aberta. urfriends' from' Aberta arrived late, Wednesday, Oct. 28 (wel,ý technically, it was early Thursday morning), and they leaive (ealy) Thursday Nov. &. ,-During their eight-day tay thley toured the area WhIt, Oshawa'- Toronto, Niagara Falls), and they participatedjin a couple of schoo-e atedactvities (more on that later). After their stay -here, it is'our group's turn Wo go Wo Alberta. The plan is much the same. W. stay with them for eight days and see the sights. By the way, Grande Prairie la' an anglophone community and it is, about, a, five-hour, drive firm Ednmonton. About 2,0 people liv. in Grande Prairie. A community consultation meeting for discussion of the Durham Board of- Education budget for 1993 will b. held In Whitb nTesday Nov.à24. Theard has a focatéd $3,'100 to advertise consultation meet- ings throughout Durhamn Region, Coll4gile, also in the Ottawa region. It was a very interesting day. %rday night was the Halloween Dance at school. Our Aberta friends were invited Wo go. Students had the option Wo dress tpéo goas themselves. The dace was devoted entirely Wo requèsted music. The dise jockey was Carnier student Trevor Young, along with afew of his friends. Great job,4 Trevor. WeIll rmid-termns started on Moda and they go -on 'till _hursda. I hope, everyne dlid, wellÈ' on their tests. Gotta fly. I have one more test Wo study for., A làprochaine. including the meeting in Whitby The ocation of the Whitby meeting has yet to be announced Ie. meetings are intended Wo giveDI ham staff and rate- payers th%,opportunity tW provide input -inW t he. annual -budget delibrations. ........... ........... FATHER LEO J. AUSTIN The War Amps I~U~of Canada <S A musical concert featuring students of Henry Street High" School and six public schools will, be held Nov. 26.' The 'Henry Street Family of Schools' concert will b. held in the. high school cafeteriuzn, start- ing at 7p.m. >Particxpating. wiIi be West Lynde R&A., Sennett, Palmer- son, kaýthleeèn Rowe, Col. J.E. Farewell'and E.A. Fairman pub- lic schools. The theme of the concert will be 'Canàda's 125th birthday.', There is no admission.' L-àast w..k as.Austin .students' rushed through the halls ward their -néeit lass,' p.rhaps ýàýthey noioed teachers and . students wearing a white ribbon.No, i's, not a fashion statement, the- ribbn i n supporFt of an anti-pornogaphy campign. The lï*st w k ofOcloberis designatedàasWhite Ribbon Week Wo encourage Canadians Wo talce a stand against pornogaphyand 'Wt take an interestn thisimaportant socal -an moral wcause. Many atudents to ath iso (led by Fagtbér.-O Reilly).-at St. John thEvangelist,'ChtircIL *The effects of- - pornography were discusoed. This past weekend Austin was proud W hcet the Oshawa This Week senior girls' basketball fall classic.. Teanis.,from il 11"acroos Ontario participated in the 'very competitivec and *high-calbr tournament. There were, teama froni Marichani, Klngston, ToronW, Naar Fails and Owen Sound. Iill mannounce the. results. neit week. scoring. was led by Marcia Pope with ni ne points. Congratulations Wo ail the girls for a job Well don.. The- Blue Jays, are not Ontari's oly flrst-class team. - Our LSSA gold -medal winners in Junior mixed -doubles, Lindsay Brand,,ànd Jo. McCanh, won their match 8-4-,to place third overail at the- DYSSA teP inni tournament. Thats'son. great team. TMm Videnka prov.d that, he is still k ing of the.courtaiin Durhain. Tim placed third overaIl' at DYSSA. Last 'week the junior boys' soccer team playe. their -flrst game .in the LOSIA finals against KLauhi. The final score, was 8-0 for Austin. Cood play and effort was shown by the whole team. The sccer team would like Wo thank' the, enormous Austin crowd for attending the game. Way to go with that school spirit. And how was your week?' Our midg.t girls' basketballP'" '>F"' team defeated Donevan 5123 in Giving a recent gaie., The. entire te=.- ___________ hust.dand.pIae e ~ .~~ ¶ . JII NICOLE HANK( Casey Petiep Spooky fan at open house, D (left), Michael Knight and Halloween palrty/open house held recently play in the, sandbox at a, at the Schoolhouse- Playcare Centre. Photo by fMark Reesor, Wtby F sePu i i I - ....J ~ ~......~ j Trustee hold meeting; to,. discus-s budget ZAI - - i 1' 0 -f

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