Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1992, p. 28

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~ Fr~ Pteb~ Wè ,~1'Sô~/&vi~b& 4f1~2 y EXPERIENCED, DAY CA RE available in my home. References, safety, fresh. air. Ages 2+. Lofthouse/Anderson. 668-7025, Joanne. Watch® prhM Homme D"y The system that provides... *Unschoduled home visite onsure quality car. for your child - Fully tralned providers recolve ongolng Agency supprt - Reha îble local back-up covers Provlder illness or Sholidars *CompletolInsuan coverage. *Income tax recolfts *Chlldren six weelcsanci up i*Fuit or part-tlme For mom lnfovMiton oeil: a Iiens.dAey i rml!m119 Perory House Day Care Centre Ltd. 129 Perry St., Whltby 668-9476 LOVING CON SCIENTIOUS mother ol two available te car. for yorchild.- Nutritious lunches. Reasonable* rates. 'Lots of TLC. Rossland/Thickson. 723-6765. EXPERIENCED 13-YEAR OLD bey seeks babysttingjob evenings &weekends., Home #, 668-8677. LOVING MOTHER 0F 2 willing te provide day care in ber home. Nutritieus, lunches & snacks previded. Any- age welcomed. 666-8680. EXPERIENCED DAY CAR E provider & mether et 4 school- aged children would love te car. fer your infant or toddler in my home. Cochrane/Dundas. 430-9520. GENTLEMAN, nop-smoker, furnished bed/sitting room. Own bathroorn. Available. immediately.. Please lbave message- on tape. 666-5149-. ROOMS & 1-BEDROO'M APT. with private entrance available -in Pickering Village. $525, everything included. Rooms" $90 adUp per week. Appl at 2 Elizabeth Street, Pickering Village, Ajax. See Peter. 683-9370. DOWNTOWN OSHAWA: Clean, quiet house has f urnished or unfur- nished reom. Includes cable, kitchen use & parking. Shifts welcome. 668-3640. BROOKLIN- LARGE, furnished room for December 1. $375/month, ail inclusive. 655-5539. FURNISHED ROOM for rent, $80/weekly. Share -bathroom & kitchen. Student or worker preferred. Walk to ail amenities. Caîl 666-3776 after 6 p.m. SPECIAL WEEKLY - RATES avallable at Bon Voyage Motel. At Hwyl12 & 7,2Rkm north et Brooklin. Cail 655-5308. DOWNTOWN WHITBY: Clean,. quiet house has furnisheci orunhfur- nished room. Includes kitchen use, cable & parking. Available immedi- ately. Suit mature male. 668-3640. ýBRAND, NEW GARAGE for rent. Size: 12 x 24. Central Whitby loca- tien.,Asking $65 per mont h. Cali Derek, Dutka Specîalizîng in «tax & retirement planning since,,1986 CAIL 434-6119 FOR AN APPOINTMENT. g WHTBYLTD. * GneaJCarpenyAdditions Home movement * Rec Rone - * DrywalAndPainting *18 Years Iii i Du.rham Il Région 12 M Cali: - 'w- HEBTRAN calfor quotation RRIs 5ANUTISJ Speciallzing in Early Childhood Education. For Peace of Mnd. RESUMES TrHAT GCET' RESJLTrS Effective resume design & wrltlng -Free consultation - Cover lette.rs -Labels - Fax SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 430-0361 îm ACCOU NTIlNO *Praparation or assistanceý with co mputerized ormanual bookkePing systems * reparatien or assistance with GSTreturns, PST. ET-D *Preparaion of personai incarnet axr rtums For more' Infonnation oeil Ter'ri Clarke 430-28?99 COMING EVENTS BRANTFDORD WDDD SHDW, November 13, 14, 15. Brantord Clvic Centre. Exhîbis, equipmenl. crais, seminars, prizês, carvlng Scompetition. Friday: 4-9 p.m., Sunday: 10-5 fp.m. Admission $5. Exhlbitor mIno: 519) 449- 2444. Generai Inquirles 1800-563-6858. