Whitby Free Press, 18 Nov 1992, p. 6

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Page 6, Whltby Fee Pisa, Wecfresday, November 18, 1992 The only Whitby Newspaper owned andjoperated by Whitby resîdents for Whitby residents! Published every Wednesday by 677209 Ontario fmc. at 131 Brock St. N, Whitby, Onitario LI N 5,1M Phone 668-6111 Toronto Line. 427-1834 DougAnderson - Publisher Maurice Pither - Editor Alexandra Martin - Production Manager 2nd Glass Postal Registration #05351,1 mo the eimnr. Bill, 40defender, mi ssed the point To the Editor: In reply to. Donald M. Warne's most elegant lttér printed in The Free Press (Nov. 1V92), maybo 1 cen concede to him that Bill 40 has its usefulness in the -dealings between unions, large corporations and goverment. l-owévei, Mr. Waine has regretfully mlssed the point that the yajoy f péoplé..in Ontario are emloed by small businessés that are solely financed by entrepreneurs who have put at ris k evérything they own In order to ralse the capital required to operate their 'companiés. Mr. Warne apparently bolievés that, with no financial risk attachéd, the unions should bo émpoweréd to dictate the terms upon whlch their membérs are to *be employed and, alter being émployed, should they ý.-bécomne dissatisfied withherworking conditions, bé allowed to go on strike and financially.bankiupt the company Into subm ission -- ail this without allowing the financial backers the opportunity to protect their investment. i wonder if Mi. Warne would-bo so ready to accept Bill 40 if this p legisiation, in tuin, contained a clause that stated unions would bo legally compelled to share ln any ioss that a company sustains due ta excessive demands belng To the EdItor: Ré: Whitby Library décision nat ta stock 'Sex.' .Madonna's 'Sex' dosa not bélong. in thé ibrary. R la blatant, soft-core pornogiaphy in its moat "1ý Charter of Rights and Freedams was neyer inténded ta piatect matérial that condonés and pramates violent crimes againat anl ygroup. Pornography le an abuse of fres speech. Pornography endorses thé idea that sexual pleasuré is attalnsd by deihumenizing Cthers as a means ta achieve self- gratification., Poinography is about domination. Poînography ie always against lntimacyad it lea inhersntly anti-érotic. Mi. Justice Sopinka ai thé Suprême Court ai Canada stated, "If true equality between mals and female persans ls ta bé achisved, wé cannot aford ta *ignoie thé threat ta equality résufting tram éxposuré to audiences ai certain types of violent and degrading matérial. Matériels portraying women as a clas, as objecta for sexual exploitation and abuse havé négative impact on thé individua's sensé of 'wéf-worth and acceptancé.* Sopinka goes on ta say, wThé objective ai avokding thé harm placed on* it by the union or the withdrawing of its labour force. 1 *suggest that the bargalning process la better served when both sides have something to lose." I suspect that Mr. Warne's indomitable opinion wouId suifer a major course correction should he ever decide to venture out from behind the protective '.Aanket off a union and put up his persona] p roperty as collatéral with the bank and stafl his own company. In closing, I wiIl make the point that the most efficient, profitable company ln North American this year was a non-union. shop. Lin coin Electric in Ohio l8 a piecework shop wheîo the employees are paid individually for the quantity and quality that each producés. In other words, an efficient worker earns fai more than a Iazy worker. That'aafar cry from that of the typical trade union Indoctrination that they are entitled to receive as much as *possible for as littie as possible. I arn wllling to bot Mi. Warne also believes ln the existence of money trees and that the government has an orchard of themn ready to harvest to pay the unéemployed. Robert J. HIggs >BrockIin associatéd with thé dissémnination of pornography ln this case (Butler décision) is suficiently pressing and substantial to warrant somé restrictions on thé full exércise of the îight ai fresdom of expression." This éditorial taiks about féminiat oppression and thé right to poinography by expression. Let me clarify that theré are two camps on this issue of pornographic expression; thé othér view being tht pornography continués ta oppress women through visual expression, ideology arnd its undsrlying philosophy. Also. a vast- majormty of 'déféndéis' of pain continuousiy overlook that it is pure séxismn in thé rawest form. Did you know theré are more autlets for hard-cors pornography in North America than thérs are McDonalds restaurants. This book is an attémpt ta mainstream thé acceptance of pornagraphy. Rt is an attsmpt ta legitimnat ize, glamorize and ultimately desénsitizé thé masses ta thé éffecta of pamnogiaphy. Thé choicé is not between pornography and censorship. Thé choicé la betwesn civil rights and civil résponsibility. Wé COmménd thé local library on their decison. Susan Shetler Co-founder People Against Pcrnography Lick Pond By Stephen G. Leahy NI don't like it ... but. we have to meét the developér halfway,n states councillor Dennis'Fox. Counclilor Dîumm agrees, "This la the bést we can do." "The developer owfl5\ It He should have the. right to devéiop It," asserts councillor Battén.' SThe Issue: The development of 12 acres ai wetiand and meadow suîrounding Lick, qond. Background: ,Lick Pond Is one ai the last. remainlng naturalareas within the