Whitby Free Press, 4 Nov 1992, p. 5

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Whitby Free Press. -Wenesday, November 4, 1992, Page 5 Whty,'sridings go opposite inrferendum> vote By Mke Kowaild Residents , of Whitby's two federal'ridings were of differing iide lu laet week's referendum. Any attenipt by Whitby council te Iimnit the ý.number cof "g roup homes ina neighbourhoodwill encounter etrong opposition. The administrator of a, non- profit"o rganization 'whIch oprtstwô 'Whitby grâUR homes or mentally dsbe adultei, will fighft retrictions on. the number of facilities, in on.' area. *Nancy Roïborough, executive director of :Whitby Ail Saints Residence - Corp. says .council would be wrong it it places limite on group homes.- She promises te oppose such a move at, a public meeting on the issue te be held later tis year or early'1993. «I q»will ,b. -there> te'speak againat the ý>motion.-..this ile people zoning, not planning,»' charges Roxborough.'ý ' «Wether they're (group home residents) disabled shculd have no bearinïg on it.» Roxborough was referring te a public meeting, called by couhcil In September, te review the. sta- tue o1goup homes in the muni- cipaity. Co Çuncil directed ite -planning and development committee te Id.,pu nOrth Oshawa and the mumipaites0f ewcs tle and Scugogtherewee 80691elg- ible voter. hold, the meeting foll11owing reiPt -of a,30-naine petition in opoition te n.Al Saints' home on Dundas St. Thecorporation recently 'Moved into the building at, 501 <Dundas St. E.- because its formner. facility on Coîborne St. waas old. Col borne Houa. whc a. capacIfor imn. adulte, is on. cf two rop. homes operated by Al Saints nder the naine Coîborne ]Residential Services. S McKay Houae. is a 17-b.d home on Byron-St. S. which ha. been uaed, by - Ail Saints aince September 1990. -It had pre- viously been privately owned and operated. Although opponents cf the group home relocation told coun-, cil ý they -do nent- object te the' concept, only. the number allowed i one. are; Roxborough hba. ,her. doubts. "Pm a little uncomfortable with the feeling that th.y shouldn't b. in on. are;' said Rôxborough. "There's not a lot cf properties that are zoned correctly (permit- tinou home), we have Roxborough said the cor- Soration looéked .at «over 40 ornes» before moving inte Col- borne Houa.. "Most times w. were stymied by the.zoning," said Eiborougtx, adding that the board lias neither the time nor resouroes te file rezoqnng applications with the municipai-ty. Stressing that she was speak- ing-personally a"dnot-for tIi Al Saints' board cf directors, Roi- borough termed the, matter a "human rights-issue" and doub- ted that moat objections arecf a planningnature. «Coiborne Houa. is a three- bedroom home. Yf the-y stop you> fromi moving in it's really because cf the peo'ple who liv. there, not the (actuàl) house.».. - Councillor'Jo. Drumm, plan- ninq comnittee. chair, said the subject cf -ou homes is a "'con- troversial ana mieunderstood' issue in Whitby. He said council opted for a public meeting in order te let al aides cf the debat. have imput. âne . thinlcng e eshouldn't have toc many (homwee) tegether but the people who p ut it homeý toe.ther have problema finding suitable locations,» said Drumm. '"Tey often have te b. tegether a.-a reeult,» he added. Drummnrn emphaaized that the cf the meeting is, "not'te à sots at group homes,» but te arrive at a consensus a. te SEE PAGE 31 *Oflicial resuits" from the Oct. 26 ývote show'-.that' while people livihg in Ontarjo riding souppor- ted te'.Charlottetown Accord, their fneighbours in Durham'rid- .inr -jcted the deal. lib erwere, 117,226 lfim voters in .Ontarlo ridin~w~c takes in'the towns of jax and Pickering and the Town of Whitby, south of Taunton Rd. A totalof 86,838 people (74.07 perdcent) chose to'vote in Ontario riding last Monday. .Overaîl resuits ln the riding show that 46,064 people voted Yes; 40,386 voted .No and 388, ballots were spoiled. In the. Wlutby portion cf the riding there were 37,934 eligible votera and 28,197 (74.3 per cent) cast, ballots. There were 14,882 Yes vote:s 13 199 No votes and 116 spoile bahots. In Djurham riding, which ini- cludes Whitby north of Taunton A total of 61,223 votes (75.8 per cent) were cast. There were 30,428 Yes votes;, Eo~~THE1 30 522 No votes and 273 spoiled ballots. In the 'Whitby portion of the riding there were .2,897 eliRible votera and 2,189 (7,5.5 per céent) votes caat. There .were 1,085, Yes> votes- 1i095 No votes and nine spnoileci IVERA AYTSV N CELEBRATION 0F OUR [FURST YEAR ANNIVERSARY} AT OUR NEW'LOCATION 1. Compiete Pair of Singie -VWIion Giaýssel* ... $ 79.0 2,., oempiete Pair of Lined Bifocai lsss;..414 .0 3. Compiete Pair of Progressive Giasses* ....$24900 4. Buy One Pair of- Rx Giasses tram Rig. Stock and'Get Second Pair at H'if Pi 5. Soft Contact Lenses with Visitnt $790 (Fitting Fe. flot included) Aboya specials are flot inconjunction with any other ciscounts. *Selected'trames with plastic lenses Up to + or -4. WHITBY OPTICAL (MGA PLAZA) Downtown Whitby 666-3831 Offers expire Deemffber 31/92. EVELYN GOWLANDs tde was judged as the wack- iest in- the 'Wacky Tue' contest heid by the Town of Whitby empioyees as a United Way.fundraiser. Gowiand, from, .,the, parks and rec department, won a preferred -customer card from Kreb's Restaurant.' Photo by Mattew StOIR < <Free Presa Co.-op'atudont We'dilike to Introduce & welcome ROSE formeriy of Valenino's imes are changîng and so are we... Strands has moved ta our exciting new location. We're inviting ail our friends and clients to join us at... 1>09 Byron St. S. Whitby Cal! or drop by and see for yourself 666-0550- 'I ___ 'I

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