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE tGDVERNMENT SEIZED/SURPLUS VEHICLES U.S. and Canadian low as $100. BMWs. Cadillaca, Chevs, Farda, Mercedes,-Porsches, trucks, vans. Amazlng rèe 24-hr. recarding' reveals how. 1-416-631-4666. BUSINESSSERVICES SGDVERNMENT GRANTS, LOANS & assistance programs Faderai & ProVincial) for your new or exisling small business. Information (416) 596-7521 ext. 98. GREAT PERMANENT, HISTORICALI Srecord/resource. Ths nowspaper and mosi ai Dntarios weokly nowspapers raproduced regutarly ln microliche torm. Duplicate copies avaitable by caliingDOCNA, <416) 844-0184. REAL ESTATE GDT A CAMPGRDUND membership or timeshare? Weil lake If! Americas targesi resale clearinghouse. Cali Resort Sales International. 1-800-423-5967 24 hours). BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -XIRA INCDMEI Grow baItwornýs ln yaur basement or garage. Ddorless aperation. Low investment. Market guaranteedl Free Information. Early Bird Ecology, R.1 Smithville, Ontario, LOR 2A0. (416) 643-4252. IEXCELLENT OPPORTUNITYI Distributors for high-volume household Item. Smfalt Invesiment for stock. Inb. write: Double D Enterprises, j1148 Dueen St. Kincardine, Dntario N2Z 11G5.. Y HELP WANTED 1COMMISSIDNED EXPERIENCED salaspeopie for floor and window caverings. Alsa iloor covering Instaliers. Heaith and dental benotits Savoulable. Dwn transportation required. Fax -resume ta (604) 287-3007. i POETRY PDETRY CDNTEST $12.000 ln prizos. Possible publication. Sond ana original poem 20 inas or tess ta: National Library Di Paelry, Box I704-NC Dwings Milîs, Md 21117. NW FOR SALE NWCATALDGUE! Uncommon B.C. producîs - many handcraited. Gîtîs, goods, jewellery, craits. laya, art, cards, motel $3 <$5 off ordor). Sargeartls, Box 2188, Vancouver, BC, V68 3V7. BARN REMO VAL 1 BARN REMOVAL. Everylhing ram iawering old barns Ia graund lovai, ta comploeo siteo dean-up. Some jobs Iraeoln exchange for saivago. Dan (416) 957-1015. Gene 416) 957-0417. CAREER TRAINING LEARN AUCTIONEERING ai the SouthWeslemn SchoIaif Aucllaneeuing. Nèxt Cass:, Nov. 2 1 27. Inormatian, contact: Sauthwestern Ontario Schoot af Aucianeoring, AFU 045. Woadsiock, Ontario, N4S 7V9 519) 537-2115., FREE CAREER GUIDE ta hame-sludy correspondance Diptoma courses. Accouniting, Air canditionlng. Baokkeeping, Business, Casmetatogy, Eîecironics, Legat/Medical' Secroiary, Psychaîagy, Traveî.,,Granton. (5A). 263 Adlalde West. Tara'nto. 1-800950-1972. TRUCK DRIVER TRAINING AZ and DZ courses. Also air',brake, dangerous gaads, detensive driving, log boak and border crassing. Rodgers Sohool. Ontarios aldest. Cati 1-800- 668-0031. EMPIQYMENT OPPORTUNITIES SINCE 1986. WE HAVE BEEN CANADAS #1 dispiay merchandising co. Dur busiesi soason is the nexi 2 manlhs. If yau need Io make $1,000, Ihen caîl us ioday' 1-416-398-0919, 1- 416-398-0924. STEEL BUILDINGS BEST BUILDING PRICES - Steel Slrailwalt Type - nai quanset - 32x54 $7,344; 40x72 $10.276; 50x90 $15,882, 60x126 $22.972 othor sizes avoulable.- Final sumniner clearance - Paragan - 24 Haurs 1-800-263-8499. STEEL BUILDINGS - Future Steel Buildings wlnter spoclal. Keep the iaciary busy durlng the winler monîhs and take delivery ln the Spring. Savo Up Io 25%. Cati toi-lee 1-800-668-8653. MEN'S HEALTH MALE POTENCY PRDBLEMS? -- Free producl Information on safe, drug-free. non-invasive strategy. Guara nteed success. Wrte/call: Performance Medicai, P.D. Box 1273, Brandon. MB., A7A 6K4, toil-tree 1-800-663-0121. INVESTMVENTS SUPERIOR MORTGAGE INVESTMENT R.R.SR, R.I.F.F. eligîble, isi Morgage 12% Relurn. Loan ta value ratio 41.4%, cail Reaily Lynks Ltd.. Exclusive