Whftby Fee Press, Wecdiesday. November 18,1992,, Page 29 Meranda-Waters HENRY ST. H.S. This paët- week as everyone surely knows was midtrmwek. Luckily, 'everyone at, Henry students and teachers, surviveci the fter-effects of s tudying and preparing for the series- of tests tbat took place on, Nov. 12 and Nov. 16. Thou gh some lice te think so, there bave nover been any casualties during midterm week, and tbis year was no different. Now that ail tbat studying is, done, you can put your.feet up and 'relax. Not! You situdied endlessly, showed, up on Tlhuraday/Monday, wrote your test(s), se wbat more could there possibly be? Theresulta, of course. No need te worry tbough. If you knew your stuff going inte the exam, cbances are your mark will reflect tbat. If not, the only consolation tbat I can give you is tbat airfare te Timbuictu is quit. reasonable tbis time of year.. Midterms at Henry haven't crushed any of our spirit as new clubs- and teams bave been ,peigup everywhere.\If you're iooing to I sne spat.e time, why not -comne out and join the senior boys' basketball teai, the senior'girls' volleyba]1 team or the wrestling teazn? IfV you're more inte. winter activities, then bit the slope wth the ski club or the dowiilralg Soo-Luen Tom team, or lace up your s3kates for the Hawks hockey'team. Drop in on a meeting* of, the Henry Christian Feilowship or become a writer, photographer or artist for the achool newspaper, if you prefer to stay in the warm indoors. It's obvious, tlat Henry has something or everyoné. "But why should I jo.in a school teamn or club when I could oit at, home and watch reruns of Gilligan's Island?" you asic. Imagine the feeling the senior boys' volleyba]l team got after defeating .McLaughlin and Donevan to put them in the LOSSA championship against Dunbarton, last weelc. Or imagine the teamwork that goos ito winning two tournaments and making it te the LOSSA quarter-finals, as did the junior boys' volleybail teamn; or placing fourth overall and qualifying for LOSSA as did the senior girls' volleyball this year. Folks, that's something that the Skipper, the Professor, Ginger, Marianne, the Howells and Gilligan just can't give you. Is it beginning te sound like Fim stuck on one topic? Well, I amn, but Wes bard not te be when there are so many great activities that you could be a part of. So, quikjon Hnr cubor tam today, and get in on the action. Students desîgn Color Your World symbols DURHAM COLLEGE interior design students Dana Crane (leit) and Jody Tippett each won $,l OO gift certificates from Color Vour World for. symnbols they designeci for the store's training program. Photo by Mark Reesor. Whitby Free Pres School exchange opportunities > available SEVEC, the Society for Educational Visite and %xchanges in Canada, still b as funds available to. subeidize a sub- s tantial poton'of transportation codet fo group exchahiges etenOntario and Quebec students. SEVEC is looking for groupa of Ontario students and their teachers who wvant to exchange with Quebec students'. Students would take turns hosting one another, sharing their homes,, fanililies, cultures and languages. Applications - froni elementary sohools are particu- larly encouraged. Schools wantig more infor- mation about the subsidized School Year Group Exchange program should contact SEVEC directly at. 1-800-38-SEVEC and do it now before time and sunbs'iiesF& n out. SEVEC' is a national, not-for-poft association, with moeta 5years! of experience, whose mission is to croate enriching opportunities for youmg Canadians te évlpmuta respect and understanding through programs of exploration in language and culture. For more information, contact Valerie Deane, director of . rgas, SEVEC, 57 Auriga Dr., epean, Ont. K2E 8B2, telephone 1-800-38-SEVEC, facsiniile (613) 998-7094,. Ontarlo Seholars OntrioScholr Henry Street Andrew Beinhart Kathryn Bherer Jocelyn Bremner Jennier Chapmnan Chistopher Chorosteckl Tanya Clarke Nathan me*r Heather Davs Chaffottie Emeneau KimbeuyFaulkner Lise French. SunayGPandhi Crstina Guidotti Cheiyl Gummerson William Hiic Bradley Jacques Trina Joyce PçeIrKerr Dadlene Km Anhony Laskowslcy Mernnr Macias Nicole Marois St-phen McArde Jonathan Mitchell Nicola Mitchell Markt Muldlowney Cassadra Newell Jason atters Tna rinceono Melanie Riddeil Jettery Schwartzenhauer Ajay Singh Eà iS Skeihome JenniferSpry Jeffery Taylor Luinda Tompson WendylThompson .............................................Sean Chamber Peter Kalnay PeterTudejy JefferyTriiam Amolle Vielidce Ncole Washineon Scon Wlmason Tanya WOi.MR Greor Wood MndusYan- Gayb'Yetman otos rat a"al Andrachuk j Mak Davies Lauie Kahler Damne CUHegio