urbail aiea of Whitby.. For many years, inature lovera have énjoyed this little piece af wildeiness containing somé 92 different species of birds, plus fish, amphibians and amaîl mammals. in the wintér, resideits ofai al a ges have I locked to énjay the pleasure of skating in the frssh outdoor aWi, rather than in a damp and musty arena. h 'was only last winter when the developer, Whitby Estates Ltd.,. applisd to rezone the aiea In order to build 39 townhousés and a 27,000 sq. *f. plaza around the pond and maîshiand. The resuit: The developer and Town council have settled on 36 townhouses and a low-rise, 10000 sq. t. office toweî. In" éxchange for thé îezoning of Lick Pond, thé pond itself and' some of the marshland wilI bo donated to the Town to be Ire- naturaiizsd' after the devélopment la completed. The winners: Whitby, Estates Ltd. Some time ago, Whitby Estatés Ltd. bought thé Lick Pond lands cheap bocause they were not zoned for residential, commercial or offi!ce use. Whatevei would a developer want with somé meadows, marsh and a pond that was zonedas open space? No zoning is written in atone, uspecially in a pro-devélopment municipality. What was once, tromn the deveiopé's point ai view, worthless f ield and swamp, will become 36 houss for sale and a nice ongoing incarné from 40,000 sq. f. of office space...1 Whitby Estatea is thé owner of thé Lick Pond site. But what they bought waa 12 acres of méadow, marsh and pond. Town council, thé planning departmént and even thé OBMV ailowed them to develop thé site. No one, not even developers, has thé right ta deveiop thé land théy own as they see fit. That Is one of thé basic principlés, of eny democratic communlty. That Is why thé citizens of this Town spénd their monéy onr a planning and devélopment committée. Peihaps counicllor Batten la telhing us we are wasting oui monéy having him and, other mebrsat on that committée? The losers are thé local résidents and ail thé wildlife of Lick Pond. For manyyas ésdnts av told councilthéymdid'na'twant hLck Pond devélopsd. They did want hl better caréd for but thé Town was not intsrested sincé thé Iand was ownéd by thé déveloper. Thé developér was only interssted in rezoning. f garbagé accumulated around thé pond,,well, that wouldn't hurt their application. And when résidents f inalîy got tlred ai spsnding their évenînga atténding meetings, what was a forégone canclusion réached its logical end. Thé wildiife will now undergo deveiopment' and then 're-naturalization.' R is doubtfui that many of thém wlil survive Oui tenercas.Some ai thé hardier ones may stay on, but thé diversity that was once thére will no longer To the édItor: Since éariy this. year, whén 1 becamé ilnvolvéd in protesting against thé pioposed 4OV407 ftresway link west ai Whitby, I bécamée involvéd in maittrs concérning subsldized Co- opérative townhausés, high density buildings, and group homes planned for thé town ai Whitby. 1 have recéntly been in hospital wheré my cardiologiat wamed me against thé -ettect thèse activitiés were having an my hsalth, and hé prescribed medication ta countéract thèse éffecta.. I now have ftive différent prescriptions which I také dmily and this disturbs Me. Today 1 took an objectivé look at myseif, and found thatI1 have becomé cynical,. sarcastic, bitter and have a mean spurt. i realize. that in thé p ast yéari have arguéd, cajaied, accused and strésaed people whén- 1 wantd Information or assistance, or féit exist. Rt wilI no longer bo a little bit cf wildeiness In the mlddle of Whitby. It wIIl bé some Town planner's idea of.a 'naturai Park.' Summary: For hundreds of years we have treated oui lands like a commodity, to bo boug ht, sold and transformed as we ike.' Acioss Durham, lands that were once filled with lufe are now gravel pit deseits, Industrial waste sites, pa>inglots., or cmialy-saturated farmland. Wé usandabuetelndadmv us ndf bsete-lnlndm. When Whitby Estatés is finished building, they,,w11 mové on and find other farrnland or natural areas to dévelop. In'<ivé or 10 yéars, today's Town councillors wilI be gone. Even Mi. Short, will retire one day. ln 10 or 20 yéars. who willlbé theré to bo held accountable for the ruin of Lick Pond? Many years fîom n ow, local résidents will bé telling, stories about how tle pond used to be -a littie bit. of wildeiness. And some wide-eyed youngster wlll ask, "Why couldn't you'leave it thé way It was?" Opinions expressed are those of the aut hor. thât -sorne had overstepped. their mandate or authority. I havé sald thlnigs that I do -not meen, and 1 had comfe ta believé that. ail, politiciens and eloctied ~officiais had ,ufteérior motives in ail that théy did. I do not like what I sée myseli becoming. According Iy, 1I'am cioslng al direct invoivéments and I shail hand avér' ail my files and correspandence ta ýthé newly- foimed Otter Creék Home Owners Association at -thé éarlieat opportunity. I will continué ta, prvide whatévér support I cen, btoly in a passive and perhaps advisory capacity, if réquired. Whén R cornés ta rny héalth, rny family, and my frienda, Whitby, its charm and quality ai Jlie. must bo defendéd by athers younger then I. My thanks taaJil thase dedicated people whase enthusiasm and support have been invaluable ta me. Rab Burges. Whltby mm the Iast wilderness Library commended for no 'Sex' decision Otheërs mustdetend Whitby's quality "of lite Viewpoint

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