IRENE SCOTT Té my wife, Irene Scott, HAPPY ANNIVERSARYl Our farrily has grown: Craig; Cheryl and Sandra, their husbands David and Keriy, and grandchildren Mallory & Mathew Daman of Acton, and Dinna & Bryoe 0'Hare of Port Perry. Love as always, Jim. Open House for Ralph Mowbray 95th blrthday, FWerds, relatives welcome. 2 to 4 p.m. Saturday,, Nov, 14, 1992 le, Queen St.: Brooklin THE'NINTH MARIGOLD Christ- mas *Craft Show, Whitby's first one-of-a-kind sale. Sunday, Nov- ember 8, 920 - 3:30,'at t he Hey- denshore Paviion, Water St. , Port Whitby. -Admission $1. Percentage ef doorproceeds te be donated te the Crisis Centre. MARK VOUR CALENDARS! The Bowmanville High Sohool *is the place-te be te find that unique Christmas g ift. The Christmas Presence Country Collectables Craft Show & Sale. November 15,. 10 - 5. 985-1616, 985-0572. CHRISTMAS CRAFT SHOW& sale. Many gift ideas.'1018 McCul- lough Drive, Whitby. Nov. 6, 10:00 - 8:00. Nov. 7,'10:00 - 8:00. Nov. 8, 10:.00 - 6:00. "THE .TORCHKMEi"' from St. Catherines will be nin .concert* at Burns Church, Ashburn, on Sunday evenig Noyember 15, at 720. The Torchmen Quartet has been ratedas Canadas ne. 1 Gos- pel MaIe Qùartet'for several years. Aise, The Torchmen Band have the honour of being voted the best back-up band by the Canadian Gospý1el Music Association for many years. This promises te be an excelent concert. A warm welcome is extended te everyone. Offering. Social time folîowinp the concert. mEUIIK A new sister for .Danielle and Corey! Nicole Lynn wasbom Oct. 12, 1992 at 5:27a.m., weighing 8lbs., 12oz. Aspecial thanks to Dr. Cairns, Dr. Fry and staff at Oshawa General. GIVE THE I GIFT 01 F LIFE INTERLOCK REPAIR & SEAL. Re-level sunken-areas, weed removal, etc. -Reasonable' rates, quality workmanship. 668-2742, evenings. SPANKY'S PROPERTY Main- tenance. Snowblowing for resident- ial ^driveways. Please call, before November -15, 1992. Seniors' dis- count. Odd jobs, garbage disposai. 668-6803. mr. rim Iawn and garden service Bock now for yeur fal dean up, snow remeval and garden winterizing FREE ESTIMATES 434-9428- 623'-9711 DONNA ELAINE MITCHIELL graduated with Honours Degrce Bachclor of Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University. LOST: FEMALE, leng-haired, charcoal-grey cat, 4,years aId, in the Kirby Cres. area.*Answers te 'Smoke*. Child's pet. Reward. 576-662 after 5 p.m. COMPATIBLE, COMPANIONS Connection singles'~ social club is now meeting 7*.q> p.m. on Satur- days fer our social actlivities. Cal 430-7022. BAHA'IS BELiEVE: Love is heaven's kindîy light, the Holy Spirits eternal breath that vivffieth the human seul. For information and discussion, caîl 668-8665. SINGLE & UNATTACHED? Join over 200 single people. every $unday at ,Singles 'WorId in Thp-- Corral, 433Simcoe Si. S., Oshawa. Durham Region's only 'Sunday dance exclusively. for singles. Information: 623-7007.' PSYC HIC & SPIRITUAL ADVIOR Monclay f0 Frlday 9a.m.-tô9m. CORPORATION-0F THE TOWN> 0F WH-ITBY PLANNING DEPARTMVENT NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETINGý Monday, November 16, 1992, @ 7:.30 p.m«. Meeting Hall, Whitby Munici peai Building" 575, Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario A Public, Meeting wilI be held, by the Planning Mid Development Committee of Council of the Cooaton cf, theTown -of Whitby tý' consider a proposed amendmnent to the Regional, and Town of WhitW. Officiai Plans, and a zoniing amendment application; file numbems OPA, 92-W/9 and Z-674-92 as submitted by Nor-Arrn Developments Limnited. The subjéot prperty là located'south cf Wentworth Street "and west cf Tickson Road Sduth in Part of Lot 21, Brok~en Front Concesslon -as identitled on the sketch below. i4 NTIS The ,purposeoqf the applicahton la te redignate and rezonie thé là ndsý firm l ndustnial te Medium Density Residential, te permit,.. the development cf approximately 275 to 300 townhouse units. The purpose cf this meeting is te provide adequate inform-iation to ýthie public and te permit interested persons the 'opportunity te mrake representation in respect of the Official Plan amendment and rezi>ning application. If you are unable ta attend the meetin, you representation can be fled in wniting by, mail_ or personal deivery te reach the Planning Departrnent net later than reular working heurs eon November 23,,1992. lnterested persons mayinspeot aciditional information relating te th aboe aplcatonin ôh Planning Departmnent, Leel 7, Whitb Municipal Building, 575 Rossîand - a East, Whitby,, Ontario LN 2M8, during regular working heurs, Mondaà y te Friday,. or May contact the Planning Department by telephoning (416) 668-58031. ROBERT B. SHORT DIRECTOR 0F PLANNING PER NL .ONS from i$1,000 aR up orAiy pupqsà Quick aprvals.46-804 T IN KS TO THE SACRED 'arteôf Jesur, aid St. Jude for f vours receivoo. MC. THANKS'TO, THE.'.SACRED Heart of Jesusà and St. Jude for faveurs received. 'D.B. THANKS TO Sacred IHeart and St. J ude. -AUCI0NEERS Th oopl oWhllby and surroundlng dreas enjoy attendng auction sales. Lot thom k= aot your next saisbV adveflhsln In lhe most widely rsad pages ln Whlt>y - The. Whltby Fres Proe lss. Wed& a. cao 668-6111 i ................. ................. W4. ........... fi pli 4 I CORPORATION 0F THE ..... .. TOWN 0F. WHITBY CONTRACT TENDER W93-25 Printing of RecreatIon Activity BrochureS Tenders for the above will be received by Ginny Leck, Purchasing Agent. until 2:00 p.m.. 1edn/9daV. Nevember 18 1992 for the 1993 Spr=/umer and 1934 Fafl/inter Recreation Activity Specications and tender forms are available at the Town cf Whitby, Treasury Department, '575 Ressland Road East, Whitby,' Ontario., Telephone <416> 668-5803, extension 236. Lowest or any tender net necessarilyaccepted. GINNY LOCK PURCHASING AGENT ff-77- : - ý -,W- < . > -Yl- Muffl mý m