Agent, Coileci 416) 629- 0902. Min. Invesment $7.500.00. -VACATIO/TRAVEL MDTDRI-IME.R ENTALS. Wlnier/sprlng rates tram $4201Wk ., long- say. discounts. A groat getaway for the iamily. Deiivery avaitable. North Bay 705-752-5288 or (705) 495-2516. Your ad couîd appear ln communlty newspapers n Ontario, or rîght across Canada, or any Individual province. Space ls Llmted, so Cati Tfils Nowspaper Todayl il BLANKET ADS ARE NOW "CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE" To reach a wider market. advertise thaughout the rogional membership of the - DOntario and Canadian Community NewspaperAssociations Cntral Ontario 55 newspapers - $160 for 25 warda - Ail Dntario 171 newspapers - $350 for 25 ward ï ~ Ail Canada 572 nesapers - $974 for 25 words iý For further InformatIon please caîl the Whîtby Free Press Cîasslfleds - 668-0594 I .. .. . x-1M - - - - - - - - --- ---- - - - - - - IOi m~N~~~n<Pes ~ Ok+or odyt rdy.êO "sax MARY/ADELAIDE OSHAWA. Clean, --quiet triplex,, 'large, main, floor one-beroom ap 't., 'Includes everything. Available ummediately'. Smal pets welcomýe. 668-3640. BRIGHT, CLEAN, 2ý-bedroom, apt. Separate enàtrance', parking,. 4-pce. bath, 'laundry, cabËle,. and utilities included. ' $700/month.ý Avaiable immediately. 430-1972. CARETAKER POSITION. Mature couple wanted as live-in caretaker for- quiet. triplex ]n N.W.* Whitby for Dec'embeir 1. 3-bed- reom, fridge, stove, utilities includ- xed. $875/mýonth. No pets. Refer-ý ences please. Cal Ron, Barsi. 434-5J?22. Remiax Rotlection -Realty, Ino. BROOKUN, NEWLY, decorated 2- bedroom apartment. Fridge, stove, parking. Close te ail conveniences. $650 + ýhydre. Phone 655-4544, (or oves. 655-8989). W.HITBY -LARGE '1-bedroom, priate.,' Fridge, steve,- 4-pc. bathrooim.'laundry, 2-car parking. New carpets. Close to GO. 14 fi. x 25fi. living room. Dec. 1 possession. $600 + «V3 hydre. 655-4120.- WHITBY- SHARE spaclous new home-,with.,on. or. two working people. No pets. Non-smoker. 666-8590. WHITBY - AVAILABLE, immedi- a1tely. .Share home with ,2 *te 3 oth'ers. Laundry -facilifties. $350/ month. Cali 430-7103, weeknights, 8to il1 p.m.»ý1 CROSS CANADA MARKETPLACE, IT'S FAST -TS EASYI ONE CALL, ONE BULL. DOES IT ALL. cullona5danfor Hme»eMd Bu*wm Sigtchefis .Docks -,Gazebos *Addltlons, etc. ZetsCosm tiu-65 54418 WIIITBYe- MAIN FLOOR et brick heuse. 3 bedrdoms, patio, fencdd y ar'2-cr aking. Near GO. 0 Fridge tee aundry, 'storage $80+ / hydre. Available ONE-BEËDROOM APTr. fer rentin downtown Whftby. 668-7775. SPACIOUS 2-,BEDROOM, close te Oshawa CentrelCrvic. Laundr, -cable, utilties & parking, included. Avalable iffmmdiately. $750, month. Mark,404-9670. HOUSE,APARTMENT FOR RIENDM Il you had advertised here,. 1.0008 like you would be readlng this niow. WHY RENT.-wheny ou can own your own. home for less than'you thinkl Cal Day. or Diane Haylock, Sales Reps., ReMax . Summit Realty (1991) Ltd., 668-380'0.- AJAX EXECUTIVE HOME near lake,, 2 000+ sq. ft. Four bedrooms, Florida kitchen, »double 'garage. Avallblé, lmmebdiateljr. Rent $1,90/ont, pus ý,ut!iiis.Call 698-6243 after 5>p.m. AVAILABLE' IMMEDIATELY@, .- O-lder 2-sterey, '2-bedroom. Noed , eani* Big yard. $695oime~h, WIITBY CENTRAL townhouse, 3- bedroom, 5 appliances. -Includes :A/C, parking.- Hydre, ýýýwater 1included. First & last., Available early ýNovembor. Reference S. $1,075. Caîl collect .1-705-,789-1497 (or668-729,8 afterNovember 1). » .a

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