Whitby Free Press, 11 Nov 1992, p. 13

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Whitby Free Press, Wednesday, November il. 1992, Page 13 .~x.::..::.:.............: Staff at Whit- by Gneral, Hos- ta will add a à it Of Canadiana to their United' Way.canpagn activities wth a 'Proud ,te hob Canaciare day on Fiidiay'Nov. 13. The order of dress or the, day is, of course, red and whiite. A pcaOanad'an' menu is being plannadwith $*fom the sal o eah etree being :donated te United Way. <A day *off with pay bas been a hot-selling. raffle item over the p ast few weeks, and United Way campaign chair Jim Souch will ho on hand during lunch te draw the name of the lucky employee.-ý, The 'Proud to e Canadian' day is the last of a "series of special events tli7at began hack ini early Octeber with a Mexican day célebration and bas incluàd weekly 50/501 draws and a bowl-a-thon held on Nov. 7. "Thesekidndsof events,, along wit1h the payroll deduction progi mbeing offered, should lead to a succesaful camipa!gn effort" saoud WGH camnpaign commnittee member Ga.ie Calder. "Our goal is $3,000 and Prelimýinar indications are that we will reah that objective," she said. Residents of Whitby Gen eral Hospital's second-floor continuing, care uni t will hold their annual holiday hazaar on Thursday,ý Novr.- 19 from >1:30 to 4,, p.mÊ. in,, the second floor dining room. Mission,, Festival at St.,Mairk's St. Mark's United Church on6r Centre St.'in Whitby will b ost a two -day Missio,'nFèstivalo Saturday, Nov. 14 -and Sunday, Nov. 15. The focus 'w'l><ho on 'Information and e'Celebration'ý and the theme'je 'Followers of Jesus ... Partnersin the World. , ', During the Mission Fosetivalè St. Mar"' will be exiploing .,tho connection betweon siritualand' social. action; célebratng involvre- eJaycees ý-hôld' training, sessioný On Thursday, Nov. 26, the Whitby Junior Chaznber of Commorce/Jaycees .will ho holding. a training session for ail membors' of an organization who operate, with a board of diroctors or a working comnittee. Jaycees will discuss the proper hierarchy of an organization-with a salariod- employee anéýa simple but effective committee. Jaycees will .aiso look at the' organizationof a proper working agenda, how to write fundraising proposais' and how- te run an effective meeting using 'Robert's Rulesof Order.' The course instructor will ho JCI senator John Morrison, president of Rosdwar-Morrison Funeral, Home Ltd. of Toronto. Morrison has sat on,.a, number of boards over the last 20 years, including_ six yeau s With the Toronto Junior Board ofTr'ade. He is a past president of the junior board, -the Metro Toronto ý& District Funeral' . Directors- Association, and the. Guaranteed Funeral Deposits- of Ontario. . The coýurse, w*ill takeplace,â Jackson's Touch of Class banquet hall at 6-1610 McEwen Dr. in Wbitby, beginning at.7 p.m. The cost of the 'courseý will be $12.50 which will include handouts, refreshments plus the latest edition 'of 'heNewý. Robert'sRules of Order'by Mary A. De Vries. For mùoreinforation, calilJun Bradfield at 668-1529., Corrctio In last week's edition, an incor- rect date was given for an upcoming craft sale at Camp Samac. The sale, -a fundraiser for the United-Wfa, will be beld on Saturday, ov 8. The Freée Press wishes te, apo- logize for the error. Chý PfFroi Countr Catch the and fi Novi .10:* Bol HIl mient, as Christians in the 'world; brining p 1pleof il ages together; fostering a spirit' of The festival ' wiIl be held' on Saturday from. 1 te) 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.xn., and Sunday, 8:30 a., te 1:30 p.m. A wide ran e of progranis and activities are pianned for al ages, incudig children's acti u'i 'vities and Presentationis- and workshops wVill take place -and highlight Outreach Mission, (Canada' worlng ijn Yorea), Canadian Dvlopmnt Assistance in ndnsa ad native,Canacian issues. Saturday night, will offer a spi musical production for childen, 'Please Dont Send me te Afica,' presented, by the St. Mark's Youth Grou p. The Mission Festival will offer plenty of' oppcirýtunity. for fellowship -and various mission/ outreach and stewardship displays and exhibits. *A spocil pancake breakfast is planned for Sunday at 8:30 a.m. .Missionary Rev. Quang il Lee from South Korea-ý will ho the guest speaker, and bis sermon is entitled 'My Experience Hore in Canada.! For more information,, contact the church, office at 668-3091. REFORMRThank You, PMT 0FCAPADACanadclians For, yaiciating, so enthusiastically in the national constitutional referendum. If you voted YES,flot because you were, told to, but because you honestIy beIieved that this would help unite the country, thank you for your faith and generosfty. If you voted NO, flot for narrow or self ish reasons, but because y ou honestly beiieved the Charlottetown Accord was a bad deal for Canada, thank you for expressing the courage of your convictions. ýNOW LET'S MOVE FORWARD TOGETHER! Let's give highest priority to policies and programs that Iead to more.i jobs and iower taxes. Let's cati a haît to the processes and first ministers' conferences that ,produced. the Meech Lake'and Charlottetown Accord. Lets make the. institutions àrîd policies of our federal goverfiment more responsive to the',interests -and concerns of the Canadian people. We have begun the process of taking. back our country. Thank you. <For more Information on a positive program te brlng about a new and botter Canada, please contact: DON. SULLIVAN, CANDIDATE ONTARIO RIDING 290 Harwood Ave., S., P.O.- Box 21081, Ajax, Oritarlo Li S 7H2' Cail: (416) 686-0278 Fax: (416) 428-3839. Notice of Liquor, Licence Application The followingý establishment has appiied to the Liquor Licence >Board of Ontario for a lîquor licence under the ILIquor Licence Act: Application for Addltlonal Faclities Classy 's 129 Brock Street North, Whitby (indoor area). Any resident of the municipaiity maymake written submission as,,to whether the issuance of the licence is in'the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents. Sublmissions must be received no late'r than December 11, 1992. Copies'of submissions wili be given to the applicants. Please'include your name and address on ail correspondence. Submissions to be sent to: Lîquor, Licence Board of Ontario ILlcenslng and Permîts Branch 55 Lake Shore Blvd. E., Toronto ON M51E 1A4 Fax: (416) 326-0308 (5)Ontario m Our Ha'nds .. To YourHeart" r-y Collectables Craft Show & Sale spmt of an Old Fashioned Christmas 'id.that unique one-of-a-kind gift. ember 15, 1992 :00AM to5:00OPM WMAN VILLE ,, GH SCHOOL Admission: $1. Chidren under 12:.FREE Snack Bar - Door Prizes - Info: 985-1616 "Funds raised from the bazaai are, used te cover the cost of entertairnent, community outings -and craft supplies," says Anita Couch,: , the, hoepital's recreational therapfist "who, added that more than $1,000 was ralsed last year. 1'0ealso, welcome' donations such as baked goods, white elephant items, books and crafts," she -said. presents JIMy FRASER: Th One -Mani Boogie Band Thu, rsday Nov.i 2th' SUNDAT NI&HT JAZZ BAN:D Sunday.,Nov.l5th, 10 -mel i. 401& ; .L Rd.*455-1, ristmas'Presence

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